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Posts posted by tarjei

  1. 2 hours ago, BOF said:

    What goes through the mind of someone who does that?  It takes a special level of ignorance not to even once consider that people mightn't want to know everything about what they're about to watch.

    Listening to him I actually thought he had a very intellectual relationship with the movie, detached in a way. I could hear it in the way he spoke about it. As if the story was of little significance and just a tool to guide you through a genre and style of film.

  2. 2 hours ago, Designer1 said:

    Glad you still managed to enjoy it despite the spoilers, in fact:

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    One of the reasons I found the ending so compelling was that although you knew he (Dheepan) had that level of violence 'in his locker' so to speak, it was still quite shocking to see how he carried it all out with such efficiency and cold detachment.



    Yeah, what was going on my mind at that time was literally frustration that it didn't surprise me, because I knew that it would have had I not known. Even though he was a former solider, he had a gentle soul.

    Did you watch any of his other movies?

  3. On 26.9.2016 at 10:18, Designer1 said:


    Fantastic drama from Jaques Audiard (Director of A Prophet and Rust and Bone) - tells the story of three refugees who flee from the Sri Lankan civil war to make new lives in Paris.

    Well recommended :thumb:

    So I watched this with the local film club at the cinema yesterday. A guy introduced the film, talked about the awards and the director. Great stuff, then he goes on to tell the whole plot of the movie and even gives away the ending. What the hell? Nothing surprised me while watching it because of his introduction and I think it prevented me from becoming immersed in it. Still enjoyed it though and I'm gonna check out Rust and Bone and A Prophet, without spoilers this time.

    • Like 1
  4. On 26.9.2016 at 01:27, V01 said:

    Macguyver reboot - DO NOT BOTHER

    Exorcist reboot - pretty good.

    Thought the same. Exorcist can still go either way, but the start was very intriguing. Made me want to go and re-watch the original. Macgyver was similar to Scorpion in just about every way, I thought. Not for me. 

  5. The team is set up quite cautious. Going forward Amavi/Grealish are always outnumbered on the left and the same on the right with Bacuna/Ayaw. Midfielders are mostly sitting back, so we have 5 players not contributing when going forward. The only way we look likely to create a goal is a piece of individual skill or random luck. At the start Ayew drifted to the left and combined with Grealish and Amavi and it looked much more dangerous. 

  6. What's up with those ads? Will someone ever click them on purpose? Mine are in a weird attempt at the Norwegian language and it's either about old woman that got rid of wrinkles or some form of "watch this video to become a millionaire in [insert your hometown]".

    The ads on top and on the right side in the posts are usually related to stuff that I've been looking for lately or sites that I've visited, but the middle ones makes this site feel like it's promoting malware

    Ps! I have adblock but it's disabled for Villatalk, however I get the pop up " VillaTalk is paid for by advertisers. Please disable your adblocker for this site..." every time I log on.

  7. 46 minutes ago, JB said:

    I saw the name Taubes so didn't watch it. He's a quack of the highest order. I'm not sure he even believes some of the stuff he says. He gets some basic science (that even I can understand!) completely wrong. Good series of articles thoroughly debunking his nonsense here: http://weightology.net/weightologyweekly/index.php/free-content/free-content/volume-1-issue-7-insulin-and-thinking-better/insulin-an-undeserved-bad-reputation/

    Thanks, always good to read an opposing view. There're also like 8 follow up parts to that post. There's a reply in response to it from low-carb experts here

  8. What aspect of it? I'm genuinely curios and not on the zealot-train as I'm just getting into it. I haven't read much on the subject, but the correlation between high glycemic carbs, insulin and fat storage seems like stone cold fact.

  9. Regarding the calories in vs burned I thought the lecture below was very interesting. He disproves it by looking at cultures where poverty, malnutrition and obesity goes together. He argues that energy in & energy out of the system is not what govern the accumulation or burning of fat, because the storage of fat is an independent system inside the body, and that the fat in and the fat out of the fat cells is what governs it. What determines that balance? Hormones. Insulin puts fat in the fat tissue and it also suppresses mobilization of the fat. He says the release of fatty acids requires only the negative stimulus of insulin deficiency. (around the 50 minutes mark).


  10. Feeling not so good now on the keto diet w/intermitten fasting-regime. I feel as weak as I have ever felt and I'm kinda hungry and nauseous at the same time, and feeling tired with a bit of an headache. Imagine having the flu without the slime and coughing. I'm also sweating lots from very little effort and it's smells like ammonia. Apparently it's suppose to get better after a week or two... I'm 5 days in. On the plus side the fat looks to be leaving my belly at a pace I've never seen before and my stomach is working like a well oiled machine that only produce highly dense stuff without venting any gasses.

  11. No problem. I'm by no means educated on the subject, so you should read up on stuff. I've just picked up things here and there. If you are at 1500 calories you should really be dropping weight over time, so maybe you are underestimating the numbers on some things, or not counting smaller items? Anyway, if you keep eating right and working out it should be no problem.

    Ideally you shouldn't take breaks when doing intervals, just changes of pace. Unless you have to, of course. I mean, if you are really out of shape, then take breaks.. but I think the body responds better to be moving always, then to stop and start. You can also vary the timings of the intervals to fit your level of fitness. Many do a 2:1 ratio of recovery/sprint, but most won't be able to endure that for very long. The fitter you get, the quicker your heart rate drops and you are able to recover more quickly. 

    What I was suggesting was 4 mins of recovery pace, 1 min of sprint, no breaks .. If there's a heart rate monitor on the machine then aim to somewhere around 120-130 in recovery and close to your max when finished sprinting. I started out with 3 1/2 minute recovery, 45 sec sprints. That might be more comfortable.

  12. To lose belly fat you should workout when you have emptied your glycogen storage. The body will only burn fat when it has no easier way for immediate energy. So that means 6-8 hours after last meal (in the morning, I guess, unless you fast). You will also need to be at a calorie deficit. 500pr day or so below your needs is a good place to be. That translates to 2 pounds in 14 days.

    Intervals is widely regarded to be good to both trigger fat burning and build endurance, and it will result in your metabolism staying high after workout. I think a good place to start on the bike and cross trainer is 3-4 minutes at resting pace and 1 min where you give close to everything you've got. 60min of that will give you a post-workout endorphin high. 30min on the cross trainer and 30 min on the bike, maybe?

    Best way to trigger fat burning IMO is low intensity (120-140 bpm) for extended periods of time. Like a days hike or a long bike ride. But that might be hard to get done and boring on a bike, I guess.

    • Like 1
  13. 22 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    Bit of beginner advice needed. I'm going down to join a gym tomorrow and all I want to do is cycling, cross trainer and rowing machine, do I go gently to begin with on the first settings? Build up slowly or set it on a medium level and just do as much as I can? How long for etc...?


    What is your goal or what are you trying to work towards?

  14. Bought some magnesium and potassium to replace electrolytes to get rid of the haze. Also started intermittent fasting. 16 hours fasting with weight lifting exercise at the end of it, and then 8 hours of fat and proteins. Feeling FANTASTIC. Have a euphoric sensation in my whole body. Hope it lasts!

  15. I'm a skinny guy, but made some commitments to myself 3 months ago and since then I've put on about 6 kilos, while doing lots of cardio in addition to weight training.

    It's mostly muscle that I've put on, maybe a little bit of fat.. I'm certainly not losing my belly fat though. My one sin is drinking way too much beer. Average of maybe 2L each night, 5-6 nights a week. I recently started brewing my own now so there's that. I'd guess that my body fat is somewhere around 13% and nearly all is on my belly.

    Anyway,  I got idea that I would try not drinking beer for a while and going on a keto diet (less than 20g carbs pr day, caloric intake from fat and protein), just to see what happens

    It's only been 48 hours... so far I've peed a lot and lost about 2.5kg of what I guess is water-weight. I'm feeling a bit weird, like in a haze. Urine has changed smell so I guess that an indication my body is in ketosis, or transitioning towards it. I'm currently on pain killers after pulling a tooth, so if I have a headache I wouldn't know about it. I've heard the initial keto-flu can be quite bad.

    My stomach is stable and enjoying life. Occasionally I used to get very bloated, especially the day after a beer session.

    Since starting I've had two 60 min sessions on the elliptical (to get rid of glucose storage) and two 60min low to med intensity weights sessions. Feel fine really, I'm actually not tiring out as quickly as I usually do. I've tried done any high intensity stuff yet though.. I imagine I'd hit a wall there.

    I recon that if the diet is not too inconvenient and I don't tire from the fatty meals, I'll keep it going for 2 months, or until my BF% is below 10.

    Anyone tried it? Wanna share some experiences or tips?

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