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Posts posted by matrim

  1. In my view based on current form if either of Clark or Okore lose out to Vlaar, it's okore at the moment. Even though I don't think it's the correct move, I can see Lambert pushing Clark to LB and dropping Cissoko.


    Other than that, I hope we give Grealish a chance instead of just doing the "safe" thing and bringing in N'Zogbia for Gabby. Might also be a chance to bring on Robinson late in the game. After 2 games in 2 days, players will be tired and a hungry, pacy forward could cause loads of problems in the last 15 minutes of a game.

  2. I thought Andi brought a lot of spark with him when he came on. Again many people were dissing him for not getting the last touch right in a couple situations. What I saw was him building those chances himself, so I don't blame him. Probably will start on Sunday again.


    Agree. I thought he did well today with the exception of the pull back. He worked hard and got into good positions and really helped us to get back into the game

  3. I wonder why he was on the left today with Delph on the right. He looks right footed to me but always seems to be on the left.  I'd much prefer Delph on the left because it suits him better. If someone is going to be out of position I'd prefer it to be Cleverley



    Last 10 minutes just proof that with no decent CAM and Benteke in the team, we will win games if we just hoof it up to him. Passing out the back pointless if you're just going to get to the final third and lose it.


    Ref utterly shit. Benteke petulant little baby at times but I'd still sell my left nut for him to stay.


    Don't understand what Benteke was moanin about with the grealish cross. There was nothing else Grealish could have done and if Benteke or someone else had bothered making a run to the near post we might have scored. 




    Yeah. And whilst I appreciate the second ball from Weimann was awful, his reaction was worse. And the first one just prior to that would've been the ball of the century from Weimann and he it was unrealistic to expect him to dig out the pass under pressure whilst barely in control of the ball.


    I don't blame Benteke, but he clearly clearly thinks he's way bigger than us. Which he is unfortunately.



    Fair enough having a bit of a moan for the Wiemann cross because Wiemann should have done better but I agree with you about the others. Nothing much else Grealish could have done and for Wiemanns shot he had a right to shoot and it would have been a hard pass to take.


    Worst thing is that a few minutes earlier, he took a difficult shot and missed when there was a better through ball available to Wiemann. If you're going to moan about someone taking a shot instead of passing then do the pass yourself

  5. That decision by the ref at the end really pissed me off. They wasted about 30 seconds taking the corner, and we get a free but he doesn't allow us to take it


    Poor first half, decent second half, once again just missing that little bit of extra composure, skill in the final third to really create chances

  6. At first glance I thought it was a red card but only because I thought Gabby had caught him fairly high. Looking back it was a harsh red and should only have been a yellow.


    Although a small part of me wants him to get a ban just to force Lambert to have to try something different

  7. Very happy for Ciaran. He's gaining in confidence every game. Lambert has some tough decisions to make when all five CB's are fit. He may well stick Clark to LB again. I probably would.


    I think that would be the worst thing you could do. You have a player who is playing well at CB and has known limitations at LB. To move him out could damage the confidence he has started to build up in the center

  8. I don't know if I'm keeping more of an eye on Delph due to the possibility of losing him, but he's such a mixed bag!  We definitely benefit from him being in the team, but he has obvious downfalls.


    There were 3 or 4 occasions today when he lost possession in dangerous midfield areas (essentially, doing what Sanchez did previously).  But, at the same time, he's got the best footwork out of any of our central players and is quick to keep the move flowing.  He drives forward effortlessly and at speed - which very much suits our style of play.


    I'd hate to lose him because he's a very effective midfielder... yet I also can't see which top side comes in for him.  Bias or not, I think he'd be better staying with us for the time being.  I think he can become very good, but he's not quite there yet.


    I think United had him targeted for closing down very early. Most of our other players were able to get a bit of time on the ball but there was always someone close to Delph.

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  9. I find it really sad that Young, a player we all once saw as a great player for us, is such an absolute prick when playing against us


    He's always been a bit of a prick for that kind of diving and playmaking. We could just forgive it when we got the decisions

  10. Wiemann has been decent so far for someone playing out of position . Closing down very well, making himself available and mostly keeping it simple with his passing. One or 2 good runs into the box too


    Sanchez has made some good tackles and interception but nearly got caught out in possession once or twice. He needs to be careful


    Gabby needs to think more on the break. A couple of times he's been in a good position but taken the wrong option or an extra touch and lost it

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