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Posts posted by romavillan

  1. Bent the only player that is worth talking about in that first half..

    Warnock can **** right off.

    nah, we've looked good going forward full stop, cisse great finish but **** lucky it sat so nice for him after a good intervention from ireland. warnock OG was horrible. they've had 2 shots. we've bossed this game and are behind. lots of positives just really unlucky so far. we REALLY need to win this, and we can.

  2. still 5 of the bench are homegrown, how great is that? the team looks good enough to beat the R's lets just hope that the atmosphere isn't as poisonous at VP as it has been. we need some confidence on the ball and a good start, might have been an idea to start with bannan and gardner, maybe lichaj too ;) at least they'd have no fear and everything to prove...

  3. mental 15 minutes, hutton belting it off walcott was the suicidal part really, although no need for the two tackles for the 2 penalties. shame we looked good in parts. the training ground routine for the first was great, bents finish was incredible (harder than his first effort).

    not sure how much AM can do about snap decisions like that. he could have brought on the youngsters after the 3rd went in to have a go with fresh legs a bit sooner. bannan showed great vision a few times when he came on. we missed a chance late on.

    great game, and AM sent out a good team set up well on the counter that on another day might have done the job. can't see much to beat AM with after that game to be honest!

  4. don't suppose anyone fancies swapping skype names, calling me with the radio up so i can hear too? ;)

    so hope we get through to the semis

    It's online comms on Radio WM on iplayer.

    Link WM

    ah thankyou, working fine here in italy too.

    just gone behind though, against the run of play they are saying. come on we can still do this.

  5. very much so, he has the makings of a very good player, he had a massive blow when his knee got crocked and hopefully now he can come back to some form at leeds. eiter for the end of the season with us or to get back here for a full pre-season to kick on start of next season.

  6. to be fair he's young and could have just been trying to say he'd love to play week in week out up at leeds to get his head right and get back into the form he had before he knackered his knee.

    surely it's understandable to be chuffed to be back home? i'm in italy now and i love going back to brum every now and again ;) doesn't mean that once his head is sorted and he has his confidence back he can't come back and be a model professional for us.

  7. it might sound harsh but it is a fair point. Van Persie can miss an easy one but he's got more than enough brownie points stacked up in his favour for it to not matter (in terms of whetehr his place would be questioned) and of course he scored later (van Persie).

    Anyway, the original point is valid. I though Gardner had a good game and was very promising and looked confident - but the chance should have been tucked away. I disagree with it being teh difference between him being dropped or not as I think he will be kept in simply because his confidence levels will be sky high - remeber the 30 yard free-kick? to have the balls to want it and actually take it takes some doing for a kid just coming in.

    but, he simply has to score those easy ones - or he'll never be anything other than the Noel Whelan standard.

    mental! instead of being encouraged by the fact he has the nouse to get there from midfield to be in the position to score on his debut. he shoudl be dropped as he missed a sitter? he's not a striker ffs, he is paid to play in midfield. where he had a cracking game covering 2 positions through the 90 minutes. he looks composed, he can pass and has vision and good movement off the ball. all qualities that should keep him in the side as a MIDFIELDER. if he was a striker and missed a couple like that in 90 minutes you might have a point. he's not though, and he's a kid who needs his confidence building, not destroying by giving him flak for missing a header a few mins into a good debut.

  8. nasri through the middle is twice the player he is out wide and mancini only plays him wide at the mo.

    ireland on his best form at city might come close, he's gonna have to be on top form for the rest of the season before anyone starts comparing him to nasri!

    here's hoping though, he's been looking better and better...

  9. based on first touch, control, one touch passing and vision.

    all stuff which delph seems to forget once he crosses the white line at the moment, and all stuff he has in spades. very frustrating player delph, needs to get his head right so he can play to his full potential. that's true of the squad as a whole at the moment though.

  10. Is that you Lee ?

    No it not. So do you actually think Barry Bannan is a better player than Lee Hendrie was for us?

    when lee had only played a handful of games for the club at first team level you mean?

    i remember him coming through and loved the fact he was a local lad in a league where it seemed like a fairytale that a local lad would come through. but i reckon bannan looks to be technically a better player. whether he has the character to turn that greater technical skill into greater success in a claret and blue shirt than hendrie is impossible to say right now.

    i think he looks a better player at this stage in his career though. you can't compare lee hendries full career with bannan's few games. that would be bonkers.

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