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Posts posted by Qwpzxjor1

  1. This season - about 15 I say. But there's nothing to say he can't be a 20+ goal striker in a season or two.

    Little bit more experience, little bit more composure, just make him that little bit more clinical and he can be prolific.

    Confidence certainly isn't an issue at the moment, and he needs to keep that confidence high.

    His first real big test will be when he slips out of form a bit, which is inevitable, happens with all strikers. If he can keep positive during dry spells and refind form again then he'll be all the wiser for it.

    He has the physical attributes to be a striker of real class - but his mental attributes are yet to really be tested.

  2. Conservative estimates projects England failure to qualify costing the economy £2billion.

    If we can just provide some form of competitive football we might be able to recover some of that.

    This, combined with Northern Rock and the HMRC thing could damage our economy massively.

    I think this home nations thing has to go ahead, more for politics than for football.

  3. "if I can improve my English" is a big if. I think the FA will be looking at someone with strong English. It's the only thing I think which is stopping them from talking to Lippi already. Although his English is good, they have to consider how the players would respond to their manager not speaking fluent English. Of course, players like Rooney can't either though.

  4. OK. Venebles bad example. But you know what I mean.

    If you look at the situation when Sven was sacked, there were very few managers of real quality available, which is largely why we ended up with McClaren.

    This time around they have some really good options, should any of them want to take the job. So there are really no excuses this time around.

  5. It's actually surprising how many top quality managers will actually be available to the FA 'on the cheap' though. Which seems to be the way they like to go.

    Jose Mourinho - no club contract.

    Fabio Capello - no club contract.

    Paul Jewell - no club contract.

    Martin O'Neill - short term club contract.

    Terry Venebles - current England #2.

    Marcello Lippi - erm.. no sure actually.. no club contract?..

    It's been a while since managers of that quality were actually available.

  6. I don't think Mark Hughes would be a good appointment.

    He's unproven. He's achieved good things at Blackburn but has never managed at the top level.

    England are at the point right now where we NEED success. And after McClaren we need a manager that everyone has confidence in bringing that success. The only way to get that straight away and have them playing with belief is to appoint someone with a track record.

    Lippi and Capello have honours coming out of their arses.

    Wenger and Mourinho have proved they are top class managers with domestic titles and Champions League.

    Hughes and O'Neill... haven't really achieved anything huge. They've done well with the squads they have been given... but until they have impressed on a continental stage I don't think they will command the instant respect required.

  7. Mourinho for me. But I don't think he'd be keen to take the job.

    Capello is much more likely, and would also be an excellent appointment.

    You need a manager who would instantly command the respect of the players. From that list the only managers I think capable of that are Lippi, Capello, O'Neill, Mourinho and Wenger.

  8. Well... this poll can only go one of two ways...

    Either people will choose whoever they think will do the worst job... or people will want Blues to survive to preserve the rivalry.

    I can't see it being Erik Black, because Wigan will want to take him as Bruce's number 2, and I think he'd want to go.

    The problem they will have right now is that no manager is going to take a job there while the ownership is still in doubt, unless they offer rediculous money, which just won't happen there.

    Decent managers will certainly steer clear.. I can't see them getting Martin Jol or Paul Jewell, or even Souness.

    I'm not going to vote on who I want to take over as manager there, but I do think it'll be interesting to see who they approach and who would actually want it.

  9. Gonna get to the point where every computery technical thing is going to be in one product.

    I've got a phone with is phone/email/sat nav/music/video/camera/calculator, stopwatch, etc/task list/web browser/calender/news updates... Makes you wonder what else they can throw into one piece of equipment.

    Add an iPod able to do all of the above aswell and you need never carry anything else with you..

    Of course, if you lose it, you lose it all. So hard to say if it's all good.

    I still think the iPhone will be huge. But not this model. It's the first one. Things like not being able to forward are things overlooked which the next model will be able to... trial and error.... after a few models it'll be quite amazing.

  10. It's Apple's first phone. Wait a year or so for them to iron out the problems and then have a look at what they have. Apple make fantastic stuff, my love my iPod and I need a new laptop so I'm saving up for an iBook, but with any company making a product for the first time - it's going to have problems.

  11. It's an entertainment show - not a scientific experiment...

    However, if you truely believe there was no waiting or cutting and reshooting, etc.. then there were probably a variety of cameras placed around the route so when one camera lost him the next could pick him up. While they've lost him in between the camera's they just showed Clarkson or The Stig.

    Ps. I think I'm in love with The Stig.

  12. In fairness... if it was the other way around with those penalty incidents we'd be livid.. so I see where he's coming from..

    But in football you have to adjust as the game goes on. They spent the rest of the game complaining that decisions weren't going their way.. while we just got on with it.

  13. Attemps on goal were 11-13 in our favour, on target was 2-4 in our favour. Possession although I don't see the official stat was more or less even, which is very good as you normally assume the home team to get a little more of the ball.

    On stats, I felt the victory was deserved.

    The penalty incidents... yes, we were lucky to get away with. Both could easily have been given on another day, but that's football. On other days Nigel Reo Coker would have buried that volley...

    I don't want to point fingers and blame for their goal, I think it was well worked and a good header.

    I think we deserved the 3 points, and I think we have alot to thank Mr Agbonlahor for, not only scoring the winner, but only 2 minutes or so before preventing what was nearly a winner for Birmingham.

    Wasn't the best football we've played this season, but that wasn't an ordinary game... it was scrappy, it was full of passion, and at the end of the day there was just that little glint of class which was the difference, which we had, and they didn't. A typical derby game, which saw the better team win, I feel.

  14. Ah... a wonderful email forwarded from my friends at SJM.

    Hello all,

    I hope you are well...I shot an online viral campaign for Wonderbra last week and we just posted it on Youtube - we are trying to make this a bit of a hit (The Sun are running a piece on it tomorrow so I am told) so I would be most appreciative of your support - can y'all view it when you get a sec and give us a boost....It's a parody of the amazing Cadbury's Gorilla ad....oh and did I mention it was for Wonderbloodybra?

    I thank you...one and all.



    I must say.. it's really quite.... interesting.... think it would make it onto our TV screens?


  15. They deserve to go up. Their football has been far and away the highest quality in that league, and unless something dramatically changes, they will.

    My friends dad put £40 on Leeds to win the league shortly after they were handed that penalty, on my advice. The odds he had were, understandably, pretty good... so I hope they do it so that he buys me a pint for my recommendation.

    I'm just gutted I didn't do it myself. But I'd have only put a fiver on anyway... I was surprised when he said he'd put £40 on it.

    I don't want to see them back in the Premiership though. I hate how Leeds fans are always saying they deserve to be in the Premiership and that they are a 'big team' and 'too big to stay down'... well all I have to tell them is to look at Nottingham Forest... lots of clubs were big clubs.... now they are not.... Leeds fall into that category.

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