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Posts posted by markavfc40

  1. 2 minutes ago, ender4 said:

    How will people get to their seats if all these aisles are disappearing?

    We'll have the choice of either jumping from the upper holte or paying extra to abseil down. Win win for the club as either extra revenue from you hiring the rope, or less season ticket holders from those who don't survive the fall so your seat can be sold at an enhanced GA rate.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Why not? There’s plenty to be fixed, yes they broke it but they could pretend to ignore that and pledge to fix things.

    It is not and never will wash though will it. Was it yesterday they pledged to open 100 new GP surgeries having closed 2500 since 2010. Every instance of them saying they'll do something can be met with but you've destroyed that very same thing you'll say you'll start to fix. It is like an arsonist burning your house down then offering to start laying a few bricks to rebuild it.

    After 14 years they have nowhere to hide and everything that is wrong in on them. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    Why can't they just release the updated seat plan. That way if you have displaced from friends or family you can try and sort it during the relocation window at least?

    If you can't see where you have been moved too you can't make an informed decision can you?

    It's just dire. Is it intentional or just incompetent?

    AVFC support told me a couple of hours ago that they don't have an updated seating plan to release. It is a bit of a piss take given some people/seats appear to have moved a fair distance and there is also now a chance some will now have a reconfigured aisle separating them from the next seat 

    • Thanks 2
  4. I messaged AVFC support earlier and asked if they are releasing new seating plans given the amount of seat numbers that have changed as without one there is no way of knowing if seats are separated by a reconfigured aisle/entrance. They have messaged me back saying they can't provide seating plans currently. Asking supporters to fork out hundreds/thousands of pounds on seats that for some people could well now be separated by a reconfigured aisle, without them knowing, seems a tad unfair.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, ender4 said:

    I don't get it.  I thought adult was capped at 5% increase but this is saying 33% increase?

    That 33% increase is showing the increase over last 3 years on the adult ticket. It is the second part that shows the increases in concessions for this season alone.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I wonder if they'll release a seating plan today when they finally release the tickets. A lot of seat numbers seem to have changed (my four seats have changed by 11 (from 35-38 to 46 to 49) so there is a chance if they have reconfigured/put extra seats across aisles/entrances that some seats that were together could now be separated by an aisle.

  7. 6 minutes ago, lainux said:

    Where do you go to see your new set in the account info?

    Just go into your account and click on season ticket and it will show season 2023/24 seat numbers then on another line a different seat number (if your number has changed).

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  8. As I said in my previous post I have 4 tickets but only one person in the group received the email despite me since being able to see in my online account on the official site that all 4 seat numbers have changed. The one who received the email is the first number in our sequence (he was seat 35 the rest being 36,37,38) and he is now seat 46 with the rest being 47,48,49. I assume this is due to gangway realignment. I wonder if they will release a new seating plan tomorrow as I am concerned that some of the seats could now be separated by a gangway.

  9. I've just gone on to my online account and can see my four season tickets have changed from numbers 35,36,37,38 to seat number 46, 47, 48,49. I'm in Holte End L2.

    Only one person in my group received the email saying their seat number had changed even though they all have.

    We've been sitting around the same people for years and all get on and have a chat so hopefully will still be the same familiar faces adjacent/behind/in front. 

  10. 46 minutes ago, wedge said:

    it seems now most if not all of the Holte End will be licenced and legal standing areas, people who aren't happy that people around them are standing (no pun intended) won't have a leg to stand on. 

    Are they making the whole of the Holte rail seating?

  11. Just now, cheltenham_villa said:

    i think they are also going in areas where persistent standing happens anyway. I sit in L3, its always been a standing section (id love the chance of a little sit down tbh)

    I'm in L2 and haven't sat down in there for years. Do feel for some of the older boys/gals. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Xela said:

    I'm not unhappy about the situation I'm in now, I just wish I'd taken more risks when younger. Perhaps moved into an area of finance that meant I could have worked abroad for a while... somewhere like HK, Singapore, NYC, etc. I should have give London a try in my early 20s, when a mate moved down there to join Credit Suisse. 


    How old are you mate? I get the impression maybe late 30s/early 40s. It is not too late is it to maybe do those things you've mentioned.

    To answer your question from a personal perspective I honestly don't know what I'd do other than listing unrealistic jobs that I'd never have been capable of anyway ie footballer. What I would say is over the years I've known people who have all sorts of different careers and the overwhelming majority don't particularly enjoy their job and are like me in that my job doesn't define me/form my identity it is just a means to be able to have lived the life I have wanted to - raise a family, have a decent house/car, be able to travel etc. 
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