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Posts posted by Qwpzxjor1

  1. I'm a fan, not the clubs accountant. I want the best deal for Villa, not to squeeze as much as possible out of Liverpool. Gillette and Hicks will obviously have different opinions but I think the longer this Barry thing goes on the more unprepared we're going to be for the new season. If MON has said we 'dont need the money' then why is he being so stubborn about a couple of million. Barry does not want to play for us, so he needs to be got rid of. If we can get good money and a good player in a position we urgently need for him, then I don't see the point of the hesitation.

  2. The poll is quite an eye opener, almost 80% have done one thing or another

    Wouldn't say that's strictly true.

    It's quite likely that a large percentage of the people who haven't done drugs wouldn't have casted a vote. Even if they read the thread... Unless they were strongly against them and wanted to make a statement.

  3. Anybody ever tried dimethyltryptamine (DMT)?

    I haven't but I know it is a fairly obscure psychedelic that is supposed to induce an experience that can be best described as literally being transported into another **** dimension of impossibly vivid colours, patterns and geometrical shapes of intricate detail far, far beyond normal human comprehension.

    The chemical itself is actually produced naturally in your pineal gland right in the centre of your brain. Nobody is sure of it's purpose but there are theories that it is secreted during REM sleep and is what causes dreaming. It also offers a possible explanation for alien abduction and near-death astral projection.

    The DMT experience is apparently intolerably intense but because it is endogenous, you can take a hit, feel yourself being propelled through time-and-space, communicate with alien beings, find yourself spiritually, come round and be drinking a cup of tea, completely back-to-normal, within 15 minutes.

    There have been scientific studies leading to theories about the role DMT plays in human consciousness such as it being the conduit that delivers the soul into the body. As the pineal gland develops from the 49th day of gestation, this is said to be the time that consciousness first enters the foetus, tying in nicely with the Buddhist idea that there are 49 days between incarnations.

    Now that's a proper drug. Mindblowing, huh?


    Amazing how the best drugs are ones produced naturally by the body huh? Adrenaline is still the most powerful drug.

  4. I think over the course of time I've done most things. Except Crystal Meths and Ketamine. Though to be honest that was more out of lack of opportunity than choice. I'll try anything once. And in acids case 5 or 6 times.

    Crystal Meths never appealed to me though. And I never injected heroin; I smoked it.

    Never had any drug problems though... it was just part of being a teenager and early twenty-something.

    I love acid though, it's great fun. And ketamine I intend to try in the near future.

  5. I refuse to get into a Libertines argument again. I think they were phenominal and I will leave it at that.

    Over-rated, a tough one to call as its a pretty ambiguous word, but I voted for Nirvana... not necessarily saying they are the worst band on that list, but as a talent to idolisation ratio I think they just about edge it. Lynnryd Skynnrdyrdryrdyrddrydyrrdyrdyrdrydd I think were worse, but I haven't been driven insane by people telling me how awesome they are and demanding I listen to all their albums over and over because I clearly 'cant see what they were trying to do at the time'. Nirvana were a slightly above average band, treated like gods.

    I would certainly vote for U2 if they were on that list though. I'm a little confused about how The Allman Brothers can be on that list but U2, Beach Boys, Beatles, Rolling Stones and Queen can't be...

  6. What percentage of all the water on the entire planet is contained within one single cow?

    I know I'm going back several pages here but I really do have to say, in my semi-drunken state that is one of the best questions I have ever heard asked in my entire life.

  7. Lamb. Though that's largely because it's so expensive at the moment I view Roast Lamb as a rare treat.

    Thetrees is spot on about people not being able to cook it right though. If the lamb is not pink inside then it's overcooked! Same goes with beef. Though I do like my beef rarer than most. In fact I like my steaks on my plate to still say moo.

  8. Co-op are leading the way with Fair Trade as far as Supermarkets go... but as someone in the financial position of judging 'best' by 'cheapest'.. it has to be Tesco's. Even though I am strongly against monopolies, I can't afford to shop at many of the supermarkets on that list. I shop at small businesses and markets where I can, and Tesco's for the main bulk.

  9. That is a huge huge swing.

    Brown has to go. No-one wants him any more; not even his own party.

    He's the reason Boris is Mayor of London. It wasn't a case of Johnson vs Livingston.. it was Tories vs Labour, and everyone has lost all faith in Labour now. So long as Brown is leader, Labour will continue to lose their voters and get humiliated.

  10. The Stig is a character. The actor that plays him is irrelevant to me. It's been revealed in the past that it's a number of people anyway..

    Do you care about who is in the Darth Vador outfit? No. (Although that's actually quite funny because the person that did play Darth Vador didn't know the voice was being supplied by someone else until the Premier of the film, with all his friends and family there to see, and hear, him in the role)

    Looking forward to the new series though :D

  11. Bacon sarnie = Tomato

    Sausage = Daddys.

    Most people say the other way around, but them's the laws as far as i am concerned.

    Spot on! :D

    Sausage and mushroom sandwich with HP sauce.

    Bacon and egg sandwich with red sauce.


  12. I'm sorry to start yet another poll, and I know there is already a thread for Lost - if this can be merged into it then great, but I really am curious to see people's opinion on this show in poll form.

    I myself have stopped watching the show now because I feel the writers just don't know where it's going. They are just writing whatever comes into their head, taking it off on an even stranger tangent with absolutely no idea the relevance to the story lines. There are big 'mysteries' dating back a couple of series that will never be answered and are largely forgotten, replaced by new, bigger 'mysteries'.

    It seems to me now it's a show that is getting fans more on fear than entertainment. It's like playing the lottery.. some people are happy to have a lucky dip every now and again.. but as soon as you play the same numbers a few weeks running, you begin to play it out of fear, fear that the week you don't those numbers will come up. Is Lost similar, on a smaller scale; that people watch because they are afraid the week they don't all will be revealed?

    Some of my friends still watch it every week, and every week when we speak afterwards they complain about no more answers still. Yet next week, tuning in again...

    They are flashing forwards and back so no-one knows what is going on, they have not answered any questions... it's just random writing!

    If you watch Lost.. what do you think of the whole story, and concept of the style of writing?

    ps. this isn't about the discussion of the actual storyline at all (of course, I use 'storyline' quite loosely...)

  13. A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room, waiting for the doctor to come in for the baby's first exam.

    The doctor arrived, examined the baby, checked his weight, and being a little concerned, asked if the baby was breast-fed or


    "Breast-fed", she replied.

    "Well, strip down to your waist", the doctor ordered.

    She did. He pinched her nipples, then pressed, kneaded and rubbed both breasts for a while in a detailed examination.

    Motioning to her to get dressed, he said, “No wonder this baby is underweight. You don't have any milk".

    "I know", she said, “I’m his Grandma, but I'm glad I came."

  14. I'd rather have JK than Mills.

    I mean, I don't particularly like JK but at least she's not a money-grabbing spawn of satan. She's insanely rich, but that's not her fault.. Mills has the chance to be insanely rich, and chose instead to try grab more and make peoples lives hell.

    OK, less negativity.. I just found a picture of Jennifer Ellison. I don't normally like blondes but oh my...

    Fearne Cotton too....

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