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Posts posted by VillaAndLoyal

  1. I've heard about cocoon is it outside? bit too hardcore for me mind, but i do love my dance music. I went to Creamfields earlier in the year.

    Nah it's in the new HMV institute club on Digbeth high street - which I've got to say, is probably my favourite venue in Brum. It's an old theatre which has three different levels looking down on the main room which is compact and oozes the underground feeling. It's brilliant - get yourself along mate, it won't be too hardcore for you. You really know about electronic music once you've been to a Cocoon event hosted by the master himself.

    Who did you see at Creamfields? I didn't go the last time but was there the year before and got completely **** caked in mud. It was worth it though for the line-up and the scouse birds :winkold:

    Yeah that sounds good might have to find out more about it.

    I really don't remember too much of creamfields tbh, i remember seeing Gramophonedzie, Gareth Emery, Deadmau5 and David Guetta though. Yeah lots of fit scouse birds haha


    Seeing Emery at the Godskitchen new year's party next week! Nice selection you saw then - bit of everything.

  2. I absolutely live for Trance, Techno, House and Minimal. It's on a par with supporting the Villa 8)

    This should be good to work off the Turkey on Sunday and lighten the mood after being dicked by Spurs :D :


    i seen Sven Vath here in Dublin in October for the first time,and been honest he wasn't for me.i have heard sets from other nights that he has played and they were banging but not the night i seen him :( ,to many build ups that just faded out for me,he never got to the point of really rocking the place..

    Fair enough pal - there's very few DJ's who smash every single set to be fair though. He is an unbelievable guy however, a real legend of the techno scene. I'm hoping to get over to Frankfurt next year to where it all began at Technoclub.

    Where did you see him in Dublin? The only DJ I've seen perform time and time again is Paul van Dyk. That bloke blows my mind :)

  3. I've heard about cocoon is it outside? bit too hardcore for me mind, but i do love my dance music. I went to Creamfields earlier in the year.

    Nah it's in the new HMV institute club on Digbeth high street - which I've got to say, is probably my favourite venue in Brum. It's an old theatre which has three different levels looking down on the main room which is compact and oozes the underground feeling. It's brilliant - get yourself along mate, it won't be too hardcore for you. You really know about electronic music once you've been to a Cocoon event hosted by the master himself.

    Who did you see at Creamfields? I didn't go the last time but was there the year before and got completely **** caked in mud. It was worth it though for the line-up and the scouse birds :winkold:

  4. I know quite a few who have still gone up there on the piss.

    did they get there then as there were some horrible conditions around. Jct 22 - 27 was closed last night and it took my mate 7 hrs to get from Manchester to here, just outside Preston.

    Yeah some mates I know headed up to Wigan and another set diverted to Manchester.

    Heard someone say on Facebook that it took them 2 hours to get from Acocks Green to Digbeth... although I can't help but thinking that is exaggerated somewhat.

  5. announcement at 10am apparently.

    having read lots of comments from wigan fans living in the area, there's not a chance this game will go ahead.

    I hope you've got my fiver ready... 'cos you're talking bollocks :winkold:

  6. I have serious doubts this will go ahead. Its not the snow that's the problem, its the ice on the streets. With heavy snow predicted on Friday night/Saturday morning, I think it will be postponed.

    bollocks will it, if they've predicted snow, like shite it'll happen, anyway don't tell my missus I'll go on the piss anyway :D

    :lol: you better hope she don't watch MOTD.

    "That's funny, did I miss the Villa highlights?..."

  7. Totally agree with the thread title - they are all going bonkers.

    I know some Villa see this as a big derby, but personally this will never even be on the same scale as Blues for me.

    The feeling I experience before a blues match leaves me in no doubt it's a derby game, but I really have no feelings either way with Albion. I just don't care about them :notsure:.

  8. Well the answers are pretty loaded aren't they. I voted no, but I don't think you should shut up with it.

    I just personally don't get why everyone is so obsessed with standing up, if you've got kids or your a short ass its a nightmare to see when people are standing. I quite like the great view I get from my seat. (when the tall guy in front is in his seat too)

    It is a fact Jon that many hundreds of thousands of people up and down the UK still stand at the football - why not give these people the chance to do it safely while other people like yourself can sit down and not have the hassle of someone deciding to stand in front of you? Thus wrecking your matchday experience.

    It's surely a win-win situation, Jon? You can then make a concious choice about whether you stand or sit at the football. Added to that, it will help create a better atmosphere at Villa Park thus boosting the team on the pitch, which is in everybody's interest.

    I get your point and I voted no more that I don't like standing myself as to stop.a stamding area. But a standing area will not stop people standing in the seated areas.

    So if you don't like standing - and you've already made reference to the fact that someone sometimes stands in front of you - then by supporting the Stand Up Sit Down campaign you will be helping to solve this problem and give football fans a choice.

    A standing area would dramatically reduce (at the least) the number of instances of people standing in seated areas. Obviously the extent to which can only be speculated on because we don't know how large the standing area would be, but it would be a win-win situation.

  9. Well the answers are pretty loaded aren't they. I voted no, but I don't think you should shut up with it.

    I just personally don't get why everyone is so obsessed with standing up, if you've got kids or your a short ass its a nightmare to see when people are standing. I quite like the great view I get from my seat. (when the tall guy in front is in his seat too)

    It is a fact Jon that many hundreds of thousands of people up and down the UK still stand at the football - why not give these people the chance to do it safely while other people like yourself can sit down and not have the hassle of someone deciding to stand in front of you? Thus wrecking your matchday experience.

    It's surely a win-win situation, Jon? You can then make a concious choice about whether you stand or sit at the football. Added to that, it will help create a better atmosphere at Villa Park thus boosting the team on the pitch, which is in everybody's interest.

  10. Hi General

    A member of the coalition government has tabled a private members bill in the Houses of Parliament concerning the introduction of safe-standing in football grounds throughout England and Wales. If this bill were to be successful (big if) what would be the chances of seeing part or parts of VP converted to the type of areas common in German football stadiums?

    Here's a link to an article concerning this

    The Independent

    Secondly what are the chances of the club having a survey or even a referendum about this topic?If the majority of fans voted in favour could the club not then begin to lobby the FA and the government to help the campaign?


    It might be worth taking a look at the 'Would you vote for a Safe Standing Area at Villa Park?' poll on the main board. The initial responses show overwhelmingly that Villa fans WOULD like the opportunity to stand if they wish, by following new safe technology already employed in Germany.

    The results at the time of my posting are as follows:

    Safe Standing Area(s) at VP ?

    Yes - Jump Around if You Love Villa

    90% [ 88 ]

    No - sit down, shut up

    7% [ 7 ]

    "Wevs" - I only watch on the telly

    2% [ 2 ]

  11. Standing at a football match was never unsafe. What is unsafe is either allowing too many supporters into a section of ground and exceeding its capacity oand/or mindless morons who cannot control themselves and cause injuries to others.

    I stood on the Holte end during the 70's and 80's in bigger attendances than we get today and never once got injured becuase of it.

    I would gladly support a standing area at VP if it would stop the dickhead casual fans around me in the lower Doug Ellis stand from standing up every time there is a corner even though they can see the action equally as well sitting down.


    Some don't realise but this would also have obvious benefits for those people who wish not to stand at a football game.

  12. My first thoughts:

    Not sure i can see the point. I dont believe the club would look to reduce ticket prices alongside a standing section as they would be looking to maximise sales revenue. On this basis why introduce it, the top of the Holte is pretty much a standing area anyway, you may as well have the option of a seat.

    Can see it being a health and safety nightmare these days. Theres no way we would be allowed the huge crowds you used to see in a standing area, along with that people would be hurt by large movements of the crowd. This used to happen but that was in an age when it was deemed acceptable, the "no win no fee" bods would have a field day.

    How would it be a "health and safety nightmare"?

    Each supporter in a modern-day standing section, as seen in countries such as Germany, has their own designated section with either a fold-down or removeable chair (for UEFA & FIFA games, which are currently still all-seater).

    There is still NO evidence presented that has suggested this new standing technology is in any way shape or form a danger to fans. Quite to the contrary, the famous South Stand at Borussia Dortmund has nearly 25,000 people standing every game without fear for people's safety.

    Any standing areas introduced in this country would be much smaller, perhaps just 2-3,000 fans, and would be properly regulated to give fans the choice. People who like sitting down would be able to do so without having people standing up in front of them - and people who prefer standing would also have the opportunity to do so.

    There are many, many more points but that will do for now.

  13. Absolutely yes. I watched the ten minute bill in Parliament live yesterday and it would be FANTASTIC news if this was passed.

    It was also debated on Radio Five Live earlier this morning.

    Those who say no, could you give a valid reason?

    As far as I'm concerned there is no valid reason, there would be safe standing areas and seating areas so if you don't want to stand you don't have too.

    That's why I posed the question mate, because there IS no valid reason.

    Exactly, some moron commented on a FSF (Football Supporters Federation) post on face book that the families of the Hillsborough victims would be against it but this is simply not true their not they understand what happened and have seen how the German model works, now if these people aren't against the idea then who except for the money men in football (because standing would be cheaper) can have a valid reason?

    Exactly. It works in other countries without any problems whatsoever and it also works out for people who don't like to stand and sing at the football.

    I'm really pleased that this is being raised now - because I understand the FSF have put in a lot of hard work to get it this far.

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