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Deano & Dalian's Umbrella

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Posts posted by Deano & Dalian's Umbrella

  1. 24 minutes ago, TheMelvillan said:



    Why do I feel like I’ve gone from supporting a football club to an advertising agency?  

    As a fan, what the hell do I care about “uncomplicated consistency”? I don’t even know what that means.

    Will my season ticket guarantee me tickets for the champions league or the Dragon’s Den finale?



    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, rbcuk said:

    Read on the Fans Advisory Board meeting post, the club have said no physical season tickets will be issued, which is shit as mate had issues when he put it on his phone twice it didn’t work at the turnstiles so went back to his physical card after that

    After hoping to go through my whole life without a smart phone, I had to give in and am now using my wife's 10 year old Iphone SE.

    One day, it is inevitable that it will pack in.

    If it decides to do this on the day of a match, what happens then?

  3. 6 minutes ago, rbcuk said:

    Read on the Fans Advisory Board meeting post, the club have said no physical season tickets will be issued, which is shit as mate had issues when he put it on his phone twice it didn’t work at the turnstiles so went back to his physical card after that

    Does anyone know if you can put 2 different season tickets on the same phone (I was thinking of logging out and in of the Villa app as 2 different people)?

  4. 1 hour ago, Risso said:

    "Snitching", good one.

    The club have said they've followed the rules and the FA are happy with them. If that's the case then fair enough. If it's not, then they've tried to circumvent the rules on heritage assets, and that's not on. If you're happy with that, well that's your choice.

    Although I completely support the principle of doing this, I worry about the potential PSR ramifications of having hundreds of thousands of Adidas shirts with the wrong badge on them If the FA were to agree with your reasoning.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    It'll be August 2025 by the time we finish the refurbishment on the North Stand - it might be later than that for some of the works around the ground - the phase of work we're doing now will barely be upright and dry if we're looking to knock down the existing North Stand in January 2026 for a January 2028 opening date. I just can't see it. I think we'll be at about 44,000 in 2028,

    Do you know what will be happening next summer and if it will necessitate the booting out of more season ticket holders?

  6. 3 hours ago, 479Villan said:

    Are people coming across a song titled "Cocksucker" and needing listen to the lyrics to figure out if they're offended?

    This thing is advertising it's going to offend you.

    It wasn't actually the cocksucker bit I was alluding to - there was something else in there that made me feel a bit uncomfortable, even if it was a sample of dialogue from the film "Full Metal Jacket"

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, mattyvilla said:

    snap ,  extending to blocks either side of the current downstairs away section and giving the safe standing upstairs back to home fans

    I doubt they'd want to give away fans seats near the halfway line. I'm wondering if they will reduce the away allocation - google tells me ours is 3000 and the minimum is 2000.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Deano & Dalian's Umbrella said:

    From what I can gather from comments around the internet, the boxes above you are being ripped out and turned into a big terrace view that extends around the whole North and DE stand.


    My own unsubstantiated Theory is that they might be moving the away fans to where you are

    • Shocked 1
  9. 43 minutes ago, grobs said:

    Hi all, had a letter through to say I need to re locate. I’m in lower north just by the away fans. I didn’t think this would affect me. Anyone know what they are doing with the lower north? 

    From what I can gather from comments around the internet, the boxes above you are being ripped out and turned into a big terrace view that extends around the whole North and DE stand.


  10. 30 minutes ago, MadridVilla said:

    Doug lower M1 row P and my seat has been ‘altered’ as the letter describes it. 

    All we hear is that the club needs to make more revenue to improve the standards on the pitch. Heck has done that with new sponsorship deals and the club has done that with a 4th place finish, PL prize money and UCL money to come. 
    I am really at a loss with this decision. Remember this is ALL to make more money. Last year we struggled to sell out hospitality/GA+ tickets and now we are rolling out an extra 900 corporate seats. Who are you going to sell them to?

    Assuming the prices double, it’s an extra £800 for each of the 900 seats, so £720k a year. Maybe add a bit extra for cup games and at most it will be £1m extra revenue. Knock off the £72k in store vouchers and some extra costs to retrofit premium seating, more staff etc. and the net benefit to the club is less than £1m. 
    Why are we chasing that from the fans, causing a huge amount of upheaval, and losing a lot of goodwill among us 900. An extra £1m is about what the club makes for each game on TV. We could negotiate an extra million on a sale, or a million less on a signing. We could sign a club partnership with sponsors for £1m. Or we could, you know, not chase every penny at the expense of the true fans. 

    So the argument that us fans have to roll over and accept what’s happening is to improve the team is just totally wrong and disrespectful to our intelligence. 

    Now we will have a mad scramble over a couple of days to find whatever seats are left in the stand. Moving from the halfway line to probably the corner flag and paying the same amount for the pleasure is a bit of a sickener. 

    I’m still absolutely grateful to have a season ticket and be able to go to the games but I just cannot reconcile that with decisions with a very minor payoff for the club and a lot of anger from the fans. The latest in a string of really poor judgements from Heck. 

    For weeks now, I have been convinced that my seat was going to be one of the ones that was lost. At the moment, there is no evidence that this is true. But I know how sick I would feel if I lost my seat and I feel really terrible for everybody this is happening too. It’s not right. 

    I know some people will say there are much worse things in life, but I have much worse things going on in my life at the moment and this is still really out of order.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Villatillidie95 said:

    I’m starting to think that it might be the first 10 rows of that stand….i might just escape it 🤞I do remember someone mentioning 10 rows are at risk 

    yes - I've seen someone describe it as the "lower part" - i.e a certain number of rows from the front back but I don't know the number.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Villatillidie95 said:

    Not received anything in the post and I’m T5 North Upper, my seat was one of those that had been removed in the photos posted on the Villa redevelopment thread last week….hopefully don’t receive anything! 

    Someone in T5, row F has received a letter.

  13. 16 minutes ago, lainux said:

    If any one who sits in lower trinity behind the dugout receives a letter to relocate let me know, as i'm not home the next week or so, fingers crossed we're safe 🤞

    I've seen people saying the ticket office have said blocks c4 and c5 are safe

    • Shocked 1
  14. From what I’ve seen across various sites, there are so far confirmed displacements In upper North, upper Trinity, and lower Doug ellis But the blocks behind the benches are safe

  15. I am confident that Emery can show him how to skillfully leave by the back door of a restaurant without being ejected via the front door as part of his "play out from the back" policy.

  16. I have contacted the CyberNews Team to see  if, amongst the recently-exposed personal details of 150,000 Villa fans, there  there was a list of "900 surplus cocksuckers" and whether I'm on it.

    • Haha 3
  17. 1 hour ago, markavfc40 said:

    So over a week on from announcing season ticket details they have actually announced f all other than saying they go on sale to existing season ticket holders on June 3rd and limiting increase on adult ticket to 5%. No details on who is going to be displaced, no details on how much concessions will go up by, which given they specifically only mentioned 5% in relation to adult tickets makes me think concessions are going to see big increases with some possibly being scrapped. Can't be many clubs that haven't announced prices yet can there. 

    I have seen on another forum that the ticket office said that letters were due to be sent out yesterday by 1st class post to the 900 season ticketholders being booted out of their seats. I haven't seen anyone saying they have received anything as yet.

    • Thanks 2
  18. 3 hours ago, thabucks said:

    Why is it wrong in this day and age to maximise the revenues per seat ? 

    In isolation, I have no problem. But when it means that long-standing season-ticket holders, who have sat through years of crap football under the lambert, MacLeish, garde and Bruce years  etc. when there were loads of empty seats around the ground, are suddenly considered surplus to requirements and kicked out their seats, then I have a big problem with it

    • Like 2
  19. I think that this Badge might be for this season only. The drop shadow is there to commemorate the displacement of 900 season-ticket holders Who will bravely give up their seats so that burgers and chips can be sold to others.The shadow represents the old, football-watching fans that we don’t want anymore and the yellow Lion represents the bright new future of the burger and chips eating fans that we do want.

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