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Posts posted by BigAl

  1. How we didn't win this game i will never know ,very good display for the most part ,one of these days it's all going to click and we are going to batter a team, when look a very decent side at this level can see us going on a run just need to get a couple of wins back to back playoffs at least is what we should be aiming for think automatic promotion is possible but need to start winning games like this Kodjia my MOTM 

  2. The few times I have seen him play he has done ok ,he is very quick and the boro and Leicester fans speak highly off him ,think it will be a positive signing for us he will surely be better than Hutton 

  3. 4 hours ago, pacbuddies said:

    We haven't had a difficult start. Sheffield Wednesday are hovering just above the relegation zone at the moment and only beat us due to a goalkeeping cock up (as per Huddersfield's draw with us). There are no outstanding teams in this division, the reason most of them are in it is because they have been consistently not good enough to get out of it. I don't see why people keep 'bigging up' our rivals in this division. There are no Man Citys, Arsenals, Man Utds, Chelseas etc. just a collection of mediocre fizzy pop teams.

    I agree there isn't a lot between many of the teams in the division but Derby and Sheffield wed away would be  2 of the toughest fixtures we will play in the champ this year  both  made the playoffs last year .

  4. Was very poor today think there is a decent player in there somewhere just has had a awful time with injuries he didn't look fit today and his touch was way off has been out for a long time really needs games from somewhere .

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  5. Think we are heading in the right direction ,we have had a difficult start bar Rotherham ,the other 3 will be top 10 sides ,we have had to rebuild our team brick by brick and it's not going to be perfect overnight and with a bit more luck we would have a couple of more wins,thought we did well today especially in first half we are 3 games unbeaten now and it's progress ,think we are still maybe a player or two short of being a very good side , we lack a bit of pace to get in behind defences and lack a creative spark in the middle at times sort these and we will be in very good shape.

  6. Dissapointing not to hold on and a bad goal to concede don't care what anyone says it should have been dealt with much better by Ephick/Gollini but our performances have been much better ,we will be fighting for promotion which is a massive positive ,we need to strengthen around the middle very lightweight there,hopefully Jedinak will improve things

  7. Glad to see him turning the corner after a bad start ,you can see the club actually means something to him with the way he plays ,he is a leader and we don't have many of them so it's important he stays .

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  8. I agree. That seems to be what he's saying if people can stop grinding their teeth for 5 seconds.

    He's not syaing we'll never spend again. he's saying if we spend we need to make sure we spend it properly and not waste it.

    Just the other day someone posted in the Lerner thread showing how much money we've wasted and everybody lolled and joked about it.

    Now we have someone saying we want to make sure that doesn't happen and everyone is up in arms about it.

    I genuinely think this guy could have given a Martin Luther King greatest speech of all time and this thread would still be full of vitriol. It doesn't matter what he says, a large part of the fanbase have lost so much faith with anyone at the club that it will fall on deaf ears.

    I get it. Times are tough, and I understand why people would have very little faith in the people running this club.


    But I like to think we can at least give someone a chance before we start throwing embarrassing personal insults at people.

    I'll say it again, this thread is an embarrassment. It makes me cringe.

    I think, when your new chairman appears to think you are a top 6 side there is plenty of scope for teeth grinding. But leaving that slip aside for a moment there is still plenty of issue to be taken with the rest of what he said.

    It is all well and good him saying that we will spend again but it can't be wasted but as I've said elsewhere, how is that going to be stopped exactly? The way he is speaking it is as if the last 10 years had nothing to do with Lerner.

    How can he possibly have any credibility talking about the need to set the right structure in the club when he is working for a guy who has chronically failed to do it to date. Are we supposed to just ignore the fact that not so long ago we had the appointment of Fox and very very similar words about the need for structure. Nothing has changed, nothing if anything its got worse. Are we supposed to believe Hollis is going to be the man to change that?

    It is all very well him or anyone else talking about the money wasted but if doing so it needs to be done in context. If you appoint a manager like Houllier you have to do so knowing he had a very chequered track record with transfers, you have to accept that putting him in charge of a squad built by O'Neill is going to cause issues as is flip flopping from Houllier to McLeish. I mean seriously, where is the method or structure in moving between those three managers? That is always going to result in money being waisted.

    And what about Lerner's impact on that money being waisted? His decision to allow spending to get out of hand then to cut back quite so dramatically had a direct impact on our decisions on players. Decisions on players were made because of the wages they were on, players were allowed to leave on free's at the end of contracts in order to reduce the wage bill. 

    Yes we've spent a lot of money still in recent years but we've done so in relatively small amounts each year in terms of net spend while trying to replace large numbers of players and to try and replace them with very cheap gambles. We've tried to do it on the cheap and tried to find players to make a profit on and we've ended up waisting money, that is at least in part on Lerner.

    I know for absolute certainty that Lambert rarely if ever got the players he wanted, instead getting the cheapest options and the players who were sometimes 3rd or 4th choice. That wasted money. I'm not absolving managers of blame but Hollis is absolving Lerner, Fox and Faulkner before him of blame for their part in the utter shambles that has been the running of our club, that is what is making me grind my teeth.

    Its absolutely patronising BS and it is taking the fans for idiots. Lerner has been here 10 years, if there is a lack of structure at the club that is down to him. Why on earth should anyone take him or his new mouth piece seriously when they say they are going to focus on sorting that? Especially when they appear to be saying they won't be spending much money in the meantime as we lurch towards the Championship because of Lerner and his various previous appointments and the financial mess his miss management has created.

    The problem is there is no responsibility taken by those running the club and there is even less credibility and Hollis has already blown his with the stuff he has come out with in the first week. It just sounds cheap, it sounds like excuses, it sounds like the emperors new clothes and it sounds like the same old same old nonsense we've all heard before.

    You say whatever he says he would get stick and perhaps that is true but I tell you what, if I were him I'd have had a difficult conversation with Lerner and told him I was going to throw him under the bus. If this guy really is here to turn it around he needed to come out and be honest and acknowledge the mistakes of Lerner, Faulkner, Fox and not just blame the managers and this mythical structure that has had nothing to do with anyone at the club previously as if it was something they inherited and had no power over.

    His words are disingenuous, they are patronising, they are bordering on deluded. The man is out of his depth in my view and his initial gambits at communicating with the fans show that to be the case.

    If I sound angry it is because I am, I'm livid not that we are going down but that someone like this rocks up, treats the fans like idiots and spouts this rubbish.

    Super article ,It's as simple as you said the club has been run horribly since Lerner came why will things change suddenly I can't see how they will until Lerner goes he cannot be defened the evidence is in the results and we are in awful position .The point about the managers and styles being the polar opposites of each other was excellent that will tell you there is no plan or structure to the club

  9. We learned very little from agm tonight,we already knew the club is badly run by incompetent people who do not want to take the blame for the mess the club is in .It has prob also zapped whatever positivity that existed in the club and supporters.

  10. He has good games and bad games no consistency with him he is either good or very poor no in between unfortunately we see more of the poor Ciaran Clark .Has more bad games than good ones .

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