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Posts posted by Shoody

  1. Its true, in a few years in terms of 'being able to bring in players' we could find ourselves 8th with

    Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea, City, QPR, Spurs, Liverpool all ahead of us but Im not sure QPR will go on a spending spree, not sure their fanbase commands a top team presume they will be happy with midtable and securing their PL place for a good long while yet.

    I really think we'll struggle if we dont make big improvements next season, if we cant fight it out for Europe next season Spurs and Liverpool will be another big step up for us, where as they are catchable if we improve vastly next season.

  2. yes history books, but when you look at the last 10 years we only start to catch them up in terms of 'who finished higher than who' at around the start of last decade. In recent years they have finished higher than us (tight but 3-2 to them in the last 5 years) they have a much better squad than us (one of our best players this season is theirs) and have made more money that us this year as well as getting MUCH MUCH MUCH better worldwide press with which to entice players.

    We on the other hand have a deficit of £40m to make up, a wage bill 10m more than theirs and a worse squad. History tells us we are very similar clubs, with us the more successful. The present tells us we are similar clubs but they are out performing us.

  3. Any better realistic managers than these:

    Moyes - Hasn't won a trophy with Everton despite being with them for so many years

    Had little to no investment and finished consistently above us (bar one season). A great manager in the running for Fergie's job.

    Coyle - Stubborn and got exposed against Stoke when it really mattered

    Agree, has a lot to learn but clearly a very talented manager

    McClaren - Been sacked from England and Wolfsburg. Clearly not good enough

    Agree he's not good enough would be a deathwish but he was fantastic at Twente and there's a reason he got the England job.

    Jol - Was outsmarted by McClaren in Dutch league

    Overrated but a good manager, would take him if we had to, getting outsmarted by McClaren over one season is no reason to diss somebody though

    Big Sam - Poor version of MON

    He's shitter than that

    Hughes - A draw specialist. Average


    MacDonald - Better suited for reserves


    Rafa - Would prefer not to have another EX Liverpool manager this time. Plus his gone downhill recently

    would definitely take him, not first choice but theres a reason he's managed Liverpool and Inter would be very worried by his transfer record

    Lambert - Untested in Premier League.


  4. Shit game but not much we could do about it, shouldve taken NRC or Petrov off for Delph/Makoun/Pires to get the game moving with the amount of space we had. Heskey should've come off earlier. (but i disagree with the 1 given to heskey by bauer)

    Happy with a point just not a great game.

    Expected worse after we went 1-0 down.

    Unbeaten in 4 aint bad though!

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