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Posts posted by limpid

  1. Okay, now I'm at 300/300 for both herbalism and alchemy, is there anything I can do to increase either? I'm guessing there must be some enchants for the herbs, but are there any alch recipies which need >300?

  2. Didn't know anything about it. Spent all night in jerky motion mode and got kicked repeatedly. "There is already a character with that name". Argh. About half the guild seemed to be affected, the other half didn't.

  3. After this weekend I've got a programming project that has to be done. Also got to move this site onto its new server. I'll ding 50 (51 if I work my arse off) and that'll be it for a while...

    Such bad timing, as me and Sam are pretty much the same level and qs in a group is a laugh.

  4. Does anyone have the patch that could mail it to me?

    Its like a 1 meg patch! You must have a very frail machine for that to **** it up...

    So you've mailed it to me?

    My machine locks up as soon as I hit the "Restart" button, exactly the same as the last patch. It doesn't launch the downloader.

  5. Enjoyed the duelling last night. That warrior ran off quick when a clothie beat him twice in a row. I was just beginning to get used to the new slot/keys setup. Didn't even use my stoneshield potions (he'd have no chance then).

    If I get time before we do ZF tonight, I'm going ganking :-)

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