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Posts posted by soprano

  1. Lady Gaga is horrendous. If she wasn't a celeb you wouldn't look twice at her in the street. She looks like a dog's shat on her face and then some fat bird has come by, the shit has turned her stomach so she's vomited all over the shit that was already there.

    Not your cup of tea then.

  2. We played well but can't for the life of me understand why we put Heskey on. I know Gabby was done in and fair play to him he played well, but heskey in 10 minutes did 1 thing which was get in the way in our box and make a feable attempt at a clearance. Heskey should never be allowed to pull on a Villa shirt ever again. He is worse than useless.

  3. not sure about that, but with paisley, the pope and the queen farting about the same place at once, i'm hoping for a freak explosion to take them all out.

    Stick Heskey in there and I'd gladly strap the dynamite to myself and walk in there.

  4. That is just how it is. Nothing you can do about it especially as we can't burn Catholics any more.

    Bollocks are you sure they repealed that law? Not even on a wet Monday Night after 8pm? What am I going to do for fun tonight then?

    Spose I'll have to go to the pub and watch some football :mrgreen:

    Don't worry, when the North Sea gas runs out they will bring it back as a cheap and semi renewable source of energy. I've heard you can heat a small house for 3 hours from one catholic.

    Do you need a catholitic converter

  5. Leader of possibly THE WORST cult in the world, in terms of impact on humanity. Evil evil religion

    LOL. As bad as the Catholic Churchs track record is (and it is), plenty of other Christian sects have as bloody and discriminatory a record as the RCC.

    Anyway, seeing as ye Brit Taxpayers seemingly have no problem on spending 10s of millions every year to subsidise the head of the Anglican Church, whats 12m to ye to throw a party for the head of the UKs 2nd largest religion?.

    Who said we didn't have a problem with it? I certainly do.

    Moi aussi

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