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Mandy Lifeboats

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Posts posted by Mandy Lifeboats

  1. I strongly oppose proportionate representation.   

    We have some really nasty and dishonest people in politics who win 1 or 2% of the national vote. Presently they get no seats in Parliament.  

    Under proportionate representation these smaller parties often become crucial to deciding who becomes the government.  So they often manage to get idiotic policies through as part of the bargain.  

    I don't want to see extremists having any say in running this country. Whether that be National Front, English Defence League, Hamas UK,  Just Stop Oil etc.  



  2. 7 hours ago, Davkaus said:


    Suddenly, and I'm not quite sure how this happened, I'm clearly older than Rimmer and Lister.


    Lister was 3 million years old in the Red Dwarf storyline.  

    • Haha 3
  3. 3 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    What message's has he been sent so far? He keeps probing and the response is as minimal as possible. 2 years into the war and he has Crimea and the eastern part of Ukraine all but secured. Now he's playing the long game and it's working a treat. Give it another 2 years, will Ukraine have retaken any meaningful territory? Probably not...

    Not so long ago Kherson had been declared "part of Russia forever".  Russia troops were nearing Kyiv.  Odessa looked likely to fall leaving Ukraine a land locked country.  Ukraine had no airforce, no navy and was out gunned and outnumbered. 

    NATO help took back Kherson, saved Odessa, probably saved Kyiv and is now rebuilding Ukraine's airforce. 

    NATO has provided missiles, tanks, ammunition, planes, vehicles, training, medical treatment, special forces, intelligence and much more.


    • Like 1
  4. Everything Russia has succeeded on the battlefield it has resulted in NATO increasing support. 

    Russia has threatened NATO with consequences for every escalation but done very little.  

    I would like,e to see another NATO escalation.  I would like to see NATO troops with NATO air cover stationed in Western Ukrainian cities. 

    Thar would free up Ukrainian forces to move to the east.

    Poland said from day 1 that if Ukraine's army was unable to secure the sovereignty of Ukraine then Poland would secure it for them.   

    it's time to send Putin another message.  

    • Like 2
  5. Anyone too old or too young for military should be obligated to join a civil defence organisation.  This group of butchers, undertakers, bankers and ex-servicemen could have a weekly TV show to document their adventures.  

    Trust me Rishi.  Its a winner. 

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, blandy said:

    Agility is a good skill in corporate buzzword speak, implying flexibility and an ability to move quickly to respond to issues as they arise. It seems one up the hierarchy of buzzwords from adaptable, at the moment.

    When I read "Agile" or "Agility" I think of the software development methodology rather than operational effectiveness.  

    How about we compromise with "Adapt-a-gility".   That's perfect management speak nonsense. 🤣

    • Haha 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, GarethRDR said:

    Looking for a quick temperature check here, chaps, if you'll indulge.  I've just given a presentation at an interview where the subject was "What makes an effective operations team?", and I mapped out my presentation so that my final slide said:


    What makes an effective ops team?





    Taking Ownership



    Have I either:

    a) made myself a shoe-in for the job

    b) jeapordised my career/credibility in pursuit of "the lulz"

    What one employer loves another might hate. 

    You have certainly left them with a reason to remember you.  That's half the battle. 

    I don't see "agility" as an important skill. Unless you are a team of acrobats.   How about "adaptable"? 


  8. 11 minutes ago, Xann said:

    Hadn't seen Matthew for an age, it was a bit of a shock.

    He was a different generation to the likes of Brian Cant and Johnny Ball, who were the generation after Harry.

    I still regard Matthew as the "new" presenter who replaced Harry.  


    • Like 2
  9. 15 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Thanks mandys life boats thats really helpful ill have a read but im 99% certain its traditional method. Its through purple bricks - god they are shite

    I can't help further because Purple Bricks offer both types of auction.  

    Check the T&C carefully and you should get the answer. 



    Most of our properties are offered for sale using Conditional Auction terms.

    This means that the fall of the electronic gavel secures the
    winning bidder with an exclusive ‘right to exchange contracts’ on the property within the prescribed time frame – usually 56 days from the
    issue date of draft contracts, but this will be confirmed in the terms and conditions of sale and/or legal pack. Unlike the traditional,
    immediate exchange of contracts, this method gives the bidder additional time to carry out surveys and secure mortgage finance before
    exchanging contracts, whilst the seller undertakes not to sell to anyone else during this period.

    Please note some properties may be offered for sale by unconditional auction which requires and immediate exchange of contracts.
    Always check the terms and conditions including in the property documents and listing prior to proceeding.




    • Thanks 1
  10. @Demitri_C


    There are 2 main types of auction.  You need to check the T&C for the actual auction. 

    Traditional Method =  It's up to the buyer to make any checks before bidding.  If they win the bid they pay a deposit.  That deposit is lost if the sale doesn't proceed. 

    Modern Method = The successful bidder pays a smaller deposit.  They get a period of x days to arrange surveys.  They can pull out within x days but lose some of the deposit. After x days they lose all the deposit. 

    If the buyer pulls out you have a few options. 

    1. Agree a price drop

    2. Stick to your guns and retain their deposit.  But you will probably have to pay the auction fees out of the deposit. So there may not be much left. 

    3. Ask the auction if they know the losing bidders details and approach them. 


    • Thanks 1
  11. On 19/05/2024 at 17:28, Marka Ragnos said:

    Less than a mile away from my home -- a site as historically important to my area as statues and monuments. Bonus points if you can work out what it is. A friendly local man -- actually very nice.


    The hill Homer fell down hitting his head on every bump? 


    • Haha 1
  12. Apollo 15 - 1971

    The crew smuggled 400 postal covers and stamps all the way onto the moon.  They had been paid by a stamp dealer who intended to sell the postal covers as having been to the moon and back.  

    Following their return to earth the crew were picked up by a US navy ship.  The scheme was detected when they attempted to add postage marks from the ship's mail room. 

    They never flew in space again. 

  13. Iran's tribute to Birmingham Shitty. 

    Flying high one minute.........

    "President.  We are at 10,000 feet. Let Wayne pilot the chopper. We'll go even higher."

    • Haha 1
  14. 5 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    I haven’t shrugged my shoulders and said let’s leave them alone, and you haven’t been portrayed as a monster. You are reading things that just aren’t there.

    This thread has become close to unusable.

    I didn't say that you have "shrugged your shoulders and said let's leave them alone".  In fact, I actually said you wouldn't do that because it's not a normal reaction. .

    Nor did I say that anyone here has portrayed me as a monster. 

    If you look back at my posts a page or two you will see I actually commended this thread for being a place where we can have a polite and balanced discussion. 

    But Villatalk isn't typical of society. British Jews are being physically attacked because of the actions of a foreign government. 

    This thread isn't unusable.  In fact it's far less emotive and aggressive than many threads on topic.  



    • Like 2
  15. 9 hours ago, chrisp65 said:


    As a hypothetical, if the nazi’s had won, stole your parents house, burnt their land, killed your family, and moved you to a refugee camp. How long would it be before it was reasonable that you or your children said ‘well fair enough, its been peaceful a while now and we do get sent some aid’? 


    Hypothetically, if Hamas had raped, kidnapped and murdered your 17 year old daughter whilst she was attending a peace-camp would you just shrug your shoulders and say "I suppose that was a legitimate form of resistance.  Let's leave them alone and ask them not to do it again?" Of course not.  That's not a normal human reaction.  

    There is blame on both sides.  That's been much opinion throughout this thread.  But if you defend Israel's or criticise Palestine you are portrayed as a monster.  

    You question above is typical of that.  I did lose ancestors to the Nazis.  An ancestor was tortured to death on the Burma railroad.  Do I hate the Germans, Austrians or Japanese?  No.  Did my parents?  No.  Did my grandparents?  Yes and no.  They suffered the death of fathers and brothers.  They weren't huge fans of Germany or Japan.  But neither did they seek revenge or victimise any German or Japanese they came across. 

    Southern Cypriots aren't waging a terrorist war on Turkey.  Bosnians, Croatian and Serbs aren't lobbing missiles at one another.  Poles and Germans aren't still waging guerilla warfare.  Argentinians are safe to walk the streets of UK and vist the Falklands. At some point both sides have to move on.  

    Let's discuss both sides of the argument and have a balanced view. It can do no harm. 


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