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Posts posted by theunderstudy

  1. The answer is: Operators of the C-130 aircraft. (Blue for current, green for former)

    The C-130 for reference like the B-52 has also been going since the 50s. Another remarkable plane. Everyone knows these buggers, they're the ones that fly low over your house and make everything shake 

  2. On 20/04/2022 at 13:06, Risso said:

    Agreed, it's amazing. Played it through on the Switch recently and it was brilliant. It's held up much better than Skyrim I think.

    I love Skyrim but Skyrim "looks" like a game that's been out for a decade. Witcher 3 on my PS4, both of which are from 6/7 years ago look amazing and if they were released today I don't think I'd see anyone complaining about the graphics or gameplay. The story is engaging and the combat never feels boring even if it is repetitive. And some of the Monsters designs are just fantastic.

  3. A week late on this but the B-52 bomber celebrated 70 years of flight last Friday. Quite an incredible aeroplane. I think its come up in this thread a few times but oh well. Since entering the aviation world I've paid far more attention to this kind of thing.

  4. 11 hours ago, KentVillan said:

    Watched Master and Commander today. The plot is a bit thin, but it makes up for it with the way it immerses you in ship life  and the scenery… definitely worth a watch.

    Excellent film, truly one of the underrated ones out there.

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  5. On 14/04/2022 at 12:59, theunderstudy said:

    Playing Witcher 3 again but this time on Death March as I'm a trophy hunter and want the trophy for doing it. 7 years old this game but I'm loving revisiting it (again)

    I'm about a third/halfway through the main game again and in Novigrad... which is one of my favourite cities to run around, it feels massive. Blows my mind it's been out 7 years because it still looks fantastic (negating any need to re-release for Next Gen but I digress) Death March going okay, I feel like I'm constantly just using Quen and skipping around avoiding hits but needs must.

  6. On 16/04/2022 at 12:21, Straggler said:

    Just finished Ghost of Tsushima. What a cracking game, fighting mechanics were so satisfying. Struggling to work out what to play next as AC Odyssey is on my list but feels clunky and very grindy in comparison. I have the latest god of war downloading instead will see if it can grab me 

    God of War from 2018 was one of my all-time favourites. It's a joy to play.

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  7. I restarted it the other day. This is my 4th play through I think? First on Death March as I'm going for the PS4 trophy. 7 year old game and it still looks gorgeous. Such an immersive, glorious game.

  8. I'm enjoying it. The bit where Moon Knight flew at the guy and had his Cape in the shape of the Moon as he did it..... yeah that got me. I'm a simple man.

    And man I got reminded that the actor who played Mogart, Gaspard Ulliel passed away very recently which is a real shame. :(

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