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Posts posted by juteface



    Has Lamberk pulled his finger out his arse and signed anyone yet ?

    He's had 28 days to make a signing, and about 4 months to do his scouting/homework on what was needed before then

    Nothing like seeing a genius at work

    Maybe it's Lerner not allowing Lambert any money to spend. I really feel sorry for you Ulver.




    Not likely is it ?.


    I think we all know it's Lambert not knowing his arse from his elbow. How much proof do we need ?



    Obvious troll is obvious.

    • Like 1

    I nearly spat my coffee out when I read this at work. In my designated work break period of course. Very pleased at this piece of business. A quick job with no faffing around. I hope that his will become permanent in the summer with a cheeky bid of around 8 to 10 million?. Chelsea will probably decide to let him rot in the reserves though.As Dyke said on Danny Baker's 5 live show last week, English players need to play in order for them to progress. The lad will be 25 soon, Chelsea seem not too sure on him. This would be a great club for him to join to get back into the England set up. But can we afford him?





    Not even maybe?


    This man says yes.




  3. I honestly thought more players would have congratulated Benteke after scoring as its been quite a while since he scored. But as i said, it was 1-2 and they may have just been wanting to restart the game quickly. 



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  4. I have heard from a from a friend who works at Ballymena United that we have made contact regarding one of their midfielders Alan Teggart. I don't know anything about him as I don't follow the Irish Premier League over here but thought I would pass it on!


    3 goals and 7 assists this season.


    Awful league though and I can't stand Ballymena







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    cant believe people moaning about an opening bid. obviously not business people or have a clue about how to make bids


    If you wanted to buy Ronaldo, would you start with a bid of 750k?



    Litecoins? Probably.

  6. The short sightedness on these forums is shocking at times.

    Rome wasn't built in a day folks.

    I'm not sure how long Lambert will be here for but I'd like to think it's for a long enough time to really have a good go at it.

    The club has changed how it's being run, as said before we cannot compete with some clubs for cash, if we kept going the way we were it could have ended in turmoil.

    I welcome this new approach and while it may not be successful, at least its breaking the cycle of spunking tons of cash on mediocre players.

    Writing off new signings at this point is quite frankly, batshit.

    The club is clearly making an effort with the fans, championing safe standing and price agreements with other clubs.

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