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Posts posted by VillaCas

  1. One of those games - could easily have finished 4-0. House, Elmo and Nakamba did well coming in. AEG has all the attributes to be a top class striker but never quite hits the heights.
    Still early days for Traore - he seems to be trying hard and working hard but quite a ways to go yet. 
    We’ve got a thin squad but a couple of quality additions and we could easily be looking at a top 8 finish ( without and I think 10th-12th)

    Hopefully the luck in front of goal we lacked tonight will be in evidence on Sunday 

    • Like 3
  2. We played far better against West Ham and lost - Fortunately Wolves didn’t have their shooting boots on. Swings and roundabouts  

    Smith has done an outstanding job since he’s been here - we’ve recruited well and are maybe three players away from having a squad that can challenge towards the top end of the table


  3. On 01/12/2020 at 14:23, TRO said:

    I think that is a really condescending response to what amounts to a very poor defensive display and a golden opportunity to snatch an away win, from a team, whose own admission was poor in display.

    to keep responding on the whole season, when your comments would be much better served on the game itself, is irritating.

    We have spent the best part of another £100 million, so you would expect an incremental rise in Stature.....but for a team who has dispatched the mighty Liverpool ,Arsenal and Leicester.....you would expect a better result than that, not to mention the woeful defending of crosses.

    No passionate supporter of our club wants or delights in criticising the team, if you cared to listen to us waxing Lyrical after the Liverpool and Arsenal games, you would know that......No we can't win every game, but when you put in a cheap defensive display, allied to a comedy of errors up front, we are entitled to say it like we think it is.....No one wants to tarnish the dream, but sometimes reality has to surface.

    still fuming with that debacle of a result......they say teams can get out of jail, they got out of Alcatraz, and we give them the bloody keys.

    What a daft post! Your expectations are completely unrealistic - you seem to expect us to win every single game - we’re currently 8th which is amazing considering where we were 18months ago

  4. 4 minutes ago, paul514 said:

    Women's football is a joke, any academy PL team would walk a game with them.

    It’s not an attitude that I can condone and they can’t  be compared to men’s teams.

    However, I have watched an academy U15 team of a local rival beat their First XI Women’s team 6-0 in 60 mins recently.  True

    • Haha 1
  5. Really disappointed with a lot of the comments here - we are worlds apart from last season and playing very decent football. The squad has been hugely improved and we’ve taken a giant step forward

    We are obviously still short of depth but it can’t all happen in one season. Very many people seem to think we should be winning every week - that’s unrealistic. Personally I’ll be happy with mid table this season and a further strengthening next summer

    I'm delighted with Smith, the squad and the progress made

    • Like 3
    • Shocked 1
  6. Unlucky not to get at least a point today and really deserved all three! You get weeks like that and then others when you get something and don’t deserve it

    Our first XI is decent but we lack depth at the moment - that will come with time

    Targett is very average, Traore (early days) did ok but Barkley was sorely missed

    Grealish, McGinn and Luis all looked off the pace due to intl break

    we go again

  7. On 02/11/2020 at 07:04, VillaCas said:

    This is what mid-table feels like - ups and downs, losing as many as you are winning.

    We don’t yet have options, we don’t yet have a deep bench. If a few of our established players are off form we will struggle.

    A lot is made of ‘fitness and physicality’ - for me this is a red herring. When we play well it’s not an issue but when we lose it’s trotted out as a key factor. In reality our fitness is on a par with the clubs around us we just don’t have sufficient quality players to cycle through

    It’s still early days and the table will take a while yet to settle down - if after 15 or so games we are mid-table that will be fine, if we are in the dog fight at the bottom we should then be asking questions

    I bet we don’t have anyone on here tonight complaining about fitness levels, physicality or the timing of substitutes!

    We’re as fit and physical as anyone in the league, it’s just that at the level we are, our performances will always be up and down

    A massive UP this week!! 😃

    • Haha 1
  8. Leeds we’re better than us on the day -that happens. Southampton were fortunate that Ward-Prowse hit three perfect free-kicks because in general play we were marginally the better side.

    I’m certain Smith understands our issues and our reliance on the same few players. We’re on a journey, from a Championship side, to relegation battlers, to a mid table team, to hopefully better.

    All these comments about needing additional defensive cover, strong defensive midfielders and options up top are not the insights you believe them to be - Smith knows this better than anyone, it will just take time to build

    Patience is required,  Midtable this year and build further in the summer. At the moment we will be losing as many as we are winning - it shouldn’t come as a surprise 

    • Like 3
  9. We’re a work in progress - we did good business in the summer and will probably add another couple in January. 

    Midtable is our aim this season and we’ve made a good start to achieve that

    We clearly need more options - additional CB, LB, DCM, another winger - that we haven’t got these are not oversights, they a due to the fact that we can’t do everything at once. We bought in players who were available and I’m sure have more targets in mind

    The loss to Leeds was poor. Today was just one of those things with three perfect free kicks for them. We weren’t good but xG showed we were not as bad as some would have it

    • Like 3
  10. 4 minutes ago, OxfordVillan said:

    Well, we conceded two goals to a player who scores free kicks like taking a penalty. He’s renowned for his ability. I’m sure it’s not beyond the wit of man to have a defender pre-prepared to go to a post as soon as the whistle is blown! What’s the worst that could have happened, concede a goal?!

    You’re totally wrong. If it were a thing you might see it happen once or twice - you dont

  11. 3 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Agree and disagree

    Cash has to give away a free kick because he messed up his position, he doesn't hand ball it they have a 1v1

    Luiz one there is more to do but kind of the same, the free kick isn't the mistake, the shit positioning meanj g they have to foul is the mistake 

    Sorry but I would rather Walcott have to control it, bring it down and attempt a volley than give Ward prowse a dead ball from the centre of the D.  Luis didn’t need to make his challenge

  12. Just now, darrenm said:

    3 incredible strikes.

    Not a lot you can do about those.

    People say you shouldn't give away free kicks. That's wrong. Fouls are part of the game.

    Those strikes by Ward-Prowse and Ings were unbelievable.

    Of course you shouldn’t give free kicks away in front of goal against the best free kick taker in the league - three free kicks=three goals

  13. 6 minutes ago, OxfordVillan said:

    This one is on the coaching. I’m sat here chatting with my 13yr old daughter and we’re saying how those free kicks are like penalties for Ward-Prowse, we said it before the first free kick and how teams should put a player on the goal line to help the goal keeper. Villa are thick. The change over the last 90 minutes of football to the previous 4 games is staggering. Beyond fathomable. And the inability to alter things from the touch line is really getting to me. We’re 6-0 down over the last 90mins of football and it could have been 10. And Cash should have been sent off. It really has been dire and the early season flame has been extinguished emphatically. 

    How often do you see a man on the line? I tell you - never! because then the attacking side can put players behind the wall and in front of the keeper. 

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