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Posts posted by Condimentalist

  1. 39 minutes ago, useless said:

    If we're going to sign a Chelsea player then Trevor Chalobah seems to fit a lot of our needs, would be a good Carlos replacement as we don't need to replace him with a left-footer, considering we already have Mings, and Pau, and possibly Hermoso coming in, can play right-back, but most interestingly has also played a lot of games as a DM, he's a good player too, could be perfect upgrade on the Chambers or Dendoncker role in our squad

    Agree, think he'd be a decent squad option. 

  2. What a player this guy has become. I've always liked Ollie but I never thought he would become the all round beast he has. 

    Huge credit to him, and to Unai and the team, he's one of the best forwards in Europe this season and hopefully will get the chance to show it in the Champions League with us next year. 

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  3. 56 minutes ago, alexvilla4 said:

    Not sure we need a 3rd striker, but if we make the Champs League would anyone take Welbeck on a free on a 1/2 year option? Very experienced player who would be a good influence on the squad, still has a goal in him and would mean we could fully rest Watkins at times and give more minutes to Duran with Welbeck as another option. Welbeck's link up play and defensive contribution is also decent 

    Could do worse on a free for sure. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Alakagom said:

    Really interesting what team he puts out given the results across Europe. We seem to be running out of steam given all injuries so finishing ahead of Spurs seems quite unlikely. We need Arsenal to beat Bayern and we need to be fresh for Lille..

    I don't think we'll get anything on Sunday, but Spurs have a horrendous run coming up. It's all very much to pay for. 

  5. 11 hours ago, bobzy said:

    He’s so frustrating giving away free kicks in silly areas. Happened twice in fairly quick succession last night - one for a booking for him, then one for a goal.

    Happens regularly enough (I suppose this is why he has as many bookings as he does!) and, while there’s always room for a cynical foul, he needs to be a bit smarter with them IMO. 

    Yes, has always been a bit guilty of that. Happens less when he plays with Kamara though because he's just do darn good at sweeping up. 

  6. I thought he was poor and can see why he hasn't played more. 

    Tough game to come into of course and I'm sure he'll have other chances, but that's just my honest assessment. 

  7. I thought he was a bit of a liability. Sure, he could pass it about when we had possession but didn't do anything remarkable and got caught in possession twice leading to West Ham breaks. 

    He's a decent player but I'll be happy when he's not in the pivot. 

  8. I can see the potential but he's lacking a bit of quality and composure at the moment. 

    Very young though, and as I say I can see why Unai thought he'd be worth a chance on. 

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