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Posts posted by timbaughan

  1. Finally finished watching my box set of the shield last night.


    WOW! What a great piece of work every single episode was and in my opinion a very powerful and thought provoking way they ending Vic's character. I expected to see him burst into the barn all guns blazing but on reflection they ended it well. Death would be much of an obvious choice and would rap things up. However now it gives you the ability to make your own mind up on what he did next as he left the office. Also the performance of Walton Goggins (Shane) was truly fantastic, especially when he finally realised he had ran out of options and was clearly a broken man. I admit i did not see him killing his family, that came as quite a shock to me!

    I'm thinking of buying the sopranos box set next to fulfill my quality television craving.

  2. Having a shite day myself. Just got sent home from work at the villa as they messed my shifts up only to return home to find out my shift at the nec tomorrow has been cancelled :(

  3. I remember a few years back my dad phoned the police as the house by ours had just been broken into. They asked him to go just check if they were still inside and ring them back.

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