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Posts posted by KentVillan

  1. Luiz has always reminded me a bit of Pirlo who played as a 10 and an 8 early in his career but drifted back to a ballplaying 6. Similar story with Scholes.

    I don’t think it’s right that Smith misused him - he was our best option at 6 at the time, and did a good job there, especially in that relegation survival run in post lockdown.

    Since Kamara arrived he’s been able to play a more complete role, and then Emery’s system with natural CMs playing wide mid has given him even more freedom.

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  2. I think I’m quite a hyperactive anxious person and I find it relaxing … I actually destroyed my sex drive when I was doing a lot of drugs, and then when I sorted my health out it came back. I’m also lucky that our work means we both generally have time in the day to do it and still do all the other boring things we need to do.

    But she only really plays ball for one week or so a month like I said. Then I’m a ball of nervous energy and have to do loads of exercise etc to distract myself.

    Realising now I’m a headcase now I write it all out. 🤣

  3. Problem I have is her sex drive changes enormously through her menstrual cycle and it took me a while to realise I wasn’t doing something wrong when she suddenly lost interest, as it’s the same pattern every month and I just know when to expect it.

    Get one week of pretty much 2 or 3 times a day, and then it’s the odd sympathy shag to keep me motivated.

    Think affection and being nice to each other and looking after chores and things keeps it going.

    The other thing I struggle with a bit is the difference between f**king and making love, as sometimes she wants one and sometimes the other, whereas me being a simple man with simple needs I’m happy with whatever’s on offer, I just need a gentle steer in the right direction.

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  4. One minor criticism of an otherwise stellar performance - I thought he was pretty slow to get back after he made that run forwards with the ball to the edge of their box. Was a great break by him, but then he waved his arms in frustration when the ball was intercepted, and jogged back.

    Don’t know if that was just confidence that other players were covering him, or us being 3 or 4 goals up, but I wonder if Emery will pick him up on that.

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  5. 1 hour ago, jimmygreaves said:

    Maybe a strange observation but when he plays well you don't notice him.

    Nothing seems rushed or panicked. No drama.

    Dunno, whenever an inch perfect through ball is played from defence you notice him! So unusual to have a playmaker at CB.

    But yes increasingly his defensive work is going unnoticed, which is a good thing

  6. 11 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

    I get it, it’s a tree and there’s kids dying. So, yeah I know, perspective.

    It was just a picturesque landmark that people liked. I’ve been there, if my memory is correct it takes a bit of effort to reach it. You literally have to go out of your way to do this, just needless vandalism. 

    It’s annoyed me more than the crooked house to be honest. And I love my pubs, but I suppose ultimately if more people had gone to that pub it might not have fallen into the wrong hands in the first place. What’s happened there is sad and cynical but I can see why it’s happened.

    This thing with the tree is just senseless. The Thomas Hardy tree falling down was disappointing but at least that was down to nature.

    But yes life goes on, my one WhatsApp group has already shared a meme with the tree now in heaven with the various celebrities along with the jokes about hoping that the investigation is being conducted by Special Branch.

    Oh yeah, I agree, it's completely senseless and sad. Pathetic for someone to do it.

    But the way people are talking about it is hysterical.

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