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Posts posted by granville

  1. For the love of hats, I saw that word. You typed it, it was uploaded, I looked at it, it was read, it's irrelevant to my point.

    What I didn't see was you complaining about the price of her case. I don't care what designs you do and don't like, I don't care if have a problem with expensive cases, my only issue was that you were completely outraged at my case's price and yet didn't even mention the price of her's. Why is £57 so ridiculous whereas £40 is not even worth mentioning. What point does it become an issue? Please, don't say you said you liked the design again. :D

  2. I've just seen this as well now, so I've got to bite. :D

    I don't see the point of covers. They don't really protect them that well unless they are the ones that cover the whole phone. The ones with the screen uncovered don't protect the screen and that's surely the most vulnerable part.

    I live on a flat earth so unless I'm incredibly unlucky, the cover (which does not block the screen) will protect the screen because it protrudes slightly from the front of the phone.

    This next bit, well... Consider my goat well and truly gotten.

    My mate had his phone for a year without a cover and never dropped it. He got a cover for xmas from his brother and dropped his phone, cover on, and cracked the screen on boxing day. Bahahahaaha.

    On a similar note, I had a mate who never wore a seat belt. When his gf finally convinced him to wear one his first journey doing so he crashed and dislocated his shoulder. Proof, if ever it were needed, that seatbelts cause crashes. *turbo eye roll*. There was me thinking that using anecdotes of single events to prove general points was the preserve of religions.

  3. Wait that cover cost £60?!?!?!

    Sorry granville but that's a huge waste of money :D

    Would you also say that £40 quid was a huge waste of money?

    Cuz that's the only thing b23 seems unable to grasp. I couldn't care less if you still think I've wasted money, I've made my point, but if that was the case, how you woudn't think that Laura's case was also a waste of money is beyond me.

  4. Who's Jeremy Kyle? :oops:

    He is a stupid man that tells people who are even more stupid than him to sort their lives out. The fact you can use a computer makes you unsuitable for his show.

  5. Cro Cop (the prime one) cannon-fodder. :-)

    Actually, even the present day, miles over the hill one would still kick his head off. That should be the last fight on his contract. Good call.

  6. He would take such a pounding off anyone who didn't box with him.

    My favourite part:

    Dana - "You know how to check kicks? You know how to do all that?"

    Toney - "I can do all that. Front kicks, back kicks, all that... side check kicks."

    Dana - "Errm..."

    Bwahahaha :crylaugh:

    I hope he signs him on a 2 fight deal, small fee to show with a massive win bonus and put him against Roy Nelson twice just to take the piss.

  7. I'm yet to get annoyed. My point is that you have a problem with how much I spent on mine yet you don't have a problem with how much she spent on her's. If you prefer her's (which I've no doubt you do) then that's fine, it's opinion and everyone's happy but surely you can see the inconsistency on your part. I'm bonkers for spending 50 odd quid on one I like yet there is no problem with Laura (sorry for repeatedly referring to you as her ;) ) shelling out for her's? :?

  8. Untwist your knickers, it was a joke. I'm sure your support a slavery doesn't reflect on you as a person. [AGAIN, A JOKE]

    My point was that you were outraged at me paying $93 (about £60) for a cover and you loved that Hardy one which must have cost something not to dissimilar. What point does it become outrageous? £50? £55?

  9. How gutted are you gonna be when someone stabs you for a carbon fibre phone case.

    :lol: My neighbour said a similar thing to me this morning. I think I'd be more confused than gutted if they robbed me for the cover and left me the (8x more valuable) phone.

    Anyway, where I live now they use guns not knives.

    PS - Surely the EH cover has got to be the wrong side of £40?! Where's you're "I've got a cover painted by Chinese slave children that looks similar and it only cost 7p" comment for that one? Eh?

  10. Spurs have just tied up a deal for a defensive midfielder - the first fruits of our new partnership arrangement with the Brazilian club Internacional.

    His name is Sandro - Brazil's U-20 captain and now recently capped for their senior squad. Not sure of the fee - around 7m maybe, but that figure is yet to be confirmed. He should be at the Lane to watch our game against Wolves.

    Of course it remains to be seen how quickly (or not) he is brought into the first team matchday squad and how well he'll adapt to the Prem.

    What the feck happened to this then? Them COYS ITKers have a 100%, faultless, perfect record on matters like this I thought.

    Maybe he's stuck with 'the real' Tuncay (who we had signed according to them) in the Twilight zone.

  11. Was it a lack of cardio though? He ended the fight strongly, and Evans if anyone looked to be tiring by the end of the fight. It just seemed to me that Rashad could take Silva down at will, when he was fresh and that essentially won him the fight. Neither did much damage to each other.

    As shown by Tegis' gif, Silva put the chicken dance on Evans (and he admitted it rocked him bad) but instead of KTFOing him he just stood back/still and taunted him while breathing heavily through his mouth giving Rashad time that he shouldn't have had to recover.

    He didn't end the fight strongly workrate wise, he just let his hands go and had some success with it instead of effectively creeping around scared of a takedown that he couldn't prevent anyway (see rounds 1 and 2 for illustration).

    He needs to do some of that Wandi suicidal snorkel training.

    PS. Have you tried that? My legs actually collapsed underneath me after 10 minutes. Not doing it again.

  12. **** Thiago Silva and his lack of cardio really naffed up my accumulator. That was the only result I got wrong out of 4 (I had Daley, Sigano & Silva by KO/TKO and Stout by decision). Baaaahstard.

  13. The corsa/aston martin comparison is awful. I hope you were joking ;)

    It perfectly illustrated the point I was making. While the £1.50 case is sort of adequate and does a job (like my corsa), it is FAR worse in every department that you could care to mention than this CF case (the Aston) hence why it costs as much as a bus to Wolverhampton rather than a plane to Hong Kong.

  14. Are you bonkers?! I bought two good cases for less than 2.50 in china.. both at least as good at protecting my phone and not far off looks wise either.

    Yeah and my corsa is miles better than one of those waste of money aston martin jobbies those footballer idiots buy. You get what you pay for and luckily for me my accy on UFC 105 came in despite me being ridiculously specific which meant that the case effectively cost me a fiver.

  15. Hi General, I'm not sure how able (or willing) to answer this but are there any negotiations planned for giving Josh Cribbs an improved contract. I know it's not Randy's fault that the NFL pay structure favours players who were drafted early over players who actually play well but this bloke has been immense. It's gotten to the point where I'm feeling faintly disappointed if he doesn't return a kick off for a touch down :lol: (kind of like if Guzan let a penalty in ;) ). Now that you've sorted a general manager or president or whatever Holmgren is going to be (I don't really know who does what to be honest), is this priority number one? Has he even asked for a new deal?

    I understand if you can't answer but I thought I'd ask anyway.


  16. Gareth has come to us and wants to further his career and hopefully win trophies and I think the fans should respect what he has done for the club and move on.

    :suspect: I suppose technically he's right because he has gone there to further his career but not in the traditional footballing sense as he claimed. Barry has 'furthered his career' like you or I would, gone to do the same job on a longer contract for much more money.

    Fans up and down the country are perhaps a bit jealous of Man City in the sense that they have new owners and what they can bring to the club. But they should respect Gareth for what he did beforehand.

    Oh **** off. He had ample chances to preserve his respect. He tried as hard as he greedy well could to engineer a move to plop, backstabbing the manager on his agents advice in the process.

    His patronising bullshit backward reasoned letter was just the final nail in the coffin of his legacy.

  17. Seafood is the work of the devil, hopefully for your sake the majestic substance that is bacon will have saved from its horribleness.

    I've just done chicken breast and scrambled egg.

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