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Posts posted by limpid

  1. Sam rolled 100 on me for some random chest last night.

    We killed a 47 elite giant though - not bad for a pair of clothies :-)

    I had to take the aggro and sam had to heal. Probably the longest fight I've had yet. The git kept stamping on me.

  2. Most Mages respec to Frost/Arcane when they get to very high levels.

    My plan was to go to Arcane, but I'll do some reading when I get nearer to L60.

    The couple of L??s I met last night couldn't resist the fire stuff except occasionally, but that could mean anything :-) I can get enough hits in now that I take about 50% from any L?? I meet face to face. Of course epic players are probably a different beast from the gankers I meet.

    The cooldown on Blink is far too long though. Especially now I've learned the trick of how to turn 180 degrees instantly.

  3. Sounds strange that Juju, I've never been disconnected on Deathwing. The lag's cleared up as well, apart from last night after the small patch which made character movement a bit patchy.

    I got kicked 4 times in fairly rapid succession last night.

  4. Last night I swam/walked from Booty Bay to Swamp of Sorrows so that my alchemy can go past 225. Then I went to bed.

    I got about 2500XP for delivering one message though.

    Tonight I should have rested XP to lvl 38...

  5. So does frost shock, doesnt it?

    The cooldown is shorter than the effect on the target, or something?

    Not at my level it doesn't. The effect is nearly long enough to cast a fireball and it takes about 3 fireballs to cooldown. It's rare I get to use frost shock twice in a combat.

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