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Posts posted by juanpabloangel18

  1. It was posted a page ago, but he's done another interview which should allay some fears.

    Main points (all encouraging to hear!):

    - The current scouting team needs to take responsibility for a lot of our failures and needs a revamp 

    - He strongly denies any plans to rename Villa Park

    - He says there is no reason why he would fail the FL's Director test as everything he does is above board

    - While he has strong connections to Chinese government officials, they do not influence his businesses

    - He is normally uneasy with the media (due to the 'insane' Harvard accusations), but has been more open recently as he wants to communicate and reassure us, the fans


    • Like 2
  2. Just now, meme said:

    Moyes is a realist, he wouldn't think that.

    Maybe he just didn't like the idea of uncertainty around the new owner; which supports my claim that the English press are scum.

    If you listen to Moyes interviews (especially post Man Utd), I think he actually comes across as extremely deluded.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    Not sure if they had this ready to go but certainly there is no comment on his Harvard tutor confirming his record or the proof of funds shown to the mail. It's obviously alarming that the media keep pressing with this but I can't help but think we are seeing resistance to Chinese power rather than anything really incendiary - certainly not that someone in one of his many companies provided some dodgy info. No smoking gun here. Then again, i am fickle, Tony wants Villa top 3 in the world! And I want that theme park. 



    Tony Xia, Aston Villa's prospective new Chinese owner, has been plagued by claims he fabricated his academic record, while a company he controlled has apparently previously run foul of authorities for providing false information to secure a certificate.


    Isn't that just a re-hash of all the info we've had so far? And I'm pretty sure his Harvard professor has now confirmed his academic record to be true.

  4. 2 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Lol, and if he didn't it would be shady too... wouldn't it.....yeah.....yeah....yeah?:rolleyes:

    Well, no. I don't think M&As worth the £100m mark usually require you to let newspapers print pictures of your bank statements. Just thought it was bit odd initially when I read the article, but as another poster pointed out he probably just one to hand since he was at home.

    But more generally, if you're sat there assuming everything is just rosy with this, I envy you. Perhaps I'm more world-weary. But there's been a fair bit of misinformation surrounding it already, including the involvement of some apparently pretty dodgy characters.

    I suppose as fans we have literally no influence over any of this anyway, so the optimistic outlook is probably the wiser one.

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, TrinityRoadSteps said:

    The interview was conducted in his home. The statement was probably in his bedside table or something. Or maybe in one of those cardboard file boxes you can get from Staples.

    I think this thread should be renamed the Rafa thread. For all the "facts" it has in it 

    Ah, a very good point. As you were, he's squeaky clean

  6. Just now, Rob182 said:

    Considering that many people and journalists have jumped on, what appeared to be, a simple mistake by the OS or a simple miscommunication between Recon and AVFC, I think he's just trying to settle some nerves.

    Yep I hope that's the case. 

    As an aside, I hope Dr X appoints someone to our PR team who has a clue #welcomeremy

  7. Am I the only one who's a little concerned that he felt the need to bring a bank statement to an interview with the Daily Mail...? Doesn't really seem like behaviour befitting a high-powered billionaire CEO.

    Bit too much shadiness and uncertainty surrounding all this for my liking at the moment. Given Lerner's track record, you'll have to forgive me. I hope my fears are allayed in due course.

    • Like 3
  8. Think we might need a bit of a reality check tbh, if we finish in the play-off positions next season it's got to be counted as a success. A lot of people were fearing for our Championship survival under the previous regime (and rightly so in my view). The squad needs gutting, we've got some absolute stinkers on the wage bill, we've got a job on our hands keeping our best players, and almost all positions in the first team need strengthening.

    We've basically got 3/4 months to sort everything out. I'm really REALLY excited about what Dr. X can do in the long term, but the reality of our current situation shouldn't be forgotten in the blink of an eye. We must have patience :)

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, a m ole said:

    You said 10 pints a week would be more beneficial to an athlete than damaging. 

    Haha, I'm pretty sure that's double what they tell you you should drink at your GP, let alone for a professional athlete

  10. Just now, Mantis said:

    No, I think the club might believe the sale to be close (although probably not as close as many fans would like) or there is a sale close but of course that could easily break down.

    The PR stuff just doesn't make any sense.

    It's pure PR to sell season tickets bro.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    Will you stop with this "deluding yourself" shit? It's not like I necessarily believe a sale is close, all I'm saying is that the idea that it's club PR doesn't make much sense.

    So it makes more sense to you then that... the club innocently dropped in a potentially critical piece of info regarding the sale of the club in a reactionary official statement after its newly appointed football board (who in fact beg for Lerner to sell  in their public resignation letters), is just a coincidental, non-cynical event. Fairs 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Pilchard said:

    I actually missed the bit about 'extensive sale discussions' on the OS first time around. 

    It sounds like Bernstein & King wanted to appoint a manager, go ahead with making the changes necessary and that Hollis has put a block on it due to these sale talks - ie. Don't want to appoint a manager these new people won't want. B&K have said 'Sod ya' and walked.

    If this is the scenario though - why would the resignation letters be leaked? Why are they aggressive, and pissed off in the tone? Perhaps they weren't aware of these sale talks? Perhaps they have been invented so that fans don't go quite as ape-shit as they might otherwise. struggle to reason for the tone of the letters, and the way it's been leaked. But why then say the search for a new manager is also a priority still? None of this makes any sense at all.

    This is the first time I can remember them every mentioning that talks were on-going with a party re: a sale. Which suggests either it is close, or they feel they need to release it as they are worried about the crap they are about to get.




    Dude, the club statement was a reaction to the leaked resignation letters which preceded it. The board went to the press. The sale thing is bullshit PR damage control.

    • Like 4
  13. 2 minutes ago, thabucks said:

    Maybe they have been working on the take over and now it's been confirmed we are down Randy has suddenly moved the goal posts in asking price and derailed the deal ? 

    For the life of me I can't understand why you would think this is what's happened 

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