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Posts posted by Laivasse

  1. On another note, my £20 controller came yesterday. It's an exact replica of an original Xbox 360 controller but all over the box it's 'designed for windows'. I have it in black and so far nothing to fault. Just installing Arham City.


    I can't stop playing Arkham City. I came to it late but it's probably my favourite game of the past 8-9 years. I've already completed it and want to go back through it again, but I have this OCD need to crack all the Riddler challenge maps before I start back over on New Game+.


    Incidentally I'm using the same 360 controller 'for Windows'. My understanding is that it's identical to the wired version of the console controller and can be used on the 360 too.

  2. In his first few games, KEA looked to me like Lambert's best signing. He looked like a more attack-minded Petrov. After that he totally dropped off and seemed to lose all the technical assuredness and calmness in possession that he'd shown to start with. It didn't help that Lambert played him alongside Delph over and over, both of them fulfilling the same deep role that should have been performed by one player, with neither doing it very well. I think there's a player in there somewhere, but we may never find out since he may just be destined for a fire sale when we hit the championship.

  3. No one really knows what went on behind the scenes with Warnock but something pretty bad at some point almost certainly happened. On the Football Weekly podcast a few months back, one of the journalists alluded that a player under Houllier did something pretty unforgivable, then really backtracked when they tried to get it out of him. The most information we got was the Letter 'W'. 


    With standards of journalism being what they are, I wouldn't be surprised if that journo was regurgitating rumours he'd read on this very board.

  4. That link you posted - call me silly but I don't get it. I don't have ANY current cables for my controller so where abouts would that circular input bit go?


    Those connector cables would only be for the wired version of the 360 pad, if you had lost the original cable. Since you have a wireless pad, a wireless receiver like Chindie mentioned would be what you need, although I wouldn't know what to recommend. eBay might be your best bet as he says. Of course, as the price creeps towards £20 maybe it's better just plumping for the pad if you can get one for that price.

  5. Does it seem silly to buy a controller for the PC?


    I've got a good amount of games on Steam but never really play them and I think it's down to the keyboard/mouse combination. I think games like Skyrim I'd leave as mouse and keyboard, but I bought Dead Island in the sales and struggling to get used to it. Had a quick look on Amazon and there's a couple floating around for £20. 


    I have an Xbox controller (for my 360-obviously) but no cable. 


    Do you mean you just don't have the USB connector cable for the controller? If so then it would be much cheaper to get a replacement one of those, something along these lines would probably fit the bill, or a USB wireless receiver if it's a wireless pad you're talking about.


    Personally I would never use a controller for a first person perspective game since mouse aiming is so much better. Even for 3rd person games I often stick with mouse&kb. However for platform games, driving games and shooters like Renegade Ops I have a 360 controller which I bought especially for the purpose.

  6. Hazard clearly just kicked the ball as you see it squirt out from under the boy on the main match angle. He was trying to get on with play. The card should be cancelled and the whole thing forgotten about - anything else just plays into the hands of some attention-seeking chav and encourages similar bullshit in future.

  7. Confident and competent. We were playing a Division Two side.

    Terms like "psychotic" are silly and make any reasonable argument you may have look over-stretched.

    No it was madness. Bradford didn't have a sniff in that half, yet if Given miscontrols there or Bannan miscues (like he did for several other, much simpler passes), then they're in. It was Bannan doing what he always does, making low percentage passes he doesn't need to make, hunting for the elusive glory moment to fuel his own ego. Trouble is, it never comes. He's a highlight reel player who never creates any highlights.

    The only 'silly' thing is accusing anyone else of being silly while praising the worst player on the pitch after an already shit performance.

  8. This is a new one!

    I don't know what else to call it when, under pressure, you float a ball from your own corner flag towards your keeper who is also under pressure. Given did very well to take it on his chest and control it.

  9. We still created 7 chances in the first half. Far more organised attack set up than we had after he went off in the second.

    Bannan was our worst player in the first half by a long, long distance, beyond even Lowton who contributed nothing. What good we did - which wasn't enough - was in spite of Bannan, not because of him. His passing was borderline psychotic, his corners and crossing complete garbage. We could have subbed off a patch of fresh air and it would have harmed us more than subbing off Bannan.

  10. He set up their goal when beaten as favourite to a ball on his flank, which led to the corner. Considering that was the goal that put us out, I'd say he's a bit short of MOTM territory. Sure, he did some good things, too. Charles N'Zogbia did not play badly and therefore got my vote. The fact he made no notable mistakes, that his contributions apart from a crude challenge were positive, distinguishes him from Joe Bennett when it comes to the aforementioned insignificant poll.

    I think we've all got better things to do than argue who was our 'best' player after that shitshow, but we're the only team around where conceding a corner is treated like conceding a penalty, and players who do so are vilified to the same degree. The root of that problem is somewhere on the training pitch or in the mind of the management (hopefully soon to be former management). IMO the only reason Zog made no notable mistakes was that he faded very badly in the second half apart from one good run with no end product. Had he continued his first half display he would have been my MOTM too but it's a bit of a worthless accolade, considering.

  11. As someone earlier said, to be fair, full backs apart, most of our best players are Lambert signings.

    Based on what and why exclude the fullbacks? Vlaar had a bad game, lost his man for the equaliser and Benteke had his share of the blame for that same moment. Benteke was good first half, but so were Zog, Ireland and Gabby - even Delph who I think is utter garbage had some flashes. Benteke is essentially a 60 minute player and beyond that point you're only going to find him from long balls and corners. Lowton had a shocking game. This is not a case of 'Lambert influence = good; Villa deadwood = bad'. Lamber personally totally **** it up tonight and it's just an extension of the same pattern that's been there for most of the season, except writ large against League Two opposition.

  12. Who the **** is voting for Bennett as MOTM!!!???

    He is the worst left back we've ever had


    Set up the goal, put in another cross that was a tap in if anyone had moved, made excellent runs... He still made a lot of mistakes and played badly, but that's a given for any player who played; we got outplayed by a League Two side but there's still a poll. Nobody had a good 90 minutes.

  13. Look at this bullshit. For a second there we had 4-5 players with their backs to goal,, just hiding in Bradford's defensive line at the edge of the penalty area - none of them wanting the ball, since they were marked up and useless. That's cowardice on the part of the players but it's **** awful on the part of Lambert. That's not an offensive gameplan, it's primary school playground tactics.

    Actually it is an offensive gameplan, in the wrong sense of the word.

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