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Posts posted by RMB

  1. General

    I am really disappointed that the ticket prices have not increased by more!! We want the best players, best facilities and best management team ...... :lol::cheers:

    Chill out everyone

    Whereas i don't want to clog this thread with 'chit chat' we already have two of those options and some of the 1st.

  2. I've always read eat snails too, but then i don't see the relevance of eats nails either? Am I missing something?
    He's well hard.

    Of course!!!

    I was thinking finger nails.

    I am stupid. :oops:


  3. So sometimes you actually agree with these deluded insane people that think certain players should be picked ahead of others?

    You're really not getting it are you jez? It's not deluded to have these opinions, it's deluded to believe a premiership manager like MON is a complete fool and useless because he doesn't think the same way as you do.

    Your first on pointing out how wrong everyone is and how deluded they all are, not agreeing and wanting other players to play, very strange.

    Is it? I think it's more strange to just constantly slag off the manager and players of the club you support.

    How about when a fan see's their side play absolute tosh they dont have they greatest of restraint that you obviously have and let that frustration out in over the top ways. Are they wrong for doing that, or should we all have the perfect response that you clearly have BJ?

    If after the season we've had you think the manager should go because we had a bad 45 minutes then yes i think you're an idiot and you are wrong for acting that way. I wouldn't say i have the perfect response i just don't see the point in going crazy when the man in charge has proved over and over again that he deserves to be trusted. If you think acting like a spoilt little girl is the best way then please continue.

    Should we all just wait till the end of the season, have no discussion about RB's and strikers, because lets be honest none of us have a clue about how the season is going to end, then again it would be very boring, especially if we all had the same obviously correct opinion as yourself.

    God you just don't read do you Jez? In my last few posts i've said how my opinion is wrong and i have no problem with people on this board sharing opinions as you say its what all fans do.

    The problem is when the vocal crazy minority on here start abusing the manager when he doesn't do what they think, or even after a win they aren't happy because he didn't do what they think.

    At the start of every transfer window we have to read how crap he is at buying players, at the start of every season we read how we will do nothing with our average squad. At the start of games we had to hear about how clueless he is because he picks petrov in a 4-4-2, during games we have to read about how crap he is because he hasn't used a sub at the exact moment barrys boot wanted him to.

    It's good that people share their opinion and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you're the sort of fan who would encourage the over the top posting against the manager and some of our players. Me i like to actually support the teams so while i have my own views i'm happy to put faith in the man whose doing a great job in charge.

    I like this post.

    I think it is that a lot of fans are ungrateful for what MON has given us. He has taken us some way in the past four years.

    Maybe the paying fans are allowed to be ungrateful after the amount of money we pay... i don't know.

    People can say and post what they like but I just feel sorry for the manager, the board etc if they ever read this sort of stuff as it is very disrespectful and shows a lack of faith.

  4. Was towards the back with the Reading fans to my right, row aa. Some little shit infront was trying to instigate some post match violence.

    I always wonder if I'm sat near a VT'er but there's no easy way of knowing.

    I was sat near you then. Row X, bout 10-20 seats to the left of the Reading fans.

    Was that the guy who was singing on his own before the game by any chance? Some of his chants were funny, 'whose that making Barry look sh*t it's Jimmy Milner, it's Jimmy Milner!' to the tune of Monster, what's that coming over the hill. And the one about James Collins having a head like a strawberry :lol:

    I was sat next to both of you too. I was row X seat 22.

    I heard 3 lads singing together but didn't really notice what they were singing to be honest.

    didn't see the lad trying to start any trouble either but did see a massive brawl between two people just below us to the right in the Reading fans which police stopped. My guess is it was a Villa fan in there.

  5. Some people are getting on our players back far too easily too. We are doing so well at the moment then as soon as we play poorly well.... we are back to an average - below average team going nowhere with shit players and a shit manager.

    Some people have made such a ridiculous fuss over the years about how poor MON is and how poor a lot of his signings are and how he hasn't got a clue with tactics. So when the opportunity to get on his back comes up they jump at it. Its a shame for them that MON keeps making them look like the foolish champ man fans they really are, you would have thought people would have learnt by now.

    I know, thank god we have fans like you, whilst the rest of us have our own opinions right or wrong; your still consistent by just having MON's. :bang:

    Good turn around after a shocking first half, i think even MON would have agreed with that, crazy i know!

    Good to see some goals from open play as well, important they are regardless of Reading giving up defending for 10mins :lol:

    Heskey was a bit naff wasn't he..

    I don't think any of us are arguing the fact we didn't play well first half.

  6. the thing is, first half i am not convinced they did give there all.

    petrov aside (and i am far from petrovs number 1 fan) they were all going through the motions imo, they turned up and played like they were already in the semis. fair play to mon, he must have given them a right barrage at half time

    Tbh I'm also not a big Petrov fan but I think with his experience and the fact he holds back gives Milner a lot more freedom.

    Back on topic, I think we struggled with the pitch to begin with. Reading will be more used to playing on similar pitches in the Championship and with it being their home ground I thought they came to terms with it quite easily.

    I also thought Reading played very well in the first half and didn't allow us to play for a fair bit of it. our defence look to be going through a bit of a rough patch.

  7. WTF is with all this shit?!

    We played poorly first half but the effort was there for all to see. Bottlers? hmm.... we weren;t playing well at all but like I say it wasn't because of effort whatsoever.

    Doubting the manager? MON has got us to the final of the carling cup, the semi final of the FA (and still going) and challenging for a top 4 position... from where we were before he came I see no reason how anyone can doubt MON. We have got better every season.

    Some people are getting on our players back far too easily too. We are doing so well at the moment then as soon as we play poorly well.... we are back to an average - below average team going nowhere with shit players and a shit manager.

    If we had gone out of the tournament today I would be just as disappointed as anyone else but as long as the players gave there all i wouldn't have complained too much. Wouldn't have questionned the manager or the players... they can't get it right everytime. Look how far we have come. We can boast more than most teams about our tournaments this year.

    JEEEEEZ some people need to get a grip.

    (All purely imo of course)


  8. General,

    Today was my first Villa final I have attended.

    But never have I felt so much togethership and pride in my years supporting Aston Villa (although I am only 19)

    The feeling of all the loyal Villa supporters together, singing and wanting it so much. Even in the pubs beforehand. The general atmosphere and feeling was just immense.

    At the end of the match it was like trying to swallow an elephant. I felt gutted not just for my own happiness of winning the cup, but for all the fans, all the players, all the staff behind the scene like yourself. We have been building for four years and it just felt like destiny. It was great that although we do get our back up as fans in some matches and get a bit unpatient that we stayed to clap our players and cheer our players after the final whistle. Not every teams fans would have done that im sure.

    I was one of the last people out of the ground and i've never felt so much pride wearing my Villa shirt through all those Mancs.

    As you say we will come through this a better and stronger team. It will thrive those players on to get there and go one step further.

    I know we like a good moan and whinge but at the end of the day I think I speak for us all when I say,

    I am PROUD and almost find it an honour to support such a team and club as ASTON VILLA, and may I put many thanks to you, Randy, and all the staff which maybe don't get the recognition they should do at the club.

    Thank you.

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