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Posts posted by tarjei

  1. 17 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    any bikini shot of the blonde girl you could post ..just to ally my fear of flying and prove that she didn't die horribly in a plane crash  and made it to the beach  , and no other reasons

    Hate to disappoint but she's my BFF and would never speak to me again if I did that.

    Here's a pic taken a week later tho featuring her and a barracuda. Sip up or lose it!


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  2. Whenever I do lateral raises both my shoulders crack on the way up and on the way down. Anyone know what causes that? They crack when my arms are at an 80 degrees angle from the torso.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    lol how do you find the time to do 2-3 hour sessions every other day?

    As I wrote, I have all day.

    And yes, I agree it's unnecessary. But it feels good right now. I'm resting longer than usual between each set, so I could probably make it a whole lot more effective in terms of time.. but I'm in no rush. 

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  4. I'm doing 2-3 hours of strength training every other day now. Mostly compound lifting. Fairly slow tempo though, but I'll speed it up as my endurance increases.

    On my off days I do a minimum of 2 hour walking or hiking. Soaking in that bit of daylight I've come to realize is very important for me. The added benefit I've noticed is that it's fighting of the muscles soreness, allowing me to go again the next day. It has also given my mind the time of day to sort out stress and ruminating thoughts, so that when it comes time to go to sleep, which has been a constant issue for me, I'm actually tired and my mind is not in a stressed state. Seems to be working so far. I've had more than two weeks now of 7-8 hours of regular sleep each night, which probably hasn't happened since I was in my early teens. And I have to say good rest makes such a huge difference for me when doing strength training. I've had great visible results the last two weeks.

    I also do yin yoga twice a week for opening up stiff joints and for the calmness of mind. My shoulders and hips needs a bit of motion-lotion. I play soccer twice a week, and occasionally do power yoga. Meaning most day I do two workout sessions. A bit much maybe, but I'm still unemployed and waiting for things to be sorted out, so I've got plenty of time.

    It's got to that point now where I'm constantly craving that high for working out. I'm hungry all the time and have put on lots of weight (which is great in my case). I think, while my job-situation is in limbo, I'll just devote my time to being fit and healthy and have every decision I make count towards that.

    Back when I was 26-27 I was super fit and it did wonders for my confidence. I wanna get back to that because it had tremendously positive impact on my life.

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  5. 18 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Anything in lego is shit, including lego in lego.

    Really? What's the story there? Did a piece get stuck in your bum or something? Lego is pretty amazing these days with complicated builds that even small kids can understand.

  6. It was mention in a ted talk (by jon ronson) that 1/100 fit the criteria for psychopathy, but for CEOs and business leaders it rises to 4/100. I would guess there's a similar difference in people that fit the narcissistic personality as well. They are attracted to those position and have a drive that far surpass other people and is rewarded in the corporate world. They have a strong self belief, are manipulative, persistent, determined and often appear charming.

  7. Yeah, they wouldn't make much sense to someone who hasn't played it.

    It's not really funny, just weird to see the dialogue in a real life setting. It's a couple of very familiar interactions that for some reason have been in the game for years, After a while you get so used to them that you stop questioning the realism of it...  least that's what it's like for me.

  8. 16 minutes ago, BOF said:

    I'd just like to say that 'Arrival' was boring shit and I don't know what some of you saw in it.  I kept waiting for something where I could say "Ah that's why they think it's good", and it never came.  8.2 on IMDb as well ?

    'A Monster Calls' on the other hand was a good watch.  Great performances from everyone and a lovely take on how a child might deal with enormous trauma.

    Something weird going on at IMDB with movies nominated for awards. I think the ratings are being tampered with.  I've seen a few that were very poor but had very high rating with a good chunk of votes.

    That said I did enjoy Arrival but I had enough beers in me that I don't remember how many beers I had.

  9. Just now, maqroll said:

    I am lucky to live in a state that has legalized it, but because I need CBD cannabis, I have to go to a medical dispensary, because nobody sells CBD weed on the street (doesn't get you stoned). What are the cannabis laws in Norway? 

    Ah.. it's illegal, but I think we will eventually get there. I might be going to Amsterdam later this year so maybe I get the chance to try it there.

  10. 1 hour ago, maqroll said:

    Try a cannabis strain with high levels of CBD, it lifts your mood without the "stoned" feeling. I'm on it right now, and it works a charm.

    This is something that I've always wanted to try. All the pot I've smoked (which isn't much tbh) has been high THC and some of it has made me paranoid. I recently started browsing some web-stores looking for seeds, playing with the idea that I could grow some myself, but it's illegal to import and grow. As far as I know it's not used in treatment here, I could be wrong though...

    How do you get it and how do you go about getting something low THC high CBD?

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