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Posts posted by Baselayers

  1. I think i remember reading one of your posts where you said you were a lesbian :?

    :lol: nope. i may have been joking, and confused you in your state of munchieness or something.

  2. Lesbianism certainly is an interesting idea, not sure i could do it though. Also agree with ME about the butch lesbians, surely being a lesbian means you like women, not women that try to look like men, Very odd!

    One of my best friends is a lesbian, she is not butch, and loves beautiful ladies, she does it right!

  3. Shiny new bike :D


    Is that the Giant store in Bristol by any chance?

    Yes its is the Bristol Store, its not mine to keep though, just for practice and for my London to Paris charity ride :cry:

  4. Anything over £5 is too much.

    Seriously, I doubt you can buy a pair of sunglasses that won't damage your eyes in that price range. With sunglasses cheap is not good, cheap can actually be quite dangerous

    Sometimes the price is justified in sunglasses.

    A friend of mine suffered from horrible migraines. Went for a CT scan to dismiss the possibility of a tumor. For months for about an hour a day he got severe migraines until he sought a second opinion from another doctor. He told him to buy some good quality sunglasses £100 or more. Migraines disappeared. Not sure how or why it worked but you can't underestimate a quality pair of sunglasses.

    He bought some Oakleys btw, he swears by them.

    That's right oakley are the business!

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