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Posts posted by markavfc40

  1. Even though Hatton was 140lb ( 10 stone ) at the weight in come the fight he will enter the ring at around 11stone 2lb. Pacquiao on the other hand will weigh no more than around 10stone 7lb.

    Hatton is naturally by far the bigger and stronger man. This only comes into play though if he can get close enough to Pacquiao to hurt him. He will and take him out in the mid - later rounds.

  2. hes always going to make mistakes.

    Ferguson makes mistakes

    Wenger makes Mistakes

    Mourinho makes mistakes

    every manager makes mistakes.

    Spot on. The perfect manager, who doesn't make mistakes, doesn't exist.

    What I expect from Mon over the coming years is for him to keep improving us and pushing us forward. I also accept though that along the way he will make mistakes and we will have bad results and run of results, has we have recently, but overall I believe he will continue to take us forward.

  3. Glad to see its an overwhelming Yes. I didn't expect anything different as even though on numerous threads on here there are a fair few comments against Mon it is by the same tiny minority.

    The man has done a remarkable job. Anyone who seriously thought it would be plain sailing all the way is a deluded fool in my opinion. Despite the odd blip, one of which we are in now, overall we have made unbelievable progress and I have seen nothing to suggest that this can not continue over the coming years even though I again accept that there will be more blips along the way.

    Overall its good to see Mon has the backing and belief of the overwhelming majority of supporters and from the recent comments from the General the backing and belief of the chairman and board.

  4. A gauge of confidence?

    I'm always confident going into any game, especially under Mon, otherwise to be honest with you it would take the gloss off going to the games if I expected a loss, no matter who we play.

    At the end of the day we area top Premiership Club and before a ball has been kicked then we are certainly god enough to beat anybody. The game may pan out completely differently and after 30 mins I may not be so confident but, like I said previously, before a balls been kicked I believe this group of players we have in claret and blue have done enough to have the fans show belief in them. Anyone who doesn't is way too negative in my opinion.

  5. I think what the Tories have done Ian, by saying **** all, is left the door open for people to come to their own conclusions of what they would or wouldn't do. They could easily nip that in the bud by actually giving an alternative to the action being taken now. They won't though as they know, due to peoples desperation, they are almost guaranteed to be in power come 2010 and the only thing that could probably **** that up is by Cameron and Osbourne engaing their clueless brains and opening there mouths.

  6. [i jsut want from a politial poit of view the Tories to tell us what they would do and they can not say this at the moment because unless they have really changed the rights answer to recessions has always been to leave them to the free market

    Ian I would love to know what the Tories would do but I genuinely don't think they have a clue. Even if they did I don't think they want to say too much at the moment as they are happy letting Labour dig there own grave and then piping up every now and again and slinging a bit of mud.

    The Tories wll continue to criticise Labours handling of the economic situation, not offer any viable alternatives, safe in the knowledge that come the election in 2010 out of desperation people will have turned to them.

  7. I'm not convinced that any government in this country will start to make the right decisions, though. It has become easier and easier to throw one's lot in with freeborn John.

    What a sad state we find ourselves in given that the above statement is so true.

    The government we have now apears to be unable to get us out of the shocking mess we now find ourselves in yet we do not genuinely have an alternative to cling our hopes onto.

    The Conservatives will be elected in 2010 of that I am sure. People will vote for them, but not with any belief that they will change things for the better, but more in blind desperation. How far we have sunk.

  8. p.s. My hope for the next year is that someone comes and deletes 'hindsight' from our vocab. It will be the next done to death word by all who seek to absolve themselves from any responsibility and/or culpability for anything (I think I heard it at least twenty times during the questioning of the bankers - even though a good number of the comments related to opinions given years ago).

    How the **** can one criticise someone for what they said five years ago by saying 'with the benefit of hindsight, what they said was right'? Morons.

    Couldn't agree more. I can guarantee though we will hear plenty from all Politcal parties on what should and shouldn't have been done.

    Whatever happens now it is clear to me that there will be no quick fix for what is currently happening. It is now just about the degree to which how bad things get.

    I am sure the Labour government are aware that regardless of what they do now they are already out of the door come the next election. It would be stupid to think that given what as already happened and what is lkely to happen prior to the next election that any government could survive that.

    To what extent Labour are to blame for what is happening now I am unsure.

    I do genuinely fear for this country though as it is a given to me that the Tories will be in power in 2010 and with Cameron and Osbourne leading them that is a far more frightening prospect than we currently have leading us. For the record I am not a Labour supporter I just don't see the Tories, with there current leadership, as a better option.

  9. Are Brown and Darling the right people to lead this country = Debateable

    Are Cameron and Osbourne the right people to lead this country = Laughable ( as I don't have a clue what the **** they are about )

    If we were likely to have an election tomorrow (or in the near future) then it might mean something.

    Snowy in a years time when the elections come round I am sure the Tories will have plenty to say about what they would and wouldn't have done during this very difficult time we are going through. Hindsight will be a wonderful thing. I personally would have much more respect for them if they stated what they would do now.

    I doubt very much right now they'll commit themselves to anything and that can only lead me to believe that Cameron and Osbourne are clueless.

  10. what the Tories would or wouldn't do is irrelevant.

    You really believe that? The main oppostion party in this country with almost two hundred elected MPs, elected by god knows how many millions of people, and you say that what they would or wouldn't do is irrelevant.

    I couldn't agree less. They are surely there to not just slate what the current government may be doing wrong, as quite franky in times like this that is easy prey, but they surely have to offer viable alternatives as when the time comes for people to vote again what the **** will we be voting for if we vote for the Tories as I have not got a clue what they are all about.

    Are Brown and Darling the right people to lead this country = Debateable

    Are Cameron and Osbourne the right people to lead this country = Laughable ( as I don't have a clue what the **** they are about )

  11. I often have a browse in threads like these and rarely comment. I do however always end up laughing my bollocks off at the fact that some on here genuinely believe,that as bad as things are under a Labour government, that they would actually be better under the clown double act of Cameron and Osbourne. I am not a Labour supporter but if anyone thinks that the joke of a party, who appear to have no viable policies,would do better then they are living in La La land.

  12. Really enjoyed my school days although don't think I realised how much at the time.

    Can always remember my parents saying that the school days are the best of your life and thinking yeh right but looking back now they were great days. Spending hours with friends, no responsibility and discovering the opposite sex. Absolutley fantastic.

    Its just a shame that the years since have flown by.

  13. As a work representative myself, better known previously as a shop steward, then I think some of you lads are wrong to knock unions.


    Mark, I'm not sure there have been many people knocking unions.

    Snowy in all fairness I have read comments on this thread that have stated that Unions have too much power and/or influence. They don't have either they just have enough backing to have the balls to stand up for any working man/woman The choice is there for anyone who works. Join a Union pay your dues and you will have the backing of a Union if needed.

  14. As a work representative myself, better known previously as a shop steward, then I think some of you lads are wrong to knock unions.

    What is wrong with a group of workers standing together to ensure that each and everyone of them be treated fairly. The fact that some people in the private sector do not feel they have the backing of a union is there problem. Everyone can be the member of a union and therefore stand united with there work colleagues and stand up for what they believe is right.

  15. If we do as have an achilles heal, as the topic suggests, then Wigan certainly didn't expose it.

    We absolutely battered them in the second half and had it not been for a number of goal line clearances would have won by a comfortable margin.

    One of them days unfortunately that come around every so often where by whatever you do the ball appears not to want to go in the back of the net. If that is our achilles heal so be it as I doubt we will see us dominate a game like that again without coming away with 3 points for a very long time.

  16. It sort of sad when a gesture such as this one by the owner of the Club is "panned" by certain fans. It hurts no one and has a positive impact on our youth. Let's take it for what it is...a nice gesture by your Club.

    General the very small minority who are moaning are the ones who are sad miserable sods. Having looked at the comments on here and elsewhere 99% of fans see this in the positive way it was intended. As DDID so eloquently put in the previous post you will always get the odd ignorant **** in life.

  17. I quite like the fact we aren't playing great but getting results. Some seem to believe that if we continue to play below par we will eventually hit a sticky spell. There is though just as much likelihood that our performances will improve. If this is the case then anything is possible this season.

  18. I'm with Trent and find it unbelieveably stupid of the Everton management/board to have turned down the opportunity to have signed Saha on a pay as you play basis. In fact the decision not to as already proved to be a costly mistake.

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