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Posts posted by Laivasse

  1. It's a completely separate story from BS1&2 for anyone wondering, although it's unclear whether it's set in the same universe.


    I was fairly sceptical about it in relation to the hype, but having watched some footage it does look really fantastic from world-building perspective, at the very least. I was initially worried that Columbia wasn't as impressive a creation as Rapture, but from the looks of it I was mistaken. I won't buy it until the price comes down in a few months though, because the combat does look a little fatiguing like it was in the original. NPCs look a bit cardboard too.

  2. Been playing Dynasty Warriors 7 on the PC. In terms of graphics and gameplay, so much of the Dynasty Warriors series is complete crap, but I have a soft spot for them ever since one game kept me company while studying abroad. A guy from Hong Kong knew DW4 inside out and convinced me that there's hidden depths to these games, in terms of the battle outcomes, weapon drops, etc. I also like how it butchers Chinese history by turning all their significant historical figures into ludicrous anime caricatures.


    My copy of DW7 is in Japanese so it's even more incomprehensible than DW normally is, but at least I'm not subjected to terrible dubbing.

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