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Posts posted by Jas10

  1. In no way am I excusing Xia, he is completely at fault, but what I meant is that the big clubs are protected and any club that wants to grow, progress and try and compete is held back by FFP. It makes no sense that a club has to sell its best assets and players just to survive too, that there isn’t any alternative.

    I don’t have the information, but I would direct a lot of anger at Wyness too (I don’t know who else is involved in ownership and running of the club), probably more than Xia, he would be the most informed and most aware of anyone regarding our situation, finances and sustainability. He was just lying through his teeth the whole time, fed us fans so much bullshit!

    I guess we need a new owner and regime, but how likely is that now?

  2. 24 minutes ago, John said:

    That's the most annoying thing it was introduced to ensure financial fair play but has  achieved the opposite. Clubs like Manchester City are fined money that represents chump change for cash rich clubs but cash strapped clubs (which clearly now include us) that dare to spend money to get in the same league as the financial big hitters are punished unmercifully for daring to do so. Basically football has become a closed shop. Our owner if he has any money anywhere is not prepared to put it into the club and has used our parachute payments to gamble on owning a club that would reach the Premier League gravy chain and make him substantial money as a result in the long term having repaid loans he had taken out. Clubs with money are able to get around FFP or pay fines that represent peanuts to them the likes of us are forced to sell players if we don't want to face disproportionately harsh penalties and are ruined on the football pitch and/or off it by financial unfair play. Do I not like that!

    FFP has actually caused/worsened the situation that it was “advertised” or promoted as being a solution to. Of course, there was a different agenda to it that wasn’t revealed...

    • Like 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, A'Villan said:


    Yeah on second thought I would agree regarding Jedinak, I mentioned him just because some managers will use a DM at CB for their passing ability, rather than Jedinak being suitable at CB for us.

    Yeah the uncertainty is bemusing. From the sounds of it we are stuck with a few whose wages are disproportionate to their value. I think Lansbury is one of those. I am hoping we can retain Hourihane. If we do, that is potential for a decent midfield. Albeit we haven't seen it at Villa yet. Jedinak and Whelan are both okay for this level, but you're right I don't think either are at an age where you want to play twice a week and train as hard as those in their 20's and I'm not particularly excited to see either start.

    Agree regarding the up and at them approach. Not necessarily that we need to be young but I'd have little issue with that if we had the right players for the system we employ. Youth only guarantees energy where the motivation is there and certainly doesn't guarantee skill-set or discipline. Snodgrass and Adomah both examples of players who are motivated enough to be dynamic and challenge anyone in this division, at the age of 30.


    I hear you mate and don’t completely disagree.

    I like Jedinak for his determination and leadership but I wish he was a few years younger, noticed he loses the ball a lot in midfield too.

    There’s no point paying big wages to players who can’t even show up and perform for, I don’t know, 60-70% ?? of the games.

    I think Whelan was a stupid signing though.

    Snodgrass and especially Adomah really slowed down and kind of lost form toward the end of the season though and Snodgrass wasnt even here all season. They Were completely ineffective in POF final too.

    I don’t think many players aged 30+ can cut it all season and handle the rigours of what is a gruelling CH season. On the other hand you don’t want too many young and inexperienced players either and our youngsters seem to be very injury prone. Just look at Green and RHM. We need a decent squad. We have to look beyond the first 11 because if we pick up any serious injuries then we will be in a right hole...

  4. Has to be given a chance this season, unless there is a club that wants to sign him.

    Needs to be played in his best position too, he is not a DM. Has got the ability to get goals from midfield. Goal against Leeds was crucial.

    I don’t know who will still be here come the end of the transfer window but him and Hourihane in midfield should work, backed up by another who can deal with the defensive side (BB?)

    We really should shift the aging players like Whelan & Jedinak, they won’t play enough games and can’t be relied on.

  5. 1 minute ago, Jareth said:

    There were two bits of news lately, one that they don't have to sign him if relegated, then another saying they would anyway. As others have said, he may be very useful in this league if he wanted the challenge...

    That’s the key point, I don’t think he does and he has sounded desperate to leave. What is the attraction anyway?

    I thought he had already left/been signed, we need any funds we can get also.

    I’m really worried about the side in general. Major reduction in quality, we don’t/won’t have enough players that we can rely on for the duration of the whole season (old players that will tire and pick up injuries and our youngsters seem quite injury prone).

    We have no idea which players will be left here, those that leave will be undersold and I doubt we will be able to bring in much quality.

    I want to be hopeful and positive but I am struggling tbh.

    • Like 1
  6. The only way I can see us having a half decent season is if we manage to assemble a young, dynamic and pacey team. I don’t expect Bruce to do this but would love to be surprised. I don’t see any other choice but to back him and hope for the best atm, the club is in a horrendous state.

    Otherwise, we are going to be torn to shreds and embarrassed by “smaller” teams... They will run rings around us.

    Enough with the “old heads” (and legs)...

    I want to see an “up and at them” approach, enough of this “batten down the hatches” shite

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, A'Villan said:

    We have Jedinak who if played at CB would be able to play it out from the back. It depends on a few variables but I think the more important aspect is the understanding, mobility and movement of the midfield receiving the ball.

    Mate, Jedinak already struggles to pass the ball well in midfield. His dominance in the air and leadership are his best qualities but he is old and injury prone - not a player we can rely on. Realistically (so that unfortunately excludes the wasters that are Richards and McCormack) I would like us to sell the aging players firstly and most of all. I don’t think they offer much and can’t be relied on, we don’t need Whelan & Jedinak.

    I agree with your point on the midfield, it’s all going to depend on who we manage to retain. Then again, you’re not going to get much mobility from aging players either. Midfield trio of Hourihane, Lansbury and Bjarnason should be decent but Bruce seems to have other ideas and hasn’t really got the best out of them... All 3 of them could be sold too... So much uncertainty atm...

  8. Central defence is the biggest concern imo if Chester leaves, looks like it will be the weakest part of the team unless we can bring anyone decent in. I’m afraid we’re going to resort back to hoofball unless we have quality replacements. Was good to see Chester & Terry as a partnership last season, playing the ball out from the back rather than lumping it upfield. Our overall play and passing ability definitely improved.

    Finding it hard to be positive tbh, some of my hopes have been dashed by the revelations from Bruce’s interview and I am having a hard time accepting that Grealish is going to leave (especially for much less than his value and the fact that whatever funds we get will not be reinvested into the squad/replacements). 

    I just hope we can have a competitive side that isn’t too dull to watch...


    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, picicata said:

    So is that RHM and O'Hare both injured? Is Green still injured? Considering we are going to be relying on our youth this coming season it's worrying that they all seem to be made of glass.

    Green seems ok, been training with the rest. 

    I just have no idea which and how many players will be left here once the transfer window closes...Such a depressing situation.

  10. 9 minutes ago, striker said:

    Is he injured mate? If so didn't know that. Hourihane in the 10 role then if Bruce continues to play the same way?

    That’s if we can even hang onto Hourihane...

    Am so pissed off at the situation. Having to wait until now for the manager to provide some revelations too. Why the hell couldn’t Xia, the owner, be anywhere near as transparent?

    Why all the lies and cover ups? Wyness was full of shit all along.

    What a mess, they’ve just toyed with us fans.

    Am just feeling a mixture of anger, frustration and complete sadness...

  11. 4 hours ago, John said:

    He might also be staying because he feels that he should. He knows we're in a mess and the easy option would be for him to quit for that reason but perhaps he wants to try to help the club and it's fans at a time when we need all of the help that we can get. He's a decent man who tried to get us up last season whilst going through the pain of the loss of both of his parents. He just failed to do that because we lost that final play-off game and possibly the decision not to correctly punish a Fulham player who chose to stamp on Jack's leg in the first half of that game unduly influenced that crucial result. His leaving the club would not in itself resolve everything that is wrong with the club and he is also not alone in having some responsibility for our current dire situation. He does however, represent an easy target for those of us who can't forgive and forget his long past association with another so called football club.

    Still haven’t gotten over that, such an injustice...

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  12. I can’t remember the last time we had a player of Jack’s ability and potential though, he’s a fairly unique talent imo and would be a bigger loss than any of the “big names” that have moved on previously.

    Added to that, the fact that he is Villa through and through (unlike the others), would make it all the more painful and regrettable if he were to leave. He’s the kind of player we should be building the team around but we have faltered badly as a club...

    It’s all very sad to put it simply.

    • Like 2
  13. Serious question. Rather than continually saying Bruce out or Bruce should go, who could or should we realistically get in right now who could likely do a better job? And do we think Xia would even make a decent appointment?

    Even though we have no say or control, I’d rather see suggestions than the same messages over and over again.

    We have to consider the finances and state of the club, we’re not a very attractive proposition right now and it’s gonna cost a lot to shift Bruce and his staff.

    I am no fan of Bruce but, considering the current state of the club, is shifting him and his staff really a priority right now?? Unless we have the ideal replacement lined up and ready to come in and work within the current constraints...


    • Like 1
  14. Pretty sure it was Steve Clarke who was raving about the kid and indoctrinated RDM!

    Absurd signing.

    Looking back, I can’t believe we played against Sheff Wed with Gardner and Tshibola in CM. Hardly a surprise we lost the game...

    • Like 2
  15. 4 hours ago, A'Villan said:

    When was the last time Villa had a player that was worth 100million in todays market?

    That 90% potential is still only just being tapped in to, he has a long way to go to be worth 100million, but I think he's on track.

    Look at his shots, they're often a threat and either a near miss or forcing a save, his runs and weight of pass are so impressive. There was that volley too.

    Not too far off Coutinho's highlight reel, except Coutinho is much faster with better ball control. Able to do it on the European stage where Jack has only surmounted the championship.  A big distinction at this stage, but Grealish is not yet the finished article.

    I understand your point about the club being priority though. The club won't get right without a decent football team on the pitch. That's the most fundamental thing there is here, it's players like Jack who attract the crowds which cteates the jobs around the place. You don't have a football club without the football.

    I'm a bit disillusioned with the club over Grealish's departure, management in general, so maybe I'm a bit moody at the moment.


    Grealish has got fantastic ball control. Not the quickest (an overrated attribute at times imo, skill over speed in my book) and his shot could be better (although it has improved).

    He’s only going to get better and will be a huge loss if he goes (still holding onto hope that he will somehow stay). He really is and is going to be quite some player.

    I don’t see many players nowadays with the (natural?) ability to carry the ball up the field with ease.

    Hazard did so well against Brazil yesterday...

    I actually think the individual skill and talent of players has declined within the last couple of decades and been replaced with superior fitness and athleticism instead.


    • Like 2
  16. 37 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

    I'd imagine the main objective next season is not dropping out of this league. What he brings to the table especially at a time when we have no director of football and a CEO and Chairman that is way out of his depth, is vast experience, great knowledge of this division, a CV that shows he can work on a much smaller budget and achieve relative success and he has shown here already that he can bring players together and mould a squad and team spirit which is going to be vital going forward.

    He doesn't get a free ride and certainly not from me he won't. I'm still hopeful we can have a squad capable of being reasonably competitive in this division. I still expect to see everyone bust their balls and put a shift in week in week out and compete in every game.

    I'd have no problem with him going by the way as long as I felt we'd replace him with better. He failed last season there is no doubt about that but it isn't about last season now it is about whether those at the club can attract better than Bruce for where we are now, the resources we will have going forward and in getting the best out of what will be left of the squad come August.

    Many believe Martin O'Neill failed in not getting us top 4. Given the choice though would I have taken him staying on a reduced budget rather than McLeish, Lambert, Sherwood then yes I would. It wouldn't have changed the fact he failed to get top 4 but you can't simply look back you have to judge on what may be best for the here and now and immediate future. 

    As much as it may be a hard pill to swallow for some of us given where the clubs finds itself, who we have running the show and us not being an attractive proposition then at present Bruce may well be as good as it gets for us. Personally if he was to leave now I'd be quaking in my boots as to who Xia would bring in.

    I’ve got to agree. The last thing we need right now is further turmoil. Unless we have an outstanding candidate who is available, there is no point sacking him and his staff now (also, the financial expense of it has to be considered). We could easily plummet into league 1 and below...

    I wouldn’t trust Xia to make a decent appointment anyway.

    I have never been a Bruce fan and did want him out (especially when he had poor runs of consecutive and embarrassing defeats) but I actually think we started performing better and even starting passing the ball better in, let’s say, the last quarter of the season or so. I actually believe we got better since Agnew came in and obviously when Grealish came back and was performing so well (has been years since a player has got me so excited and entertained at Villa, a player to be proud of and he is also one of our own. I have to admit, it’s going to hit me hard if/when he leaves). Maybe with a settled coaching staff and team, and a manager who can focus on his job now rather than so many personal problems and grief, we can actually do well.

    As a fan, all I can do is hold on to hope. 

    I hope we can somehow have a good season,  that the players (that are still here, along with, hopefully, a few good youngsters involved) can perform well and we can somehow possibly fight for promotion.

    I know that may sound completely unrealistic to some but it is always my wish and hope that the club can do well and perform.

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  17. 13 hours ago, Junxs said:

    I think Steer is a better shot stopper than Johnstone, better on corners too.

    Think he will prove himself the better keeper in a couple of years time, he's just been constantly injured whereas Johnstone came out the Man Utd academy. 


  18. 7 hours ago, KSV said:

    Meh Johnstone wasnt that good.. he kept alot of clean sheets because he was barely tested. When we were he would usually concede. Steer will do a job if he can stay fit.


  19. Hutton can go, too old, along with all the other 30+ players.

    We may as well just give up if we sell Grealish and Chester, they’re absolutely essential if we actually want to get promotion anytime soon.

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