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Posts posted by Powehi

  1. 3 hours ago, useless said:

    We have Bailey, Diaby, Rogers, Ramsey, and Buendia, that's five players for three positions, we will want at least one more so we have two specialist attackers for each of those three positions, Zaniolo wasn't brought in just because Buendia got injured, we needed an extra an extra attacker

    Also there were question marks over Buendia before last season when we were looking to establish ourselves as a great eight club, and there will be even more so now expectations are even higher, as he will have to raise his game to an higher standard, Bailey was in the same position before this season just gone, plus the fact he's coming back from quite a year out, I'm sure he will do fine, but we still need another option

    Every reliable reporter reporting that we want at least one attacker, and it just makes logical sense, so I think it's likely to happen, might not be some big name superstar, could just be another with a similar profile to Rogers as a squad option - I say just, if we could find another that has similar impact to Rogers that would be brilliant

    Am I the only one that thinks/would like to see McGinn back in that attacking front 3 behind Ollie? He was doing great there before Kamara's injury forced him further back.

    • Like 2
  2. 40 minutes ago, RicRic said:

    Ramsey has played matches this season and im aware he has had injuries however we seen a significant dip in performances when he has featured, what im suggesting is we may need another fit and firing class above LW to bring in that will hit the ground running, nobody and certainly not me is doubting his ability. 

    Thank you for articulating my position on Ramsey as I've been struggling to do so on here without sounding like I don't rate the lad. I will just ctrl + v this in the future until he's back to his best.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Really odd decision to play him and Super John in a dead rubber game to be honest. Think Emery got that one wrong. They've both been shattered for weeks. 

  4. 46 minutes ago, GlobalVillan said:

    So we can face another PL side? Or we can't?

    But seriously, I think it can't be completely ruled out - but that they are going to try and avoid it at all if possible, something like that.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 10 hours ago, ferguson1 said:

    Thank you for this. Just one quick question, are we 100% sure that we can’t face another Premier League side? 

    UEFA said they didn't like it, but they'll have to go along with it.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. He really reminds me of Balotelli in that early City side where the rest of the players were really good and professional, and then they had the proverbial maverick in Mario who scored crazy goals and provided something a bit different. And that City team developed pretty well. It's a good thing, is what I'm saying.

    • Like 1
  7. On 09/05/2024 at 07:30, T-Dog said:

    I used to think he was massively overrated. Then I saw him play at Stamford Bridge in the cup game - I genuinely think it was one of the best individual performances I've seen this season. 

    So if he's like THAT Palmer, sign him up.

    I thought he was pretty crap against us. Gallagher on the other hand really impressed me.

  8. I've been one of the doubters but I have to agree that when fit and firing (which is key, because its been a while) we shouldn't be letting him go. As one of the six attacking options we have for the three slots behind Watkins, I'm happy with him coming off the bench and easing his way back into the first team. And I want him to succeed so badly because I know the talent is there (and he's one of our own!), I just don't feel we've seen it as much as some claim.

    Him, Buendia and Diaby pushing for spots behind Rogers, McGinn and Bailey is a great place to be!

    • Like 3
  9. 4 hours ago, sharkyvilla said:

    I'd give Gauci a start to see how he gets on.  It would be a bit unfair on him to have a makeshift XI in front of him so I'd still go strong.  Give Emi and Doug some extra time off before the Copa America but go as strong as possible with the rest of the team.

    I get where you're coming from if this was like a League Cup 3rd round where there is still something at stake, but this is going to be a happy occasion in the sun for everyone in the stadium, a glorified friendly where most of our first choice defence are absolutely spent. KKH - Carlos - Lenglet - Munroe will be fine for Gauci. He gets the most positive first 90 minutes in the premier league that anyone could wish for, if he concedes who cares? Just enjoy and get used to the experience.

    • Like 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, nepal_villan said:

    Jack was on a different level in terms of excitement and popularity than any player we've had in the past 25 years. Probably have to go back to Yorke or even McGrath.  

    Probably isn't the time, but I'll say this carefully.

    Jack was a very very good player. One of the most naturally talented players we had. The fact he was one of our own definitely added to his allure. He had 3 great seasons for us cumulatively. We sold him for a lot of money and reinvested most of it wisely (in the end). He in turn won a lot of trophies and broke through to the England setup properly due to the incumbent manager's 'Big 6' bias.

    That's it. Anything else is just hyperbole and unnecessary obsession. He wasn't even the most naturally talented player we've had wear the shirt in the Premier League era (probably Merson, but you could make an argument for Young and others).

    We're **** massive. He's moved on. Let it go :)

    EDIT: Sorry @nepal_villan - that should have been in response to @JAMAICAN-VILLAN's original post, not yours.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  11. 34 minutes ago, est1874 said:

    I feel a bit sorry for Olsen.

    He's not done anything terribly wrong when he's been called upon this season, but unfortunately it's not untrue when people say that there is a noticeable nervousness in our defence when he is behind them, and worse still among the supporters at the game, which is arguably even worse. The atmosphere palpably changes (I've felt it and seen it first hand), and when you have lost that confidence from the players and fans as a goalkeeper, you simply never get it back. 

    Nyland was the same - not that bad, doing very well for himself elsewhere now, but was never ever going to make it at Villa purely because of how his presence made people feel. Which is unfortunate and a bit unfair, but that's football.

    It's the total opposite with Emi - even when he has a howler as he did in Monday's game, you never have that sense that he'll almost certainly do it again in the next game or the one after that. You feel totally confident in his abilities between the posts. 

    A goalkeeper needs to be commanding and confident and instil that confidence in others, and for all that he's a decent enough shot-stopper, Robin simply doesn't do that.

    Well put. He'll leave with our best wishes, but he's simply not at the level we need from him, which is coming in at short notice for games we still need to win. 


    2 hours ago, MaVilla said:

    Just play the kids for experience now (& Watkins to see if he can get that elusive 20th goal he so much wants).


                KKH - Carlos - Lenglet - Digne

    Munroe - Chambers - Iroegbunam - Kellyman

                         Watkins - Duran

    This is the team I came in to post. Rory Wilson to come on for Watkins once he's got 20.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 minute ago, david-avfc said:

    Hopefully Gauchi is that man, presumably we signed him for a reason after a full pre season and a few friendly matches under his belt hopefully he will be ready 

    Good point!

  14. 2 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Ortega was one of the highest rated sweeper keepers in Bundesliga when he left Bielefeld and he is on a big contract for a Number 2 keeper 

    And we're Champions League baby!

  15. 8 minutes ago, Callum said:

    Mate forget about it for now, we’ve just qualified for the CL. Let’s celebrate that for a bit shall we? 

    I don't think a reflection based on the game we've all been watching is too unfair. It's not like I started talking about Philogene coming back or anything. I'm piling into that thread soon as well thanks.



  16. Ortega's performance tonight highlighting why this "who could we get as a number 2?" bleating is a nonsense. Comes in for the fourth time this season, makes some blinding saves and City's style of play remains unchanged. 29 year old from Bielefeld when he joined them. 

    Well done for Olsen in his last start, let's say goodbye amicably at the end of the season and get someone dependable in as deputy.

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