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Posts posted by jackbauer24

  1. 5% this season is way less than I was expecting, but that's not to praise the decision, but as a result of our increases being astronomical nearly as standard year on year.

    In fact, in the last ten years, Villa's season tickets (or cheapest ones according to data?) have risen by 91%. For context, in that same period, Brentford come 2nd - then in the Championship, has risen only 44%.

    So we are massively increasing our prices faster than any of our rivals. Partially due to possibly have historically low cost tickets but considering we were in the Championship ourselves, I don't really congratulate Villa for the slightly smaller increase this year. Especially when the financial gain to the club is tiny compared to the financial hardship the average fan has to consider to get to Villa Park either as a one off or with a season ticket.


    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Keyblade said:

    ^ That badge is horrendous. Nostalgia's a hell of a drug.

    I strongly suspect that there is a correlation between wanting the round badge and having a nostalgia of the 80s and our succesful period. I don't know many youngsters who liked the round badge at all.

    I was brought up in the 90s (born 1980) so that striped badge has some nostalgia to me... But I recognise it doesn't age well. Unlike the shirts from that era... 😉😎

    • Like 1
  3. 49 minutes ago, Deano & Dalian's Umbrella said:

    I've seen people saying the ticket office have said blocks c4 and c5 are safe

    I'm C4. Not heard anything. Will report instantly if I do!

    • Like 1
  4. Extremely 'unnourished' by this strong rumour. He stank the place out last time here. Mostly, it was his effort which was appalling.

    Also, I keep seeing 'if Emery wants him, then it's all good...', shall we just close down all discussions in transfer threads then? Clearly we shouldn't have any concerns whatsoever about all future signings because of our current successes?!

  5. Evaluating squad for next season;

    Martinez - Keep

    Olsen - Release

    Cash - Squad player

    Carlos - Sell

    Konsa - Keep

    Mings - Tricky... half season loan?

    Moreno - Give time, first season and injuries

    Chambers - Release

    Digne - Sell

    Hause - Release

    Torres - Keep

    Lenglet - End loan

    Luiz - Keep... unless £50m+ offer

    McGinn - Keep

    Buendia - integrate (easier than Mings)

    Ramsey - Keep... unless buy back?

    Kamara - welcome back

    Bailey - Keep

    Tielemans - Keep

    Iroegbunam - Sell (buyback)

    Kellyman - Loan (or new buyback trick!)

    Zaniolo - End loan

    Watkins - Keep

    Duran - Sell (buyback/ FFP)

    Diaby - Give time, like Bailey first season

    Rogers - Keep


    We look great going forward but very suspect in defence. We need some better CB options, better l/r backs. More options in CM unless we can catch a break with injuries. Think we got lucky with Watkins fitness/form this year, we need much better options should that change.

  6. I really couldn't care less today, but it does show how bad out 'B team' is, Chambers, Carlos, Lenglet, Olsen really shouldn't be part of our team going forward. The drop off in quality is substantial.

    I think Digne has done well enough this season but he's not really good enough defensively or an effective enough crosser of the ball.

    Duran is raw.

    We (were) in this game due to the good coaching/ set up, but the players out there aren't really good enough.

  7. 33 minutes ago, delboy54 said:

    I drive an old 2011 Yaris.....one good thing about it is the reg plate starts with AV      .........

    Much derided on here I know, but I've just bought a personalised number plate that I've waited practically 23 years for. I say personalised but it's completely Villa! I remember typing it in when the first 'new style' plates were released and it said it'd be available in May 2024... And it was.

    AV74 EST (Aston Villa, Established 1874 for those that can't see it!)

    Just need to wait another two years to have a car I can put it on!

    On topic, I also have an electric car, a Kia EV6. Amazing cars, will stay on electric forever now. Wife has a electric corsa... Hates it!! But wants to stay electric, but something witha bit more quality!!

    • Like 2
  8. Am I imagining things, or is there some rule where we HAVE to put out our strongest side, or it within reason? I know there's something like that in the Championship isn't there?

    As for aims for this match, Ollie to score 20th and then at half time they can get the board games out and watch a U rated movie... no, wait, that's what I do at school in last week...

  9. Man City are playing awfully, no denying that. They haven't got going at all. Misplaced passes, no threat, looked incredibly suspect when Spurs counter.

    Can definitely see Spurs at least taking the lead.

    Could be going to last game of the season... my heart can't take it.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Sulberto21 said:

    At least you can go shopping or have a tug whilst the rest of us are watching the likes of Vinicius Junior, Mbappe et al on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s at Villa Park or The Bernbeau, Camp Nou . If we qualify of course.

    I really don't get this ideology to be fair.

    I don't want to watch other teams players. I want to watch Villa winning. Everything. All the time.

    "You only came to watch the Villa".. I get the feeling lots of fans just want us to get in to the CL so they can watch other teams.

    This might not be quite what you meant. But winning a trophy is far more appealing than seeing ANY club play us at Villa Park.

  11. All this hype and #believe crap has pissed me off even more.

    The players didn't look remotely up for this tie. No running, no passion, no drive, no effort. Might as well have played the kids. Absolutely pathetic from professional footballers in a semi-final after they screwed up the first leg.

    You can spout on about being tired and injures etc but that was not just tired, that was insipid. No one played well. They weren't on the same wavelengths at all.

    The arrogance shown by a lot of people to suggest we were favourites for this tournament is unbelievable. We played rubbish against most European opposition all season, well before injures and tiredness could be blamed. We've been too casual and naive throughout and escaped against Lille. Lightning doesn't strike twice.

    So there goes out first chance of proper silverware in decades, and unlikely to have a better one. But we decided to play this competition half arsed from game one.

    We were guaranteed to win this competition. We were guaranteed to win this semi. We were guaranteed to have 5th as a Champions League spot. We are guaranteed to be 4th... 

    Not unless you bloody earn it and bar a game or two, in 2024 we have NOT deserved it.

    I'm angry, I'm writing full of emotion and may regret some words tomorrow... but I'd be bloody embarrassed by that performance as a Villa player tonight. Olympiacos had our number but to give their keeper ONE save to make all game is frankly pathetic.

    Praise Emery all you like, he got his approach is first leg wrong and clearly didn't get the set up or attitude right for this game either.

    We are now relying on another team to be worse than us to get anything out of a season that promised so much.

    And yes, in a month's time I may be thankful and can look at the season overall as a successful one... but tonight I'm furious.

    • Like 2
  12. Anyone who suggests we've been unlucky has the claret and blue tinted glasses glued to their head!

    Olympiacos have been COMFORTABLE throughout the tie. They're playing within themselves. It's been easy and their keeper has had practically nothing to do.

    We could play them ten times and not win.

  13. Lille outplayed us for two games. 

    Olympiacos have now done it too.

    We didn't do enough to be favourites for this competition at all.

    We've been awful in Europe and there is a definite arrogance from fans and telhe English media in suggesting we were remotely favourites for this.

    • Like 4
  14. I think we're all being a little arrogant here. Olympiacos haven't sat back, we haven't been all over them. Their keeper has had little to do over the first leg and the first half hour of this one. We've been outplayed, constantly.

    Olympiacos are simply the better team at the moment. Whether that's injuries or tiredness or whatever, we haven't been good enough and Olympiacos have been very very good.

    • Like 1
  15. 21 minutes ago, lainux said:

    Probably thinking a way to tell the ones who will be losing their seats to hospitality... I've been in c5 for many years behind the dugout.  C4 and C5 could be turning into hospitality...

    I'm C4. Fairly convinced that we'll be moved out either this season or next.

    • Sad 1
  16. Biggest game in Blues recent history. Home to a Norwich side who may be not quite at 100% for today. Need everyone behind them to secure the three points in a wet, dingy run down stadium.

    Except co-owner Tom Brady. He's unfortunately really busy mingling with stars at the Miami Grand Prix this weekend. Otherwise, he'd swap that glamour and warmth for a trip to the Sty in a heartbeat obviously...

    #undefeated #uninterested 

    • Haha 2
  17. Poor form for at least a few months.

    Poor discipline to get yellow in last minute before deadline passes and get two match suspension.

    We then play well without him.

    Come back in and plays badly vs Chelsea.

    Tonight's game he misplaces most passes, doesn't make runs, gives away a penalty and misses one.

    Yeah... at this stage he is the obvious candidate to be sold. He has always thought he's way better than he is and he's fully back at the standard that meant Man City had no interest in activating the buy back clause.

    If we had bodies, I'd be dropping him before anyone else on the team.

  18. Awful, practically to a man. There was different levels but no one played 'well', all were different percentages of below their best.

    Luiz stands out for all the wrong reasons. He's been horrific lately and don't think it's a coincidence that our best two performances were without him. If we had any players left, I'd be dropping him. Also maintain that for all the hype around him, I'd sell him in a heartbeat for anything like the fees banded around. His level of swagger rarely matches his actual ability and never his effort.

    When you've got Olsen in goal, you don't need to confuse matters further by putting Lenglet in.

    Diaby would be an expert hurdler if football doesn't work out, spends most of the time jumping out of any battle.

    The passing today was terrible. The ball retention was laughable. Too many players not quick enough to react to loose balls or getting caught on it. 

    Brentford, Lille (both games), Chelsea and today - we're miles off the boil lately. We're not showing any evidence we can turn this around.

    Just thankful Spurs aren't taking advantage in the league.

    Luiz had his worst game ever, Konsa not far off. McGinn, Cash, Digne all well below par. Olsen isn't good, so maybe that's just his best! Watkins tried to make things work, Bailey instigated ever promising move. Diaby and Rodgers too slow, weak and made bad decisions. Subs were too late and pointless.

    Blown chance to win a cup. We needed to go to Greece with a healthy lead with what it'll be like over there, this leg has killed us now.

    So disappointing. 

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