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Posts posted by abdulaziz1

  1. Why are we seemingly in such a hurry to get rid of him? Lerner has brainwashed the majority into thinking that wages are more important than the quality of our squad.


    We have a one in two goal scorer at the club which gives us more options up front especially when Lambert likes to tinker with the formation depending on the opposition.


    For me it's the hardline approach of pay what we want or go and take a chance on paying 8m for a Championship player.


    I think Helenius would start over him .. Weimann too .. As we're having Tonev in the wing .. so a lot of options ..


    I don't think Lambert is planing in using him .. so why is the waste of wages ?


    Talking about wages .. I don't having any problems paying someone like Benteke , Bents wages .. As long as he's superb ..


    But to pay a third of fourth choice ridicuolus wages ?




    Newcastle United look set to pull out of the race to sign Wigan Athletic striker Arouna Kone, 29, because he does not fit into the Magpies' "blueprint".

    Full story: Newcastle Chronicle

    Maybe it really was just a way to try and make us bring our asking price for Bent. If they were going to pay £5m for Kone then we should just ask for £6m, the last thing I'd want is for us to pay his wages for another year if he isn't in our plans, especially over a few million.

    I actually don't mind selling him even for £4m ..

    I doubt Lambert cares what he goes for either. What Lerner wants to recoup from a huge investment is what the question is, and he's already taking a very big loss at the £8m asking price.



    But he'll lose more if Bent stayed at the Bench for the coming season ! 


    I'd rather sell him for 4m .. and get AMF as soon as possible !


    Not many teams would give us what we want for Bent ..


    Newcastle United look set to pull out of the race to sign Wigan Athletic striker Arouna Kone, 29, because he does not fit into the Magpies' "blueprint".

    Full story: Newcastle Chronicle

    Maybe it really was just a way to try and make us bring our asking price for Bent. If they were going to pay £5m for Kone then we should just ask for £6m, the last thing I'd want is for us to pay his wages for another year if he isn't in our plans, especially over a few million.



    I actually don't mind selling him even for £4m ..

  4. Never heard of this matey before this thread, but by the sounds of it, if we indeed ARE in for him, he isn't exactly moving mountains to come and play for us... Sounds like a bit of a clearing in the woods to be honest... 'I want to play in the Premier League' 'My decision will be made imminently'... Then some UAE team and apparently Kiev come in and he is thinking twice and dragging his feet... If we sign him and he is good, great stuff! but by the way he has gone about things building up to it, I have been put off by his attitude


    Although no quotes of him moving to UAE or Kiev + His club has a price target too and they may think they could more for him which we couldn't say it's with his attitude ..

  5. I'm not a lot into other teams transfers .. Actually this might be my first or second time to enter this thread in the summer ..


    tbh I'm really surprised and fearing some of the forces next year ..


    Southampton , Swansea and West Ham ..


    While Fulham , Everton and Norwich Aren't seeming to be staying still !


    Cardiff and Sunderland are underlind too ..


    Maybe Newcasle and The Baggies are those are aren't making big moves till now ..


    One thing also could be noticed .. Most of teams seems to be aware from players from the Premier League .. Which makes me much stressed about our players who are need to be shifted ..


    And also the direction other teams are making !




    He was a bit crap but fair play to him for not wanting to sit around collecting his wages.


    Best of luck to him.


    I would assume the only reason he is going to a team in UAE is wages. Very poor league which could keep him from his World Cup dream he was banging on about the other day.


    Reckon he would have doubled his wages with this move based on him being an international who was rated pretty highly in Holland a couple years back.



    Ah I didn't realise he had gone there, just saw he had gone.


    Oh well I retract that bit of my post and will stick with the he was crap and good luck to him bits and add in that it is nice he is on someone else's wage bill.



    Yup, knowing McLeish we've probably just managed to nearly free up Tonev and Okore's wages combined.



    Don't think so .. He came from the Dutch league after all ..


    Unless if Tonev and Okore are less than 30k ..


    Anyway I'm trying to find the fee but couldn't find something .. Al Nasr doesn't seem to have a big fan base .. So the forum isn't that active .. but will try to catch with it whenever something is announced ..

  7. Hope he could up our game ..


    To be honest .. My excitement about our new signing is :


    1-Okore ..

    2-Helenius ..

    3-Tonev ..

    4-Luna ..

    5-Bakuna ..


    Not that I'm not welcoming any of them .. But I think Okore is the most interesting signing until now !


    Well .. Even Tonev looks interesting as he could offer things that Weimann + Gabby doesn't !

  8. For me I think we need to sell Bent ..


    If we were letting him staying ..Then why wouldn't we sell him and give his wages to Benteke ?! 


    I don't think our system fits Bent anyway .. 

  9. The more I hear, the more he sounds like Peter Crouch :) And the more it sounds like he's similar to Jordan Bowery.


    I think he'd be better than the two of them !


    Infact I think Lambert with use him next season more than he used Bent ..

    • Like 1

    Bent going to Newcastle would be really good .. I think they're changing and trying to get some English players .. Which would let them little bit out of the foreign market .. And that could make it easier for us out there .. Especially in France ..


    + We have a space in the wage bell .. And the fee we get !


    Anyway I think this is a hard one tbh ..


    I think Newcastle's plight should serve to teach others, including ourselves.


    That side should have been nowhere near the relegation zone, regardless of their injuries.


    If we sign the players who have been linked, then I think we should start to look a bit closer to home for any further additions. 



    Yeah I know .. But people are moaning on them to get some English players .... blah blah blah .. Even if I'm not mistaken Pardew himself said that they need English players .. So they might be trying to change their policy somehow ?

  11. Bent going to Newcastle would be really good .. I think they're changing and trying to get some English players .. Which would let them little bit out of the foreign market .. And that could make it easier for us out there .. Especially in France ..


    + We have a space in the wage bell .. And the fee we get !


    Anyway I think this is a hard one tbh ..


    Pretty sure there are no rules in Quran about shirt sponsorship. Pretty sure.

    Thing is if they really want to be strict about it then they shouldnt be playing for that team. Indirectly they are getting paid through the money the club is making through their deal with the gambling company.

    If they really were strict they wouldn't want to come to England as all money here has technically come from something haraam.

    But yeah..



    Well .. Mostly it's not about the money is from something haraam .. it's about the job .. 


    Say you sell Alcohol .. then the money from it is haraam .. 


    But let's say you're working with someone who have a casino .. And have a small shop .. And you're not working in the casino .. it's another story ..


    Same thing with football .. You're taking the money for your playing .. not for playing in a casino or working there .. So it's different .. Hope you got me ?


    Sorry for getting out from the topic anyway .. lol ..

  13. At the moment we've got Gabby, Andi, CNZ, Atomic and Albrighton that play wide plus (although this may not be true) we are looking at Belhanda so why are we being linked to so many wingers? Surely we need to strengthen up through the middle!


    CNZ might be shifted .. Albrighton may have a loan .. Belhanda doesn't play as a winger .. infact he plays as a playmaker or somewhere in the midfield ..


    I'm not sure about the stuttgart guy .. But he might be like Popov which could play wide or behind the strikers ..


    The good thing is :


    Weimann + Gabby could play upfront or wide ..


    Tonev + CNZ could play on the wing or behind strikers ..

  14. tpQ63341.jpg


    lol .. I'm really depressed that I didn't get pictures from that day ! But one of the most Unforgettable days !


    What a game that was. Best away day I've ever done.

    Actually ive been to couple of great away days .. thanks god for that ..

    Arsenal 1-2 .. then this year .. norwich 1-4 .. liverpool 3-1 .. norwich 2-1 ..





    just my thoughts on this but I think we will find that the transfers come in pretty quickly, this may be the hold up with Benteke as he wants the club to show ambition before he puts pen to paper and who can blame him. As for if we can keep these players then why not, who is to say we can not over achieve this year and challenge the top four, unlikely I know but if PL keeps bringing in good players then who can say we can't. There is not really any team in this division that should be feared, We should have beaten Man u last year with the team we had, obviously the new managers in place may improve them or it could make them worse, it will be an interesting year.


    To be a top 4 side you need to be pretty dominant on the pitch. It is that dominance that usually translates into comfortable and successive victories against the likes of Norwich, Fulham, West Ham, Sunderland, West Brom, etc.  Scrappy teams like Villa tend to lose as many points as they gain.



    Well .. If we lose points as we gain then we will gain 57 .. Not very far from a top 4 spot .. lol


    Anyway I'll not say anything until we know if Benteke is certainly staying .. Then who will we get ..


    Tbh with our current squad .. I think we could do a top 10 and possibly top 8 ..


    If somehow we got Belhanda and Okore and a LB let's say Cresswell .. I will not write us out from the top 6 race .. And maybe more than that too .. ^_^






    They must have some bloody great shisha out there in Saudi Arabia



    That's really unfair.


    I mean, I know no-one wants to jinx it, and that's why we're being all circumspect and humble, but heck, right... I'm gonna go ahead and just say what everyone else is obviously thinking: if we get this guy I think we'll put together a surprise title challenge next season.


    (puff. puff)


    Whoah... my hands are huge. They can touch anything but themselves.... oh wait...



    It's not only this guy ..


    For me , The most important thing is letting Benteke stays !


    This could help Lambert a lot .. Especially for him to show our ambitions and improvements !

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