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Posts posted by AndyC

  1. That's a fair point ender and John, but I think dropping the price by 50/100 mil would not attract anyone less wealthy because any buyer knows they still would need to invest 500 million (including the initial purchase) over the next 5 years to even stand a chance of getting us anywhere.


    Unless of coarse there is no intention of getting us anywhere.

  2. The fans are the life and soul. Keep the fans happy and keep the soul. I would argue that the last few seasons have sucked the soul from the club, a big fat injection of cash, players and belief will soon change this.

  3. I think some people would be happy with us winning the league cup every 20/30 years just so we can say atleast we didn't buy it. **** that, call me gready but give us all the money and trofies asap.

    • Like 2
  4. Anybody could make that claim, chances are we will be sold by July. It's vague enough to brush off if he's wrong but precise enough to claim itk if he's correct.

    Fingers crossed he's credible though....

  5. You're basically saying you would rather see us be shite and get relegated than spend a lot of money to be considered good again.

    You're assuming that this Arif person would spend a lot of money.

    He's in it to make money, not lose it.

    His plan would be to use Villa to churn players through it.

    he wouldn't care whether we finish 5th or 15th (as long as we don't get relegated).

    he won't have any interest in building up the club, or long-term planning, or what is best for the club.

    How do you know? Are you itk about this guy?
  6. Didn't a similar thread to this get locked last week?


    Before we do anything we will need a manager that has the connections and footballing presence to get the good players to sign. Two token signings to follow for defence and midfield and build the rest around them and the players we already have. If we can get into the top half next season we have done well and hopefully push on from there.




    You guys need to get off your high horses, I cam have my own opinion about wether I think my kid seeing people smoking ecigs is acceptable.

    You are absolutely right that you can have your own views on this. I can have my own views on whether I give a shit about your child.

    They're going to do things that put them in harm's way, such is life, you can't expect everyone else in the country to put your kid first, educate them and let them make their own mistakes.

    Just like you can't expect everyone else to accommodate your habit.

    Who are you, Stasi Germany?

    How about we build a wall.


    Overstatement of the year right there!


    Nobody on here knows the vapour is completely safe. Why should non-users be forced to breath in the vapour as somebody blows it into your personal space inside Tesco's?

  8. You guys need to get off your high horses, I cam have my own opinion about wether I think my kid seeing people smoking ecigs is acceptable.



    You are absolutely right that you can have your own views on this. I can have my own views on whether I give a shit about your child.


    They're going to do things that put them in harm's way, such is life, you can't expect everyone else in the country to put your kid first, educate them and let them make their own mistakes.

    Just like you can't expect everyone else to accommodate your habit.

  9. My parents educated me about the dangers of lots of things, I still went out and did most of them. You guys need to get off your high horses, I cam have my own opinion about wether I think my kid seeing people smoking ecigs is acceptable.

    On the radio today the presenter had seen a group of 10/11 years olds openly smoking ecigs. Right or wrong?

  10. Are they now calling for a ban on e-cigs in public places? and rightly so i think. I smoked for around 10 years but i just decided to stop because i was sick of it. I was sick of the cost, the effect on my health and the stench of it. Funny thing is though that when i smoked i used to say that i enjoyed it and it's only now that i've stopped that i can see what a vile and discusting habit it is.


    I dont think these e-cigs are as safe as we think either. Probably safer than real cigs but still harmful.


    Is this just a hunch or do you have any evidence?

    Just my opinion.

  11. Are they now calling for a ban on e-cigs in public places? and rightly so i think.



    what's the harm to anyone but the inhaler?

    What harm would a heroin user do to the person next to him if he started shooting up in the street? None at all. I'm not comparing them to heroin but the principal is the same.

    My 5 year old asked me why that man has a torch that lights up in his mouth. Should my 5 year old see that everywhere he goes? No he shouldn't, that's the harm.

  12. Are they now calling for a ban on e-cigs in public places? and rightly so i think. I smoked for around 10 years but i just decided to stop because i was sick of it. I was sick of the cost, the effect on my health and the stench of it. Funny thing is though that when i smoked i used to say that i enjoyed it and it's only now that i've stopped that i can see what a vile and discusting habit it is.


    I dont think these e-cigs are as safe as we think either. Probably safer than real cigs but still harmful.

    • Like 1
  13. Well now in the DHUTWU club. Followed VT instruction with plenty of foreplay before trying it although it did take a few attempts to accomplish my mission. Yes it was also sore for both of us at the start and the skin on my little fella was pushed back making it even more painful but once secured I found it enjoyable but no more than using the regular method. One thing though very pungent smell which you could still whiff in the bedroom after we'd finished. Is this normal?

    The lady wants to do it again but I really would need to be horny as **** for a repeat so no pleasing myself until the next meet.


    Ah the stench of shame.


    Good on you shaggy :thumb:

    • Like 1
  14. Had the follow up scan yesterday after they picked up a problem on the 20wk scan, didn't get ant answers just "its an indicator that it could be.."

    basically they found a white spot in what they thought was her stomach, now they think its either her liver or gall bladder, or her bowel, these "bright spots" are relatively common and usually go away on their own, but we had bloods done yesterday to test for CF,theirs a chance it could be an indicator of downs syndrome of some other genetic problem. Now have to go to Birmingham hospital for a more detailed scan to see exactly where it is and what it could be

    Hope that works out for you pal. We're going for out 20 week scan today, fingers crossed for another boy

  15. Thanks, chaps. I look forward to seeing your theories in short order. I suppose you're not waiting for the papers to tell you what to believe?

    says the man regergating twitter conspiracys :huh:
    Regurgitating. Conspiracies. Doh...

    PS Tonieiey (in honour of your spelling), I have at least applied a modicum of critical thought to this, and what I find the media telling us is at best 30% of the story. I suppose you've also read around, or are you just saying "Ah, Twitter..."?

    My point was you are still taking someone else's views whilst chastising others for erm taking someone else's views

    I've been quite interested in this story and read dozens and dozens of websites and seen some very credible theories ... The Diego Garcia one though just isn't credible for reasons I've already explained ( the source saying no plane hit the pentagon )... But despite all the suggestions of hijack and landings I gave my opinion some time back that it would only be found at the bottom of the ocean ...

    Suicide has been touted again in the last few hours but I just can't buy that one either ( 6 hrs is a long time ) ... It's a puzzler alright but if I had to hazard a guess I'd go with the on board fire being the most likely

    I knew after pulling someone up on a grammar error earlier today that id regret it ... No idea what word I've spelt there , it's not even close

    I suppose my point is this - and I've not tried to articulate it before, just felt it, so excuse me if it doesn't come across as fully formed.

    We know very well that our governments lie to us, both because they think its in our interest and for self preservation,and to cover up corruption. I think we all know that, as a very basic level of comprehension.

    Your dismissal of Diego Garcia is because someone posted a link to a theory you dismiss about an event 13 years ago. Not because you have considered the theory. That's a bit odd. Do you have nothing to say about it the remarkable coincidences about Diego Garcia in this story?

    I think the DG line is interesting. I'm still waiting for someone to unpick it and disprove it, rather than post almost amusing would-be putdowns on the lines of "you must be mad to think that our government would ever lie to us".

    I'm still waiting for someone to unpick the Sunday sport story about a b-52 on the moon ... The DG story stemmed from a Russian report , the sept 11th link IS important because it's the same source that claimed America kidnapped one of its own planes and made it disappear whilst pretending it had hit the pentagon ... It's in the SAME article that started the DG rumours and therefore for exactly that reason carries zero credibility

    You're an intelligent bloke you can't seriously give any credence to the DG stories , I like a conspiracy as much as the next man but These are nothing to do with our governments lying to us ... These are the views of people that make David Icke look sane...

    Governments lie about unemployment figures , about why we go to war in Iraq and about involvement in torture of "suspects "...What they don't do is blow up their own twin towers and kidnap 777's out the sky

    Spot on with that last statement Tony. I don't particularly like the government's, but to blame people in power for every single disaster man made or natural is getting kind of boring now.

  16. I wonder how many relationships fb breaks up each year? Fb can't be blamed directly but it can be a catalyst to problems.

    I wonder how many relationships fb breaks up each year? Fb can't be blamed directly but it can be a catalyst to problems.

    Thanks andy

    No problem. (What have I done?)

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