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Posts posted by MCU

  1. Can't go to this because I've no more days to book off at *bleep*in work the pieces of *bleep*in *bleep*ers. I already had my ticket for the original date aswell until it got called off from *bleep*in underground pitch failure or some sort of *bleep*. Ah well, atleast I sold it on I guess...

  2. Omgdzzzz! U wel luk lik Salifu lmfao!!

    Don't know him mate, my name is Amir :?

    Err what the hell is that noob going on about? Who is Salifou? Anyway, your looking well slick. All the best x x x

  3. They haven't done anything with milners rating apart from move his position to central. If you put him right wing it'll go back up to 81 or something. Hope this is sorted out by next year. If ash young is rated 84 at left wing then milner should be 85 in the middle. :-)

  4. I don't rate the "balti" pies they sold at the ground. They were crap. They weren't even balti. Also, there was this one guy (tall and black) who was serving and he was the slowest person I've ever seen. Took him about 10-15 minutes to process one order.

    They were Curry Pies, not balti. My mate asked for a chicken balti, he gets given a pasty. He repeats himself then gets a Vegetable pie. **** shockin. Almost as bad as Wembley. :P

  5. Silly plastic Man Utd fan friend of mine doesn't even watch all the games. Always talkin shit about Villa - even before the final he was saying how much he thinks we stink. I had to remind him many a times that they lost to Villa at HOME. Still didn't shut the twunt up, saying they are higher in the table and in the Champs League and that's all that matters. He is so arrogant, says he has been following Utd since the Schmeichel days, yea right. He's just another plastic fan that puffs his chest when his team wins but if they lose then it's no skin off his back, he sleeps and eats fine. That's a shitty supporter if you ask me. Obviously your team losing shouldn't mean the end of the world but should match on the spectrum of your pride, so if your team does well you gloat and if not then you pout.

    Oh and who was the one that told him how to stream the match on the internet?

    And you couldn't EVEN HEAR the Utd fans singing yesterday, such a lame bandwagon club - I hate them!!

    Really doesn't surprise me that some of their fans didn't even stay to watch the players lift the trophy. They buy the green and gold scarves and call themselves true supporters!! TWUNTS!

    We all know one mate!

  6. Recently got back from the match. Not quite sure what to say really as I am devastated. This one will take a while to get over and rightly so. The cup was within reach and on another day we could so easily have won it. However, today the footballing gods just simply weren't on our side. It just felt like a day when nothing would go our way and it ended up being just that....

    Anyway, the start to the day was a brilliant one. The banter from our supporters outside of Wembley was amazing. The atmosphere was great even though the weather was as awful as it could possibly have been. Best chant of the day: "Are you Norwich in disguise?". I felt so confident going into the match today, compared to the FA Cup Final in 2000. Even walking up Wembley Way felt better today and there was belief in the surrounding are, coming from our supporters.

    It was then time to enter the stadium, which I still don't like. It looks nice from the outside, yet once you get inside I still feel it is very poor. It takes far too long to get a programme, nevermind the food and drink. This didn't bother me though as I was more concerned with getting to my seat for kick-off.

    Then the big moment came and our supporters were well up for it. On the other hand, the Man Utd supporters seemed very quiet. Five minutes in and we had taken the lead. The celebrations were absolutely mad and it was the perfect start. Then it all went downhill. Despite this being the case, it was another good day out at Wembley. It's just a shame that it was ruined in a big way by the fact that we lost. The trophy was there for the winning and to know we were so close is heartbreaking...

    Anyway, when it comes to my opinions on the match, I'm full of them. Some you may agree with and others you may disagree with. Yet the big turning point in the match for me was when Dowd bottled the sending off of Vidic. He quite clearly should have walked. He was the last defender and he clearly denied a goalscoring oppotunity, thus meaning he had to go. Yet, Dowd obviously realised he was in the Man Utd end and probably thought it was too risky to send one of their players off so early. The rules state he should have gone but due to Dowd, he didn't.

    Now, some may argue that this is an excuse. However, I am in no way using it as one. The fact remains that if Vidic had gone, the game would have swung even more into our favour at that point. It would have meant that they had to reshape. Plus they would have lost their best CB that was available on the day. Now, in my opinion, this would have had a huge impact. Some will deny and others will say it is too late to complain etc. I'm not crying about it though and saying that we only lost because of that. What I am saying is that this one decision played a massive role in us losing the final. Dowd quite simply should not have gotten it wrong. Absolute bottler!

    Onto our players now. I wasn't overly impressed today in all honesty and thought that we could have played much better. We did show up though and it certainly wasn't one of our worst performances. We do still lack that goalscorer though and the gap left between midfield and defence is nothing short of worrying at times. There were many times today when we gave Man Utd far too much space and time on the ball.

    Their first goal was an absolute shambles. Not just from Dunne either. It was a shambles for the defensive unit as a whole. They should have easily dealt with the situation, yet didn't. It ended up costing us big time when Owen had a clear shot to put it into the back of the net.

    Then there was there second goal. I'm not too sure who was at fault for that to be honest. Rooney should have been marked better though and perhaps Friedel should have saved it. However, truth be told it was a perfectly placed header.

    Our lads did try to be fair though. They gave it their all at times and we did look like a threat. It was just that final ball lacking though, or that nice touch from a proven goalscorer. On another day we may well have walked this match and I feel we could have quite easily done so today. It's an opportunity missed in my opinion, yet hopefully the players will learn from this. It was the first time in a final at Wembley for most of the team, which is no small thing.

    Full credit to MON and the team for reaching the final and for giving it a fair whack. On the day we were unlucky with the Dowd decision and just not good enough at certain points. We have much to improve on, however it is clear to see that we are on the up.

    I would also like to commend Gabby for his performance and work rate today. He was all over the pitch, getting stuck in and trying to get the team moving. Dunne (other than the mistake), Milner and Petrov also played very well in my opinion.

    Cuellar isn't a RB and that is clear to us all. He should have been CB today alongside Dunne, with Young as RB. Cuellar did give it his all though and wasn't a complete flop. His passing was the big problem today. Then there is Heskey. I actually thought he did alright. Nothing great but nothing awful throughout the match. He hed the ball up well at times and did do a couple of good things. The main problem with him though is that he simply isn't a threat. I honestly don't rate him very highly, despite the fact that he can do some things well.

    Anyway, another trip to Wembley has ended in disaster for me. I was at the final in 2000, yet this one hurts more. I think it's because there was so much expectation. We could have easily won today and it is an opportunity missed. Now is the time for the team to step up and go for FA Cup glory. We can go all the way in that competition and be at Wembley once again.

    We are on the up and whilst I am upset, I recognise that we are going places. We do well with what we have at our disposal. Hopefully we will continue to strengthen over the summer. Before that though, we have fourth place and the FA Cup to fight for. Hopefully we can get one of them, otherwise this season may end up looking like a big missed opportunity.

    I believe in the lads and MON and think that we still have some unfinished business this season. I may be down today but hopefully over the coming months that will change. Anyway, well done to the lads. We were unlucky in many ways today. Onwards and upwards. UTV!

    Well said. Agree with everything in this especially Heskey not being a threat which is why the striker in the summer is top priority.

    Regarding the stadium it's big and that's about it. I still prefer the Emrates to it. Like 1 or 2 have already picked up on the staff coulden't speak English. A bloke in front of me asked for Cheese & Onion Crisps and he kept giving him Salt & Vinegar. I too had to repeat 'Pizza' about 5 times to him before he sold me 2 French style pizza slices and 2 packs of crisps for £10. :( Queue's were huge in their, they should have planned it out a bit better like make more food bars. I also have the Milner Penalty, I'd upload it soon and put on here... we went mad.

  7. Just got back.

    I echo the statements made about the pre-match build up. As soon as we stepped off the train it was just a sea of claret and blue apart from the odd Norwich fan. From around 11ish to 1:30 we went to a pub beginning with 'S' (forgot the name, sorry) and the build up in there was fantastic. Regarding the game anybody who thought we played shit, what game were you watching? We played absolutley fine and we would have murdered them IF Vidic had been sent off. Disgraceful referee. If they don't pick up on that then something needs to be done because if it was the other way around then Fergie and co. would be sending them to hell and back. I was sickened at the end, didn't want to see them glory hunting rocket polishers lift that trophy.

  8. I May be being Captain Obvious here but are your players bronze players up against stronger opposition (silver or gold)? Best thing to do if you've got the patience is play in the tournaments and win them then eventually get yourself either a silver or a gold pack if you can afford. If your struggling I'll lend you 1-2k mate.

  9. Yeah, played like 17 offline, then 3 online. Lost all 3 online. Lag, and chemistry was shit, so I'm just winning some offline tournaments atm. Bit stupid that you can't change the difficulty. Playing on Semi-Pro and winning every game 10-0 was stupidly boring.

    What's your team called?

    Yeah I know. It's well easy. What I do is try not to sprint as much as your players will get knackered easier. My teams called Inter Ur Sister. Whats yours?

  10. I'm making a German 4-1-2-1-2 atm.

    Team is starting to get a bit better now.

    My main gripe? The fact that having 100 Chemistry seems to have **** all effect on your players. On the old one it was crucial, but on this I have been beaten by teams with about 30 chemistry, and same rated team. Really **** me off.

    Are you playing online? There's a glitch at the moment which is being worked on, teams with 100 chemistry really have chemistry of 1 and vice versa. Works okay offline though.

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