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Posts posted by villaguy

  1. Another confession. I absolutely hate looking at the holiest of holes. When going down I close my eyes while doing it. I enjoy that part of it as long as I don't have to look at it.


    Think that originated from an earlier encounter whereby the lady in question had her do da stuffed with toilet roll and must have forgotten about it. Even though I tried to be discrete removing most of it there still were bits remaining which didn't make for a very pleasant experience as she'd obviously recently had her period

    You can get some ugly stinky holes but some are pristine. I refuse to go down on the smelly ones, I just say that it doesn't turn me on and they don't really force it on me, the nice ones though I go and have a feast on vigorously

  2. It's important to relax about relationships, even if you meet someone whose great and you get married and have children things can change over time and they can break down, it happens to lots of people. Remember nothing is forever, just be happy and in love with yourself and enjoy life. Never think anyone is better or worse than yourself and try and be confident

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  3. It seems like the balance has tipped either side of being level, occasionally it will work depending on how much fortune we get with how the opposition are set up or by lucky breaks. I hope he will get us playing at a high level on a consistent basis but he hasn't achieved that yet. We seem to either concede and score a lot, or as at this moment concede fewer but not score any. If he can't find any solutions then I think you've got to question whether Lambert is as good as we all hope he is, how much time should he get though? I'll give him until this time next season, as I feel this is a consolidation season but we shouldn't be happy with long term mediocrity


    Well I'm on my 4th year in Istanbul as an ESL teacher.

    If I wasn't such a lazy bar stool I could easily earn £2500, tax free, a month and still have time to go to pub and get obliterated.

    Bloody heck didnt realise you could earn that type of money in turkey...do you think you'll ever come back to the uk?? Earning that money for the hours you do, no way would I come back.

    I wanted to go korea but as gf doesnt have a degree she will struggle. China seems to be the only place you dont need a degree


    I didn't realise that either, that's decent money by English standards, you'd live like a king there on that. I did do some research on this actually and from what I found is that Korea, Japan and the Middle East are the best paid places for ESL teachers, I think that Istanbul is a higher wage than the far east wages though. In the Middle East healthcare and accomodation comes free as part of the job making it more attractive but I personally wouldn't want to live in an urban area surrounded by desert, doesn't appeal to me.

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