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Posts posted by LockStockVilla

  1. I largely agree with what you have included above Rodders...I'd add that KEA was serviceable for the club in his time, def not poor. 


    I think the overlying theme though, as many have mentioned, is that the budget he has been given each year essentially had to completely rebuild a squad. And to add to that, you can see for the most part in his signings, there is a definite correlation between money spent and quality of the player, Westwood excluded imo. And if the case happens that one of these players flops, there is a very good chance their weekly wage is something that will not kill us...it's not like we have Habib Beye sitting on our bench collecting 50k each week. This yet again points to one person, and while I am not a rampant Lerner basher, he has to take blame here for the lack of quality the squad possesses. 

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  2. Noticed in Lambert and Hutton's post match interviews that they mentioned the team had been working on something different tactically in training the last few days...did seem to be a lot more build up from the back and crossfield passing today. 

  3. I know he is not the most highly regarded around these parts for various reasons, but Platt has been out of work since Mancini was sacked at Man City...granted I'm not really certain how great of an asst manager he is...

  4. With it looking more and more likely that Joe Cole won't have the durability to give us too many performances this season, we certainly need to make a move for an Attack Mid if possible. Most likely no chance, but it would be nice if we had a go for Belhanda, as I can't imagine he is loving being in the Ukraine at the moment, or possibly Popov. 

  5. I have a mate who can't last 45 minutes who was asked to play for Stratford just to give you an idea of the level of opposition he's played there. May as well have gone to a park in brum and asked for a kick about


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    Yeah but isn't he American? That's why he was getting loads of media attention, not because he's white.

    He was a black Liberian visiting family.


    I think he probably means one of those two doctors who contracted it and was treated back at Emory hospital in Atlanta.

  7. Thought it was interesting that Fox went to Dortmund with Lambert when he was scouting Arsenal. Never hurts to have a good relationship between manager and CEO. 

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  8. I don't know many yes voters but the few that I have met all seem rather weird and couldn't give me any valid reasons for voting yes other than "**** it, why not"


    My biggest fear, even on the day, is that the the people who would vote no just won't bother turning up.

    Most of the folk I know will be voting yes, although not entirely sure most of them know why either. However, my thought is that in terms of the "no" side, the best case scenario might be to be trailing in the polls going into the vote, because then those people who were not as bothered or might sway towards "no" might have more of an inclination to come out and vote as their votes might actually make the difference. 

  9. What they seem to be criticizing Gardner for is a lack of work rate. Tbf in his limited Villa appearances that would be my problem with him as well. Clearly has a decent shot/pass on him at times, but most matches seem to pass him by. 

  10. I'm so conditioned to those challenges, I spent quite a bit of time yelling "no foul!'. Then after seeing the replay..."ah well, decent foul, definitely not worth a card there." :)

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  11. Thought he was great again today. Gave Sterling an excellent welcome to the match. It's crazy because two seasons ago I wanted him nowhere near the first team squad ever again and now he would be one of my first names on the team sheet. The humble pie tastes just fine!

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