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Posts posted by ozvilla28

  1. Look out the square villa for ffs this guy not proven.No football people on the board to make such a crictical decsion like this.Would love to see Collymore etc past greats to give them advice.Better managers out there.

  2. Stop making exuses for this guy he is our weake link bigtime as he was last season !!!!.Should not be captain let alone  starting 11.It's a shame Okore is injuried.Lambert needs to wake up to himself and drop him.Problem is that now there is not much to replace him either.

  3. £20 million for 8 players get you the poor quality we now have.

    And £20 million wasn't backing the manager, it was doing the minimum to give his investment a chance of surviving. But as some said in the summer it wasn't enough.

    And seriously think about the wages the 4 lower league lads are on. I don't see how that can be ignored. I'd be amazed if Bowery is on more than £10,000 a week. Now I know we didn't need a striker but what quality player is coming to this club for the transfer fee and wages that we got Bowery for?

    We can talk about net spend all day but the players don't make their decision to come here on what their transfer fee is.

    Wages is the key and Lambert had to cut them.

    Spot on there.You can get the best manager with out the backing and players he will fail.

  4. Dont agree with that. 20 million gets you nothing these days and we all knew we had to rebuild our squad.Our high wage bill has nothing to do with Lambert it's the previous managers and our admin who allowed it.People are whingeing about 2 fullbacks and El Ahmadi.Do people realise maybe they were the only players Lambert could afford.

  5. Utter disgrace a club with history like ours finds itself in this same situation 3 years in row fighting to stay up.From being a proud club we have become a laughing stock. :angry:

  6. Sorry to say Lerner has not backed Lambert at all.He gave him a shoe string budget to work with.Signing players from Divisions below the Premier League and players not up to standard.Lost faith in Lerner long time ago were better off with a new owner.

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  7. Exactly, and who would be driving the budget? I get the impression that Lerner/Faulkner have told Lambert to get rid of the likes of Ireland, Dunne, Hutton, Warnock and Bent and replace them with much cheaper players when actually we should be replacing them with players on equal wages, but we would just be getting players so much better than the crap Lerner has spunked money on during his reign/tenure.

    That's all well and good and dont mind selling those duo and a few more ,but you need the right team balance and cant expect to sign all your players from lower leagues.Let's hope this new scout Lambert signed is any good.

  8. Sorry to say I have no confidence in Lerner and cant see the club going forward and being up there where it belongs in the top 6 under Lerners control.It's a disgrace some of these clubs make us look like amatures.3 seasons fighting for relegation destroying this proud club.

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