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Posts posted by MessiWillSignForVilla


    2, We wouldn't be FFP compliant.


    Why do people keep referencing this?  It only counts for European competition and we're absolutely miles away from even the Europa League now.  It's completely irrelevant.



    It does apply to the Premier League, but the limit is much higher at £105m and the punishment is just a points deduction.


    I've not had great experiences sharing a house with people. I think I'm just gonna move into a house on my own next year, it's not worth the hassle.


    How did you meet these housemates? Did they already live in the house or did you choose to live with them?!



    I applied for uni too late to get proper accommodation so they set me up with private accommodation with three other students in the same situation.

  3. One of the lads I coached from Liberia was an orphan and being adopted, he didnt have a birth certificate, so when he went to get one, they just asked him how old he wanted to be.


    Ah yes! This is what I was thinking about! A lot of poorer africans don't tend birth certificates so don't have a concrete date for when they were born, and sometimes they just sort of guess at it.


    I'm tired, I couldn't think how to put what I was thinking properly  -_-

  4. My **** housemates  :bang:


    All three are dicks.


    One of them constantly uses my toothpaste and keeps moving it around the bathroom, I don't know which one does it though, not a big issue but just the tip of the iceberg. One of the others is a complete pig, uses my plates and dishes, never washes up (to the point that there'll be no cutlery left, a pile of plates - usually caked with week old food, sometimes going mouldy - next to the washing up bowl, never cleans up after himself and generally leaves a disgusting mess wherever he goes in the house. Two of them are local and are mates from school too, so they constantly have about 5 people round who steal peoples food cause even more mess and are normally up until about 2-3 getting overly excited playing FIFA. Those two are also smokers (normal and weed) so there are hundreds of fag ends in the "garden" and the house constantly smells of weed whenever their mates come around.


    The other is almost the complete opposite in terms of cleanliness, and he **** whines about it too. The tiniest mess (i.e. a pan or two soaking in a washing up bowl, or a plate that hasn't been put away straight away after washing) and throws a hissy, claims it's "**** disgusting" and doesn't shut up about it. And yes I see the contradiction/irony of this complaint, but my idea of what is disgusting is the right one :D. He's very much apart of the Lad culture too, which makes him a bellend on it's own. Worst of all he's on my course too but he never goes so the majority of our conversations tend to be "Did you got to lectures today? Oh right, I didn't, I couldn't be arsed ha! What was it like?" He also leaves notes around the house when he's not happy saying stuff like "I cleaned the bathroom 2 weeks ago, no one has since and it's **** disgusting!" instead of actually asking people to do that stuff.


    I've not had great experiences sharing a house with people. I think I'm just gonna move into a house on my own next year, it's not worth the hassle.



    • Like 2
  5. I just meant that because a lot of African countries are very poor, they have other things to worry about, they don't have calendars and the only reason to keep track of the months/year is for the changing of the seasons so they when to harvest crops and stuff. Also there is a huge lack of education in most african countries so most children don't get taught basic things that we take for granted.


    How does Rooney manage to escape critism? He's a huge name on a massive contract but he never actually lives up to the hype.

    Ronaldo made him a better player



    A bit harsh, his best seasons for Utd have been after Ronaldo left, in both 09-10 and 11-12 he scored 34 goals, his highest scoring tally. The problem is Rooney is very rarely played as the main striker which is the position he is the best at, he's usually playing just behind the striker or more in the midfield.

  7. Ah ok.


    If it was in Leicestershire there could have been a good chance it would be the school my Mom is head at, and I'd advise you to stay away as she's retiring and the new priest is a bit too insistent on Catholic principles apparently, at the risk of making the school a bit worse.


    But as long as the priest isn't too insistent on Catholic teachers there shouldn't be any problems, it will probably only be used as a qualifier if they can't pick between two teachers.

  8. Right, so I have a visit at a Catholic school tomorrow for my NQT post. Shall I be upfront about my non-Catholicism? Shall I just see how it goes? I don't want it to be a sticking point if I like the school.


    Which school?


    It normally depends on the school, but most of them don't care as long as you're a good teacher. The main sticking point would be if you're going for a senior post and if the local priest is insistent on Catholic teachers.

  9. I was coached by Martin Johnson for a training session a few years ago, just before he took the England job. I also helped out at a summer rugby camp which had Craig Newby and Julian Salvi as guest coaches.



    My Grandad played a couple of times for Wolves reserves in the 50s.




    You are not convinced Lambert is doing a good job because the job is not finished yet. It will be better to judge him (properly) at the end of next season.

    So do you reckon the job will be 'finished' at the end of next season and, if so, what will 'finished' look like?
    I expect us to be consistently in the top 10 and pushing towards the top 8 next season.

    We all expected that this season, and last season as well. Will you be peddling this excuse this time next year as well?



    The majority of people in the "Where do you think we'll finish" thread predicted mid table actually, where we are, and I'm pretty sure the majority last season also predicted a relegation battle, hence the relegation thread that popped up about 6 games into the season.

    • Like 4
  11. And what's that got to do with us breaking club and premiership records?


    Nothing, but then again I wasn't arguing that, I was pointing out that the league has gotten tighter over the last few years meaning that teams higher up the table will be considered "relegation battlers" despite being above 8-9 other teams.


    But I may as well play devil's advocate and answer the question. The fact that the Premier League has become tighter means more teams in the bottom half are more capable of taking points off of each other as the general all round quality has increased (or decreased, whichever way you look at it), meaning that less points are spread out among the teams in the lower half so that you don't need as many points to reach certain positions anymore. 40 points is usually regarded as the magic total to avoid relegation, but in the last 7 seasons in only one of them was 40 points needed, the rest needed between 31 and 37.


    The league has imo gotten better meaning higher points totals aren't required to reach higher in the table, so we may have had less points in the last few seasons, but it doesn't necessarily mean we as a team are much worse.


    Though the original reason I posted it was because I misread your post, I thought you said "You post like that wasn't a one off.".

  12. In 10-11 18th and 8th were separated by 10 points, 11-12 18th to 10th by 11 points, 12-13 18th to 9th by 10 points, currently 20th and 10th by 8 points. In 09-10 the gap between 18th and 10th was 20 points.


    Houllier's season wasn't a one off. The league is getting tighter nearer the bottom each year as all the teams continue to improve, the main difference this year is that there is no whipping boy at the bottom who is cut adrift.


    Also Keith Lemon recently moved to my town too.

    That's terrible news, I'm sorry to hear that.

    Where do you live? You know, just so I can avoid it.



    I'd avoid the whole of Leicestershire if I was you, if it wasn't for Villa I'd say try keep out of the entire Midlands.



    Luckily I live in Newcastle now for Uni, so there's little chance of me bumping into him :D

  14. Stefan Moore, Salifou, Beye, Berson, Drobny, Agathe, Holt.


    I'm not saying Tonev is good, he's been poor for us, but we have had some dross play for us over the years, he is not the worst we've ever had.

  15. If I remember right we were only technically safe in the Houllier season with a few games left, wins against Arsenal and Liverpool when they had nothing to play for helped boost our league position.


    Perhaps mathematically, but we reached 40 points (which would have kept us up) when we beat West Ham, Houllier's last game in charge. GMac could have lost every game he was in charge of and we would have still stayed up.

  16. He was in charge of the last 5, we won 2 drew 2 and lost 1, but I'd say we'd already gotten pretty safe by that point as we only lost 4 games after Bent signed and won 7. The only time it really looked bad was before we signed Bent and our usual December of misery.

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