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Everything posted by MachoFantastico

  1. Another player down, this is getting bad for Spuds.
  2. Bale in the crowd, surprised he's not playing golf.
  3. Spurs have looked like a drunken Sunday league side since scoring, Chelsea should probably be two or three up here. Still a long way to go though.
  4. It just baffles me why some players are like that. Spurs probably should have had two players sent off so far, it's just insane to act like that on a football pitch.
  5. I'm calling it here, Chelsea to win by four or five. Since scoring Spurs have looked abysmal.
  6. Absolute idiot, what was he thinking there? Should have been off earlier. Disgraceful.
  7. What the living hell is Romero doing? That's just insane behaviour, should be banned for multiple matches for that. Simply disgusting behaviour.
  8. Did the Spuds pay off the officials? Getting all the decisions here. It's laughable.
  9. Sterling diving to the floor was pathetic, still not sure how Chelsea hasn't equalised here.
  10. The Bundesliga is a bit of a joke to be fair.
  11. A bit of the Saudi influence might have helped there, very dodgy decision look at the replays. Definitely looked out of play, amazed they let that past.
  12. Think Newcastle might have got away with one there.
  13. How is Havertz still on the pitch? I'd have had him off ages ago, he's useless anyway.
  14. What a total waste of everyone's time. God, I hate VAR.
  15. Looked out of play at first sight, but not had a great shot of it to be fair.
  16. I think I'm a better player then Mount and I have arthritis in my knees. Just awful.
  17. Hate to see that, player going off in tears.
  18. These are two really crap sides, such a poor quality game.
  19. And United fans still act like there's no favourtism.
  20. Awful decision by the ref, Fernades fouled him. Poor.
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