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Posts posted by New_Jersey_Villa

  1. 5 minutes ago, YGabbana said:

    I can, just look at his lack of motivation and results since he took over. Stupid formations and silly subs. The Newcastle game for example, well on top, no subs made to go on and win the game. Theres many other examples aswell.

    The board dont manage the players and pick the team.

    I'm not sure how a player needs to be "Motivated" to mark his man. We've conceded 5 goals in the last two games and all of them were due to defensive errors as opposed to opposition skill.

    I can't see blaming the manager for school boy type stuff.

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    For me one of the problems at the moment is that he is trying to cook a gourmet dinner when all we want is fish and chips. Hopefully we will see more of that going forward with him, get the ball down the wings and cross it in to Gestede. Hoof it up to him where necessary. Relying on Gestede in the premier league is of course pointless, we tried that. But we are gone anyway, so what the hey. Might as well try and restore a bit of siege mentality in to the club before the bitter end. 

    I'd tend to agree with this. Trying to play a nice passing game with our current squad has been proven not to work.

    Look at Gana for example, has the most tackles in the league, but it's when he has the ball that the problems begin. We don't really have anyone capable of picking out a killer pass and when we try we give the ball away far too often.

    On a side note you just had to mention fish and chips didn't you. I wonder if Assault and Battery is still in Greenwich Village.......Most places over here that advertise "Traditional English Fish and Chips" on their menu wouldn't know a chip if it smacked them in the face.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, VillanousOne said:

    I'm done defending Garde or anyone at the club, I wouldn't bat an eyelid if he resigned

    he came in and has barely made a difference, not even a honeymoon period, he may not have been backed and the squad is atrocious but we know some of these players can perform at a better level than they are and yet none of them are performing for Garde, you can only expect heavy defeats for the rest of the f*ck stain of a season as no-one on the pitch cares anymore.

    While I agree Garde can't be totally blameless for the lack of improvement in results since he took over, you do have to consider what he was up against.

    The quality of the squad he inherited back in November was considered, even then, by pretty much every football pundit and reporter to be hopelessly ill equipped to stay in the premier league and this has proven to be the case. There is only so much anyone can do with a pile of turd.

    If he'd been able to sign 3-4 guys in January and we were still in this mess then I'd be more inclined to start pointing fingers at him. The fact that we signed ZERO players (I still can't believe it) means he's still working with a group who he had nothing at all to do with signing.

    The bottom line is he didn't take over an under achieving squad (Chelsea) he took over a shit squad and only has the same shit to work with.

    • Like 2
  4. I think you can see the pressure he's feeling now. He seems to be getting "Sherwooditis" based on the formation tonight. By that I mean he's trying anything to get a result.

    Switching to 3 center backs at this point in the season is pointless, with that type of formation the players need a hell of a lot more time than 3 days to get to grips with it.

    Guzan upfront and Gil in goal next game?

    Joking aside, I do like Garde, but he simply doesn't have the players to do what he wants to do. He wasn't backed in January and he doesn't have any players to replace the under performers, as he alluded to in a recent interview.

    • Like 2
  5. Wasn't a bad performance overall, but the defending for all 3 Everton goals was utterly abysmal. Richards totally lost his man for the corner, WTF Lescott was doing for Lennon's goal is a mystery and I was too busy slamming my laptop lid down in disgust to see exactly who was at fault for the third.

    It's pretty much Aston "Father Christmas" Villa with the goals we've shipped in the last two games.

    I can understand Garde trying to change things up, but it was obvious that our 3 center backs didn't have a clue who was supposed to be marking who and it cost us.

  6. 1 hour ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    I feel sorry for him sometimes, very good little player but too lightweight, gets pushed off the ball too easy.

    I agree, he's a cracking little player, but just doesn't work in this team. If we had Taylor and Townsend in midfield winning the ball instead of the current load of wank we currently have he'd do well.

    It's unfortunate for him that he get's no support at all when he's on the ball and get's crowded out far too easily. The obvious class of his goals against Leicester and Sunderland show what he can do and will do in a better team.

    I doubt Carles will be a Villa player after this season. Very dissapointing. 

  7. 11 hours ago, Wezbid said:

    I've never been gay for a manager before, let alone a Villa manager but I can't get enough of Remi, he oozes class just looking at him then he opens that little French gob of his and that accent comes into play and I begin to melt. What makes it even better is that whilst the voice is calming, soothing and elegant it's also delivering frank, honest, open and intelligent discussion. This manager knows what's what, there's no bullshit, he knows our weaknesses and our strengths and is developing a team that is slowly being able to pick up points and aren't easy to beat.

    If the board have any sense whatsoever they will support him in the summer. Villa have a real asset in Remi, don't **** it up Villa. I'm not holding my breath sadly.

    I agree, good post.

    Sadly, I got the distinct impression after we signed ZERO players in the last transfer window and hearing Remi's comments, that things he was promised on taking the job have not happened.

    I really hope the board don't screw this up, by pissing him off so much that he quits.

  8. I can't believe there wasn't some money to at least pay the wages for a couple of loan players, this past window???? There must be a truckload of fringe players around Europe who need first team football to have a shot at going to the Euro's, who would have gladly joined us just so they can play.

  9. Agree with the strange sentiments.

    I'm surprised a guy who could do a job, should lose his abilities so much that Garde decided to let him go, all because of an injury.

    One would think he would be better defensive cover than Clark, but I guess not.

  10. At least between Doug and Randy we haven't turned into a total financial disaster.

    People really need to appreciate that fact a little bit more and be thankful we didn't go the way of so many other clubs who borrowed out of their asses and then disappeared without a trace.

    My 2 cents. (Pence)


  11. 2 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    There was a Yank keeper named Brad,

    Who was widely agreed to be bad,

    His time was done,

    They brought in Bunn,

    And now everybody feels less sad. 

    I'll have what he's having.

  12. 5 hours ago, lexicon said:

    Except for his distribution, the familiar stick that Guzan is beaten with. 

    Plus, he had absolutely nothing to do. 

    My thoughts exactly. Didn't have enough to do to make any kind of judgement today and I personally thought some of his kicking was a bit dodgy.

  13. 2 hours ago, GeordieVillan said:

    I think the key tonight - and this is a point not only about Lescott - was that when we went in front we defended very well and didn't look like we would concede. We showed a level of determination and organisation which has been lacking most of the season. I don't remember Palace having too many chances after we went in front.

    Agreed. Having taken the lead you would have expected some nerves and tension, due to us not having won for so long. The lads kept their shape and saw it through. As the captain he also has to take some credit for this.

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, TheAuthority said:

    Great game for Ayew. Sky gave him 5/10 - morons



    Aston Villa: Bunn (6), Bacuna (6), Okore (6), Lescott (7), Cissokho (6), Gueye (6), Westwood (6), Veretout (6), Gil (6), Ayew (5), Kozak (5)

    Just saw this as well. WTF.

  15. You can see if he get's an opportunity to lose some of the rust there's a decent player in there. Part of me really wants to see him succeed, horrific injury and then the forgotten man. Waited a long time for his chance and deserves another start based on today's performance. 

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