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Posts posted by jacketspuds

  1. If we finish 5th, when only the Top 4 are getting into the Champions League, this season will still feel like a complete success.

    If we finish 6th, when the Top 5 are getting Champions League, this season will still be a success but it will be a bit of a gut punch considering how close we came to getting it.

    Sounds strange I know.

  2. I think one of the best things I've read today is how Ten Hag thinks Bruno Fernandes needs more protection yet, based on fouls per 90 minutes, there are 213 players that have been fouled more than him this season.

    Rat faced self-pitying "I'm a victim" word removed.

    • Like 1
  3. Kamara’s injury doesn’t change anything this summer. If he’s out for 4-5 months that’s still June / July, giving him another month before the new season starts at worst. Then it’s a case of him getting his fitness back up.

    More importantly, we needed to get a player in that can play the Kamara role anyway, and it was discussed in January quite a bit. I can see us signing someone that we would have signed even if Kamara didn’t get injured.

  4. 2 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    Getting into the Top 4 and then collapsing is what we do anytime we think we are in with a chance. It's a far worse experience than just having a mid table season. 

    I do hate this football club. It's a curse to ever support it. Football is more poison and pain and disappointment than any tiny bit of false joy that it brings.


    Ok. Now I know you’re on the wind up.

  5. 2 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    Add that to our general collapse and we'll see a rapid drop off.

    Season was over before he got injured. It's beyond over now.

    We’re 5th and in the knockout stages of a European competition.

    I’m assuming you expected us to win the league this season.

    • Like 2
  6. I put it in the Konsa thread, but maybe he could take up a position similar to Kamara as he could drop back to CB when our fullbacks are attacking.

    Could be our John Stones type player.

    Saying that, not having Konsa in the back 4 is a problem in itself.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, DCJonah said:

    No one talks about our injuries. I think we've been one of the worst to be effected by them. 


    Whenever Spurs get an injury it’s all over the media. We’ve had 3 first teamers do their ACL’s in about 6 months and nobody says a word.

    The best bit is that if we don’t get a Champions League spot all the clearings in the woods on SSN will be saying that we bottled it and Emery is not as good as first thought.


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  8. Just after the January transfer window as well.

    If true, we must be cursed when it comes to knee injuries **** up our CL ambitions, even dating back to the Martin Laursen injuries.

    Fingers crossed it's bullshit.

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