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New Villa fan From Pennsylvania

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My name is Scott and I am from Pennsylvania, USA. I have been "soccer" fan about 18 years now (mostly just following the US national team and national competitions). My brother-in-law has been Chelsea supporter for a few years now and has been asking me to try to follow the Premier League and I decided to give it a go this year. I have paid attention to the league leisurely for a near 10 years and  I told him I wanted to have a club to support rather than just look up scores and read stuff.


This Summer I said I would decide on a club and set some parameters: They must have a player from the US that typically starts (Guzan). They cannot be one of the so called big 6 clubs (As a grown man I refuse to be a front runner or bandwaggon fan. I am a big fan of football and basketball and have been a 49er fan in football most of my life and Wake Forest (college basketball) fan for most of my life). They had to have been one of the originial league founding members and they must have a a marquee player that I have heard of (Benteke). After narrowing it down this way, I decided Villa would be the club for me.


My one year weddding Anniversary is coming up in 2 weeks and I asked my wife to get me an Away kit for the anniversary. I have been lurking on this board for about a week now and want to fully get into it and learn more about the game and the club. Nice to meet you ladies and gentlemen.

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