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Posts posted by NowDoINotLikeThat

  1. Steve Bruce could get a team to play to Bents strengths as could George Burley , Alan Curbishley , Houllier , Redknapp.(Bent still scored goals at Spurs).

    What a shocking manager we really have . McLeish is almost like a bad parody

  2. Will be proper embarrasing for us if MON wins tomorrow and goes above us.

    McLeish - 5 wins all season in 20 games - a joke .

    MON - already 3 wins in 5.

    IF MON Wins tomorrow they are above us and almost won as many games as McShite has managed all season with a much lesser squad - frankly some key ppl at Villa park should be blushing with deep embarrassment already.

  3. Does anybody know how many shots on target we have mustered in the last 9 games (basically all league games since the last international break in November) because it has to be scarily low. Spurs, Swansea (a) and Manchester United were all inept. We then beat Bolton, before being **** desperate again against Liverpool. I didnt see the Arsenal game, but we never really looked like scoring against Stoke. Then we beat Chelsea and failed to turn up today.

    Of those nine games there are, what, five or six where we hardly had a shot on goal? Alarm bells are ringing.

    A shot on target feels like scoring a goal under McLeish.

    I dnno the stats for all games above but we had ONE today:-


    It is a joke.

  4. McLeish said he took Ireland off to go 4-4-2, but to remain solid in the middle with Clark and Petrov. Which is just bizarre. At 0-2 down, he still cared about defending against Swansea's midfielders rather than going all out to win. He also took off the only player who looked like creating something. And Bent had spent most of the game isolated up front, so what we needed was more creativity, not a second striker to be equally isolated up front.

    It was terrible management yet again.

    By all means bring on Albrighton but should have been at expense of a defender or Clark or N'Zogbia who was crap.

    We were 2-0 down for fucksake!

    Take a defender off not Ireland - it was so curmudgeon of him again.

  5. Hope he realised the boos weren't for him. I thought he was one of our better players today and I just cannot believe he got subbed. Why?

    He knew the boos weren't for him. He was clapping the fans whilst coming off.

  6. By the way, did anyone else notice how Match Of The Day complete glossed over any issue of Villa's performance or problems? They didn't even show the Stephen Ireland substitution, or discuss our overall performance other than the mistakes.

    Taking the LMAs advice I think. Less focus on managers losing their jobs, more focus on the football. Unfortunately, our football is shit mainly because of the manager.

    Yes i noticed this - no footage of the Ireland substitution and the crowd reaction at all - no footage of people leaving the stadium after 60 minute mark either - which was very strange as was one of the few talking points surely?

    I dont blame MOTD for not talking about us in studio tho.

  7. It's becoming untennable already, today the boo's were embarrassingly loud and hate filled


    Didn't sound that bad on TV tbh.

    Obviosuly the Ireland sub he got a lot of stick for but at final whistle could only hear few boos .

    Was another shite game anyhow.

    Dunno, I heard quite a few.

    Then again, a lot of people had already left by the final whistle anyway.

    Yeh was ppl leaving as early as the 60 min mark.

    Understandably so as well.

  8. The board's decision only to target manager's with Premier LEague experience was ridiculous.

    If only they had widened the net and looked for someone with real talent. It is very rare that you will find a top manager with Premier League experience who is available, hence our list of targets was so poor.

    I'd rather we'd have gone for an up and coming boss from the lower leagues if we have to make do with being in transition for the foreseeable future.

    Agreed . Logically thing to do would be to look at upcoming promising managers like the likes of Lambert etc .Managers with potential. This never even came into our boards thinking.

    Even Doug did it with Brian Little , John Gregory with some relative success.

  9. how many times - he isnt going to be sacked.

    How about Darren Bent shows a bit of passion and enthusiasm to the cause instead of sulking like a spoilt child.

    How about McLeish starts actually managing the side properly then.

    Stops making curmudgeon substitutions and generally trying to destroy football games with his useless tactics.

    If Steve Bruce can get the best out of Bent but McLeish cannot ..well my God what an unparalleled crap manager we really must have.

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