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Posts posted by Mjvilla

  1. 6 minutes ago, Richard said:

    I also find it a little ironic,  but this is less of a point as well actually,  that we were able to prevent a player from moving clubs as it did not suit us financially but then are perfectly at liberty to criticise a player for not moving clubs as it did not suit him financially.

    I get the hypocrisy... But what does this club owe gabby? Absolutely nothing. His lack of professionalism, terrible attitude, terrible performances mean that any kind of treatment he gets is fully deserved. He's picking up his good wage and its quite clear he doesn't give a shit about us fans or the club so absolutely **** him and treat him badly as he treated us badly.

  2. Patience?? I can't even wait for forest let alone wait for this team to gel!! 

    But, in all seriousness, it's a good point. We need to give some of these players time to settle in and not get on their backs 4/5 games in. (Gollini). We need to give the players time to gel and get to know each other... The defence already seems pretty together. That attacking unit needs time to click. When it does, I can see us putting a run together which will propel us up the table. We could easily go 10/15 games unbeaten imo.

    positivity is definitely needed now. And it's not happy clapping, a positive atmosphere from us will eminate itself to the players.

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  3. 25 minutes ago, Michael118 said:

    Maybe you can spend some time looking over some of the 373 posts I've made and you'll notice a lot of what I've posted which was unpopular at the time ended up being correct.

    As I have 2 young children and a full time job and really don't have the time to trawl through all your posts... Would you care to provide an example of some of these unpopular views that became correct?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Michael118 said:

    I can't understand the optimism surrounding this transfer window to be honest.

    I think we are weaker than we started in most areas except up front. 

    It was you who made up the abdoul ba thing isn't it?! Cos it's so funny and makes you popular?! 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Woodytom said:

    Just seem to be throwing money at it with very little direction. 

    You see, I think there has been plenty of direction. What are the things the majority of us wanted? Get rid of all the shite from last season. Which we've nearly done. Have a spine of players who will fight for the club and give their all. Which we've done. Improve in other positions (gk, rb, CB, cm, st) which we've done. Still time to improve the width (Adomah). I think we all agree we'd like more but the amount that's been done cannot go unnoticed so to say we're throwing money at it without much direction is just plain wrong, in my opinion of course.

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