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Posts posted by villakram

  1. If we move him to rb then he's probably gonna be unhappy and want to leave in the summer. 

    If so... good riddance, it's this type of player that holds a squad back. We need everyone all in and that means doing what the manager wants not deciding where to play yourself.

    Can you imagine the amount of false nines that would appear if this sort of thing became commonplace... lol.

  2. Last thing we need, Richards is one of the few who can hold his head up high so far this season.

    Plus it means more Lescott.

    I would have to disagree. With the supposed experience he has, his play has been pretty abysmal. Too many are easily distracted by his physical prowess and strong aerial challenges/tackles. Guy's a reckless clown who was laughed out of the building in both Manchester and Florence. He has no knowledge of how to play the centre back position... errr positionally, none whatsoever. Comes in here and is treated like he's a big deal, I suppose it's true in such a small minded club :(




  3. Yet another goal conceded where this clowns contribution is to throw his hands in the air after the ball is in the net... not like the 3 guys behind you, right in the center of the goal are your responsibility or anything.

    Proper manager please who'll knock this muppet down a peg or 2 and put him at RB or the u21s.


  4. How many times was the ball passed back to Guzan's right foot? Set pieces were an absolute waste, time and time again. Rudy is playing but no crosses are put in.

    There is absolutely no evidence of work being done on the training ground. Chelsea were there for the taking today. Yet another wretched performance.

    Bye Bye Timmy! 

    • Like 2
  5. did anyone on here watch the dem debate?

    Half watched a good chunk of it, but no where near the entertainment value of the republican contest. The other 4 were so deferential to Hillary it was ridiculous. I couldn't believe they let her away with answering a point blank "no" when asked to speak more about the email scandal. And Anderson Cooper had no interest whatsoever in going after her... I guess he is involved in their global money making scam foundation.

    It doesn't matter how serious that scandal is or not, just letting her away without a scratch shows they all know it's her race to lose.

    Bernie actually had some substantive statements to make, Hillary kept to well rehearsed talking points. Given how weak Webb and Chaffee were I was really surprised that neither of them went after her real hard. Jobs in the admin up for grabs I suppose. O'Malley did ok, but it was very clear right from the off that CNN were only interested in promoting Hillary/Bernie.





  6. Bush is the Establishment guy, his ads are starting to run everywhere, he's got big money behind him...he's just inoffensive enough to be the GOP's flag bearer against Hillary.

    Can you see Jeb and Carly as a viable ticket? I could.

    Carly is not viable, methinks. Bush-Rubio, maybe...

    I agree she's not viable, she will crash and burn at some point. Her merger with Compaq nearly destroyed HP, it's really only a matter of time before people start asking rather more pointed questions about it. 

    Think the VP pick is almost certain to be somebody who isn't in the race. The last three have all been non-candidates on the Republican side, haven't they?

    VP pick will be based on how many electoral college votes he can bring. As long as Kasich does nothing stupid he will be in prime position here if either of the Florida boys win as Ohio has been a key state in recent elections and he is liked there. Too many of the other B-level repubs have flamed out already (walker etc.).




  7. People over here are almost numb to it now. It's a pretty scary scenario when one thinks about it :(

    But not as numb as to the bigger numbers who die as the result of road traffic accidents.

    36 000 people die on American roads a year (nearly four times the UK rate per population), compared with 9 000 gun homicides.

    Road traffic 'accidents' kill 1.24 million people across the globe, so why are we so inured to that fact and so outraged with gun crime?

    Even amongst the nations of the world America is not remarkable in terms of gun homicide - Brazil has 35 000 gun homicides a year and many countries have a higher proportion to gun homicides compared with their population.

    So why do we spend so much time debating gun violence in the USA while having no interest at all with the problems of other countries?



    It's not just homicides though. Firearms killed 33,636 people in 2013 per the CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm). But don't let such crazy things as facts get in your way. So nicely selective stat you quoted there, where does it come from? You'll notice that stat comes from the CDC, not the FBI or homeland or justice... why, because they are pretty much prohibited from collecting those statistics by law.

    Coming back to the total number of deaths... that's 23000 people dying by "accident". Suicide is a huge problem globally in developed countries, there is no chance for a second thought during a moment of weakness when a gun is at hand. Also, who classifies death as homicide vs justified or some other bs classification. The problem in the USA is huge and to deny it requires frankly the most ridiculous mental gymnastics!

    Also, while I agree that the road deaths over here are also very bad. To attempt to compare those to gun death is facetious bs. 99% of auto related deaths are accidental. Cars have one purpose, guns another, but yes, let's conflate the issue because something or other.



  8. Brendan Rodgers is the only UK manager, I can think of, who I'd like us to go for.

    I dunno...

    I wonder if he needs a break, being somewhat damaged goods right now, for example, nothing's been really made of him ditching a long term marriage for a fine young thing and there's no way this didn't affect his work performance, and I'm not sure of that's all sorted yet.

    Well, and he's come across as a right arse over the last few months.

  9. He simply coming across like di Canio/Keane/Poyet (as a few of the most prominent) or any number of young managers who have initial success based on reputation/motivation but when that dies down are found out for not understanding the tactical basics. Most players take what the do quite seriously and will be able to see right through Timmy.

    It was a gamble when we hired him, with lots of upside. He kept us up, but the sooner we accept that this simply is not going to work out the better. Cheers Timmy lad, was worth it for the 'pool game alone! 




    • Like 1
  10. Ran 3:06:47 at Twin Cities on Sunday. My original goal was 3:03, which I bullishly dismissed and decided to go all out for sub3. I was on course until about 20m when things started getting sticky. This proceeded towards a horribly gruesome final 2 miles for a +7min positive split. Fun times... 





    Me at London but mine was just slower. It wasn't the wall or anything, I just wasn't right on the day. Tried to go for 3:15, slowing down gradually from 13 onwards, cramp started at 20, leaving a horrible last 6 miles and a final time of 3:33.

    Well done on the time, that's still excellent. Depending on your age would get you a GFA place for London if you fancied the journey.

    Ya, I had horrible stomach cramps mid way through after having a gel, which came out of no where (been using same gel brand for last 18 months). There's simply no experience quite like a marathon death march. 

    But, I'm ok with blowing up a little here as it's a good base line. My plan is to have another go in the spring at sub3 and then that should do for Boston etc. (34yr/3:05 at the mo, actually ~3:02:30 was required this year). Doing mega-marathons further afield is something I've thought about, but quali can be difficult, e.g., 2:45 for Berlin, UK resident for London. Defo something to investigate down the road.


  11. How can it be so hard to judge fights. That was the clearest 48-47 (Cormier1,4,5 - Gus 2,3) you'll ever see.

    Gutted, Alex really had it in the third when he sent him down with that knee and follow up punches. He just got stuck after that, credit to Cormier, and time ran out.


    If McGregor wins, then a rematch would be a great support act for the "promised" Dublin stadium show, because I can't see much interest in it from a $ generating perspective on its own.

  12. I think there should be an update, not a retrofit. The older badges are all good, IMO, even the 90's ones.

    I think "Prepared" needs to be on there, it's unique, even if we appear to be the opposite of prepared these days.

    I like this one-




    I quite like this concept! Just needs some tweaking!

    (i) shit font

    (ii) no space for more stars B)


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