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Posts posted by MNVillan

  1. 1 hour ago, limpid said:

    Who do the majority of these scholars work for? Do they have to sign anything as part of their job confirming that they will not undermine the founding principles of the body they work for?

    Cracking book title that. His name cannot have been Jesus (likely the common name Jeshua), but also, why would anyone think that any historical Jesus would have come from Nazareth? Only two gospels mention this (but not Mark from which 70% of Matthew is copied). Nothing extra-biblical. It was added to the story to fulfil a badly translated part of Jewish messianic prophecy widely accepted in the early church as referring to "the Nazarene" (Isaiah 11:1) which in fact should have been translated as "branch" (netser / NZR in Hebrew - you can see how the mistake happened). If the editors / authors / translators hadn't had to work that error in to fulfil prophecy, they wouldn't have had to add the census myth.

    But I haven't signed an article of faith and I don't work for a religious institute. You might prefer the opinions of those scholars if they align with what you've been conditioned / primed to believe.

    You don’t have to sign anything, although I suppose people who believe in Catholicism are more inclined to work at a Catholic university than those who aren’t. The scholarship goes far beyond the school I attended though, and has an audience in non-religious schools.

    I think you’re also missing the point about historical Jesus. I’m not trying to say that everything in the gospels is correct. All I’m saying is that Jesus the human was likely a real person. The details of his life (just like the details of any life from 2000 years ago) are, of course, murky.

  2. On 09/05/2022 at 04:24, Chindie said:

    Yes the mainstream opinion of those invested in the field is that there was a historical Jesus, but as said the evidence is basically them giving greater weight to the gospels and Roman references because Christianity exists. They then argue that this is no different to the standard of evidence held against other antiquity figures that we don't have hard evidence for the existence of but don't question the existence of. But that ignores that most of these figures we have harder facts for - take someone like Boudicca. We can't prove (to my knowledge) that she actually existed, but we do know that there were actions that tie up with Roman accounts of an actual rebellion by Britons at the time she is supposed to have lived, and the Romans involved make reference to her. That's subtly different to Jesus, where the evidence is more malleable - a religious sect grew telling stories of a guy, and the sect's stories tell his story with some recollections of guys that claim to have known him, and these Roman guys wrote about it later. There's nothing in it to say there was 1 guy, and his name was Jesus. It could be a collection of stories of different people. It could all be total bollocks (as opposed to mostly bollocks).

    In respect of the super powers, iirc there's evidence that there were stories of Jesus were he had loads of powers that got edited out over time. I like to think there's a Superman Bible where he has laser vision.

    What do you mean there isn’t anything to say there is no evidence there was one guy and his name was Jesus? Both biblical and non biblical sources use his name plenty.

    i respect your skepticism about the religion, but if you don’t believe Jesus was a real person than surely you must be skeptical about Plato as well.

  3. On 08/05/2022 at 17:54, chrisp65 said:

    It is quite annoying that whilst most Jews two thousand years ago had extensive written records, images and two point verification, this one has relied on oral history traditions for the first 50, 80, 100 years.

    I’m not saying its defo a conspiracy, but if he’d been born in the UK, we’d have had decent contemporary records.




    Well, early Christians were heavily persecuted. They weren’t able to record and proclaim their beliefs and history in public, because if they did they’d be put to death.

    Early texts (no matter the subject) rely on many people to copy and pass on the texts to keep them alive. Christians did not have that luxury, so they relied on oral tradition.

  4. On 08/05/2022 at 12:09, Stevo985 said:

    This is a real one that I’d love to see some sort of documentary on 

    How real is Jesus Christ?

    Like how much actual evidence is there for him and what he did. 

    My presumption is he was a real person, and that some of the stuff he did was true, but obviously a lot of it is bullshit. 

    So based on actual historic evidence, who was he and what did he actually do?

    i find that fascinating

    I’ll go against the grain here… it’s very likely he existed. The majority of modern scholars would agree. Here’s a book about it if you’re interested: https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/06/books/reza-aslans-zealot-the-life-and-times-of-jesus-of-nazareth.html

    Full disclosure, I am a Catholic. I got my undergraduate degree in history and spent a year in a PhD program at the Catholic University of America. So of course, I am “biased.”

    Although there is no way to prove he existed, the evidence is favorable that he did. Arguments against his existence focus mainly on doubt and put the burden of proof on his existence, which I can’t do. But I do think it’s very probable Jesus was a real person.

    Whether or not Jesus is God, performed miracles, rose from the dead, etc. is of course where rationalization has to be suspended. Christians believe in it, non-Christians don’t. It’s a matter of faith.

  5. 4 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Got to admit, I think Klopp was trying to prove a point as well, slight hints of Billy big bollox ( As is his right to do )

    As i said, i'm sure i heard him say in his post match that he " Saw the weakness in the diamond we play " or something like that.

    Then obviously went on to moan about the decisions.

    Let's be real though, Klopp is Klopp, and Liverpool are Liverpool they can bring on a Thiago and a Salah etc.

    Gerrard is a learning Manager, but I like his attitude.

    I like his attitude too. Most winners are pretty cutthroat.

    I’d rather have a pint with Deano, but I’d rather have SG as manager to push for Europe

  6. 9 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    With the away kits we usually stick with blue, black and white for aways recently. We use to do alot of yellows.

    I have to say though i absolutely loved the navy one this season. Thats one of my favourite kits ever. I might actually buy another one in case something happens to my one in wash

    The only yellow kit since I started following is the one that sent us down.

    I loved the 2013 horse jockey away kit, as well as the 2019 green third.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tayls said:

    Is the away kit a weird shade of blue? Or is it white? Feel like this is a “what colour is the dress” moment… 

    To me, the away shirt looks the exact same colour as the sleeves on the home shirt. 

    Has to be light blue. The inside of the shirt around the neck hole is actually white, and the outside of the shirt is a different color

  8. Just now, Demitri_C said:

    What i dint undeestand is why the kits always leaked before they annouce it?

    I would think because they need to have kits manufactured, photo shoots done, and stores stocked all before the kits are released. All it takes is one person with a phone to snap a picture ahead of time.

    I think it’s good news for release day that it’s leaking this early. Years past our kit was just leaking while everyone else had actually unveiled theirs.

  9. Bit boring, nothing to complain about though. 3rd is an improvement on the last two years’ shockers.

    This might be unpopular, but I’d like to see blue shorts with the away. Surely the 3rd will have matching black shorts.

  10. 7 hours ago, DCJonah said:

    A very close family friend is the manager of Indy 11. They're having a 20,000 seater stadium built and are trying to become a MLS team in the next few years. 

    Would be awesome if they manage it. The league continues to grow over there it seems. 

    It’s getting more popular, but beginning to expand to the detriment of the quality. There’s only so much talent over here, and spreading it out over more team dilutes the league. Unless their eventual plan is to expand to a multi-tier league with promotion/relegation, I think more teams is a bad thing.

  11. 27 minutes ago, AVFCforever1991 said:

    I've said it all along, it would be hilarious if he ended up with no trophies

    I do think he’ll snag the league. And I’ve thought all along “what does he care, he’s laughing all the way to the bank with his millions of pounds.”

    But I do also think today has to hurt. Coming on with 12 minutes remaining and a 2 goal advantage to see out a ticket to the CL final, only to blow it. Especially having two chances. Not really his fault they didn’t go in, but still, they didn’t go in.

    People on here debating about whether or not he’s a flop. At least this season, he has been. Man City has been one key signing away from a Champions League title for multiple years. They just spent an English record transfer fee of £100 million on him. They now aren’t only out of the CL, but they’ve also tossed the domestic cups. The league is their only saving grace, and even that is still up for grabs.

    The big question is whether or not he was the missing piece (clearly he was not). But for a squad that loaded, spending £100 million on one player damn well must put you over the line on the honors that have eluded you, and they’ve only regressed.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Villa87 said:

    Classic Grealish blaming over on Blue Moon:

     Grealish can't miss that chance to finish the game. Score that and it doesn't matter what happens after that. It has to go in. Dias too slow tracking his man for their first, he should be ahead of him to sniff out the danger and that was a theme with him all night long, I literally said at halftime he needs to tighten up his marking. Second goal comes from Grealish strolling over and putting in a token effort to block the cross, if that's jesus still on the pitch he gets right into him blocks the cross and they get a throw in instead of a game saving goal. 

    Extra time, Pep taking off jesus and mahrez before the collapse for Grealish and dinho meant we stood no chance with what we had on the pitch when it went to extra time and no options to change it. Can't really blame Pep for not seeing a total collapse from us but was they neccesary subs? Not for me but we have constantly moaned about him not using his subs. Then dias late once again and gave them the winner.



    Just paid my first visit to that website.

    Feel like I need a shower, but found quite a bit of entertainment there

    • Haha 1
  13. 1 minute ago, villa4europe said:

    I think a pub is the same as the ground, the locals can't sustain it due to the demographic (largely poor, I'm guessing fair few Muslim?) 

    Its hard to run a good pub there that's only full 19 times a year

    Very true.

    Plus in the Brum area there’s approximately 3 pubs on every block. That’s some stiff competition

  14. 9 minutes ago, jackbauer24 said:

    So Coutinho is undroppable and Gerrard plays his mates over form or team set up.

    Konsa dropped instantly though. Pleased to see TI in however.

    Really disappointed with Gerrard so far.

    Konsa shouldn’t have ever gotten his place back from Chambers

    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    As funny as the misinterpretation of Swiss Tony's "theme park" was (as a tourist in China I can tell you they would call somewhere like bicester or even star city a "themed park") he was right, it needs something 

    I think you did well to spend two hours there and I include the match time in that :trollface:

    Fan Park with a digbeth dining club food and drink vendor set up is the answer for me

    A good restaurant and pub would’ve done the trick for me, although I’m a simple person.

  16. Coming from an “outsider” (in terms of location, not fandom):

    i would’ve gone to VP every single day of my visit to Brum if there was more to do. As it currently is, I saw everything I wanted in the two hours before the match I attended.

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