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Posts posted by TheStagMan

  1. 16 minutes ago, villarocker said:

    I think people are being a bit unfair on Lescott. Remember how Dr Tony asked us to allow Leo Bacuna to have a fresh start, well, maybe we should do the same for Joleon. I mean, he's clearly a changed man. There's no way he's tweeting a picture of his new car from inside his stomach after he's finished eating that phone!

    I don't want him tweeting pictures of his lower intestines thank you very much.

    • Like 1
  2. So Valencia or Rhodes...... happy with either. Easyjet are doing great deals on the flights, so a quick getaway for the weekend would be lovely. Relaxing in the sun for a couple of days and then coming back to find our who this mystery striker we are going to sign is.

    • Like 1
  3. Very happy with this (and all the other) signings. All have proven experience at this level, all see Villa as a big club and want to be here - all of them will fight for the cause and give 100%. Something we have been missing for a long time.

    Welcome Ritchie

  4. 2 minutes ago, av1 said:

    1) No

    2) No


    I'm 5. 10", 4 stone overweight, and I'm of breath climbing the stairs. 

    If not Manager, could i be considered as a replacement for Libor Kozak?

    No, but certainly a replacement for Gabby. What is your kebab intake like?

    • Like 3
  5. Apparently we are "Bracing ourselves" for a move from Hull   :-)  as they are planning to swoop and activate his £5m release clause!!!!   Oh NO!!!!!!!!

    The only thing I think we would be bracing for would be the massive party at Villa Park if he were to leave and we were to get £5m for him!



    Hull have made an enquiry with Aston Villa about former captain Micah Richards, according to a report.

    The Mail claim that Hull are hoping to sign the ex-England defender, as they look to build on their small squad.

    The Daily Star reported last month that the 28-year-old has a £5million release clause in his Villa contract.

    The Northern Echo then reported that Sunderland manager David Moyes had been interested but had opted to search the transfer market for a different defensive option.

    Villa manager Roberto Di Matteo is under no pressure to sell Richards, who captained them last season at times.

    The defender has three years remaining on the four-year contract he signed last summer.

    Richards endured a difficult campaign last year as he was unable to prevent The Villans conceding 76 Premier League goals, and subsequently being relegated for the first time in 28 seasons.

    He has been a fringe player this season, with new skipper Tommy Elphick, £7million signing James Chester and Nathan Baker ahead of him in the pecking order for central defender spots.

    Richards joined Villa on a free transfer from Manchester City in 2015 and the defender played in 28 matches last season, predominantly at centre-back.

    Sadly if you read the article, it is not anything like as dramatic or concrete as their clickbait headline would suggest, apparently Hull have "enquired"

  6. Just now, avfc1982 said:

    70+ Premier League goals from one of our worst ever players? What drivel!

    I agree he is not one of the worst players ever to grace the shirt, but I wish people would stop banging on about his goals tally as if it is something wondrous. It is 70 goals over what, roughly 10 years. Lets be generous and say 10 goals per season on average....... from one of your main strikers, club captain, Villa fan - thats a pretty poor return.

    Wonder how many McCormack would score over the same period, what about Carew, even the idiot Baros? I would wager that all of them would score more.

    And there were only 2 (maybe 3) seasons were his tallies were good, and he looked decent. Decent, no more than that. 

    Over the last 5 years he has just taken the piss. For that he needs to go. He deserted us in our hour of need. Unforgivable. 

    He is not a good enough player now (and wasn't at his peak) to be forgiven for the things he has done. In addition, letting him back into the fold would send completely the wrong message to the rest of he squad about attitude and commitment. We are trying to shake off the malaise of the past -- Gabby is the very epitome of everything that was wrong. 

    • Like 3
  7. 8 hours ago, sidcow said:

    I think that's unfair. I felt and I think most people felt this was a brilliant signing at the time,  it's only in retrospect that we know it wasn't.

    However if you want to talk about idiots handing contracts to Lambert and Gabby and Sinclair I am with you all the way. 

    I didn't, but I was referring more to the terms than the signing itself - paying him so much that even with a relegation clause no other club would want him

  8. 17 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    is there any truth in the rumour they had him doing sprints but the stopwatch didn't go up to days?
    What a worthless piece of trash this guy is.

    Yes, they had to buy a calendar

  9. 1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

    Why we lumbered paying some of this cretins wAges? Final way for lescott to screw the club. Bye bye loser

    Sadly, if the alternative is having him hang around the club and us having to pay all of his wages, or pay off his entire contract this is the best compromise. Gets him out the door and costs us less.

    Just shows what a bunch of idiots we had controlling contracts last year. :-(

    • Like 3
  10. 11 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Never realised that was a heatmap of his whole Villa career.

    "His stats are shit for a striker!" - Produce factual stats which show they are nowhere near as shit as intimated on here, half of games played as a winger, and that decline coincided with rest of team.

    Response: "Doesn't matter, he is a word removed, sod stats"

    Puts up photo of him and daughter on Instagram: "Pedophile!"

    Puts up photo of him with kid he has been active with for years, through charity, and acorns - "Word removed posting for sympathy"

    Posts positive UTV messages, shows he is working hard and in shape - "Shame he never gave a toss last season when we needed him"

    The only positive for him is that I realise there still actually alot of fans who like him and have fond memories of him, and post messages of support etc. because they have memories deeper than that of a Kindergarten student or a drugged out whore gold digger who gets excited wherever the new fix is.

    Sod everyone pushing him out, If I were him I would have battered a couple of these hooligans, taken a pay off from the club and told them all to do one.Go somewhere away from here and live a quiet life.

    If I am totally honest, I would go as far as to say a large part of him not being involved is down to the FANS. And no I am not thick enough to believe this is all, no unnecessary non factual lecture needed.

    This thread has frankly become a farce, the odd people who FACTUALLY bring up his career record, stats, love for the club, and a soft spot for him as "one of ours" mostly drowned out with immature bollox and point scoring mostly based on a couple poor seasons, coinciding with the club declining, the amount of women he got pregnant, personall twitter posts, the aftershave he wears etc etc etc. Pathetic.


    Most of you have absolutely sod all factual to say and your arguments have been overdone.

    Although the more u say bullshit to yourselves and any other idiot willing to listen(I am guessing people under 20 - 25 majority who know nothing about his great spell listen) the more like you and them are to start believing it.

    The horse is well and truly dead, JUST LEAVE IT FFS! At the end of the day the management team will decide. It is frustrating as hell having to read the same absolute NON FACTUAL shite over and over and over and over again smh.

    It's like a lover who you are bored with, or not attracted to anymore so anything they do just annoys you. I really want him to leave just for his own sanity to be frank.

    He could shoot claret and blue rainbows out his arse at this point and some people would moan about the pantone.


    Wow, didn't realise what a hero and wonderful guy he is. 

    I am so sorry. Please, give him a new 5 year contract on £70K a week immediately. He deserves it as he scored some goals several years ago in a team that was doing well. Lets ignore the fact that he is, fundamentally a limited footballer who relied on speed alone and has spent the last 5 years giving not a single shit about the club until he realised his time is up. 

    The key stat here, and the one that tells you most is this:

    Number of clubs interested in Gabby Agbonlahor: 0

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