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Posts posted by dukes

  1. Haha! Look at me getting all witch-hunted! :D

    We've looked fine today apart from our defenders falling over/being out of position/gifting it to the opposition/being too slow. I know it's results that matter and I fear that we're going down, I really do, but individually our central defence has been absolute pony whereas our midfield and attack haven't.

    And Friedel should've saved that goal too. He's too old.

    This !

  2. I feel sorry for Houllier today. He's set us up the right way today, got us playing to our strengths, but our defenders - individually and as a unit - are sub-standard.

    He's had ample time to make an impact on our defensive play. The simple fact is, regardless of personal, we've been defensively brittle.

    Individual errors of that nature are nothing to do with coaching.

  3. Paul Jewell, who was it last week!? Aidy Bothroyd? who is next week, Ian Dowie?

    jewell is an excellent man manager and motivator which is exactly what we need because the quality in the squad, particularly the front 6 is great, the players just need a kick up the backside which gh seems incapable of doing

    Our big time charlie's won't play for a manager that has won countless trophies, and you think they would play for a nobody like Jewell ? I've heard it all now.

    Excellent motivators tend to do well at getting poor players to play well, thats all very well and good, but we have good players that are playing like dog turd, Jewell/Holloway/Boothroyd and even Warnock would be out of their depth at this club with this squad, and I imagine they'd end up ruffling even more feathers than Houllier has (a la Gregory with Collymore).

  4. Dunne, Collins, Petrov, Warnock, Carew

    All have been useless this season, I'd be glad when they leave infact.

    Have they been useless because they are useless, or because they have lost something? (apart from Carew who seems to have lost the appetite to perform for Villa about a year ago...)

    If one player loses form its something to do with them. En masse and something is a miss, surely?

    Yes you are right, there is something "missing" and that is a desire to play for Aston Villa. As professionals they have let us down and should be disgusted with themselves.

  5. People like Dunne and Warnock can piss off as far as im concerned, no arguments.

    People like Ashley, Gabby, Downing ect will go.

    The Manager is in charge, but for me, hes rushed in trying to change things to quickly, and treated adults like school children when they have tried to tell him that.

    What if he is wrong and not the players?

    It was oneils squad when he took over, and they had certain ways of doing things. It was not perfect granted, but we did quite well with those same players.

    Houllier had to change certain things, but in my mind hes tried to do that to quickly and pissed of the Majority of the squad and backroom staff, that hes earned the name "French School teacher".

    Funny that at Liverpool he earned a similar nickname, and was accused of being arrogant, and would not listen to other views?

    And the players we do know have fallen out with him. How do we know?

    Ah, its the Robbie Fowler syndrome. Leek little titbits to the press about certain players, and hey presto, youve deflected the attention from your own mis-management, on to the players.

    Hindsight is brilliant i know, but i bet that right now, he would of done things a lot slower than he did. Change a few things as you go along, get through the season, build up a bond between the new management team and the players, and plan for the summer, when you can change things without any disruption spreading to the Pitch.

    Maybe it was eagerness to do well in the job, but overlooked the fundimental point that the English game and players have moved on since the last time he managed in this country?

    Ashely Young would have left Villa no matter who was in charge, and no matter how well we'd done this season. He refused to talk about his contract with the last manager, and from his point of view if he's going to play for a top 4 club now is probably the right time for him.

    Downing may well also leave, and while it wouldn't be great to lose him, I think he's replaceable considering he'd command a decent fee, as an example if we stay up Matt Jarvis could be gettable, and he looks pretty tidy.

    Gabby I cannot see going anywhere, none of the big teams are going to want him after the season he's had, and he's recently signed a 5 year contract which i guess puts him on over £50k a week.

    The adults that you say have been treated like school children have actually behaved like school children, so it's no surprise. Every manager (not just in football) has favoured and trusted staff, if you're not one of those do you just rebel, and refuse to put the effort in ? Not likely, you work hard, and try and understand the new managers methods.....who knows, perhaps the manager that won 3 French Championships, 2 French Trophees des Champions, 1 UEFA cup, 1 UEFA super cup, 1 FA Cup, and 2 League Cups actually does know what he's talking about, (last league trophy was 2006-2007). Perhaps the players should have considered that and shown more respect.

    I understand the argument that the manager should pick tactics to suit the team, but how about the counter argument that the players should get on with their job and play football rather than bleeting about double training sessions and being asked to become fitter.

    The fact is that even before he was confirmed as manager some players had decided they were not going to like it, funnily enough these are the same players that have let us down.

    To my mind anyone that Houllier (the most successful manager to arrive at the club) is the main problem isn't looking at the facts, and as I see it the players and manager (former and present) share the blame between them.

    All we can do as fans is accept we're in the crap, and get behind the team rather than adding to the bleeting that surrounds our club.

  6. I think they will, or they will loose all our senior players and a few of the coaching staff aswell. The problems really do run that deep, dispite the Clubs PR.

    Now if Houllier were to change his arrogant ways, he may stay. But he wont, so he will be gone.

    Hes come in, and acted like a Bull in a China shop, ignoring those around him, with a "i know better" attitude.

    Which senior players are you talking about ? Dunne, Collins, Petrov, Warnock, Carew, etc etc ??? These "Senior" players have in my opinion behaved in a totally disrespectful manner since MON left the club (maybe before too, we don't know). I don't think we'd miss them, and would imagine Houllier could save a fortune on wages and replace them easily enough.

    The only senior player I'm sure will leave is Ashley Young, and I think he'd had have left no matter what happened this season.

    In regard to your comment on Houllier acting like he knows best, isn't that why you appoint a manager ? Perhaps there was so much wrong at the club before that it needed a total change, if players and staff can't accept that then they should leave.

  7. tbf, some people wanted him to have the Jan transfer window, for me its been a no no from day one. some people thought that it would come good with a few signings and thats fair enough. at this stage though i think most people deep down feel that its just become a joke.

    Is it possible part of the problem is that some people were never prepared to give the manager a chance ? When a player pulls on the Villa shirt he has my full support (even Oyvind Leonhardsen), and it's the same when a manager is appointed.

    When fans don't get behind a manger on his appointment, perhaps it makes players like Dunne, Warnock etc feel justified when they too don't give him a chance.

    It's possible but for me it's the very opposite. I was one of GH's most vocal cheerleaders on here when he was appointed. Now I believe he is a cancer and needs to be operated on.

    I didn't say we should back him now, i was making a comment baed on MarkAVFC40's comment about never having given Houllier a chance.........which i found crazy.

    Actually, i'm unsure what I want or think is best regarding the manager, I like some of what he has done (better passing game, more emphasis on fitness, giving youth a chance, his transfer dealings), and admire his approach (particularly in regards to discipline). That said though, i'm not at all satisfied with recent results, and if we were in this position with more of the season still to go i'd probably be calling for his sacking. I happen to think it would worsen our position to change manager now, and think we'd be better to get behind him, finish as high as we can, and then see what can be done in the summer.

  8. Are you saying there it is the fans fault for the players not being motivated now?

    I'm saying that the least Gh deserved was a chance, and that from his comments MarkAVFC didn't ever give him that. Sometimes you reap what you sew.

    Interesting phrase you have used there, are you saying the players don't have any responsibility to motivate themselves ?

  9. tbf, some people wanted him to have the Jan transfer window, for me its been a no no from day one. some people thought that it would come good with a few signings and thats fair enough. at this stage though i think most people deep down feel that its just become a joke.

    Is it possible part of the problem is that some people were never prepared to give the manager a chance ? When a player pulls on the Villa shirt he has my full support (even Oyvind Leonhardsen), and it's the same when a manager is appointed.

    When fans don't get behind a manger on his appointment, perhaps it makes players like Dunne, Warnock etc feel justified when they too don't give him a chance.

  10. RIGHT, I WILL GET IT OUT THE WAY NOW (by the way, not avoided, haven't been able to get on until now)



    Seriously man, you ain't gonna get any grief off me - for people know - every week, as each goaless game came - I was pointing out to all and sodding sundry - how the hell we let him go in the first place is beyond me.

    Most excited I have been since Dean Saunders, far more than the Collymore signing, more than Dublin - Saunders is the ony one I can remember feeling like ths on.

    The only question is now, do you go around with the word "BENT" on your back ? :D

    As fecking happy as sodding Larry I can tell ya !!!

    Good work fella !

    I wonder if MikeMckenna will be so humble ? (apologies if I missed it)

  11. We showed pride, passion and fight today so fair play. Let's hope it continues.

    I'll give houllier a lot of credit for today, I'm assuming those blaming the players and MON for poor results will be giving them some credit? Cuellar at RB, players showing pride.

    Sunderland is a massive game.

    You're right, they all deserve credit, but at the end of the day these are meant to be Professional players, even if they cannot be the best in their position, they should never need to be motivated or pressured into making an effort !

    either way, today the whole team put in 100% effort, and at the ned i think we got the draw we deserved.

    Well done everyone, now let's build on that !

  12. I think he was shortlisted for the sha job actually before Mcleish. He was most definietly strongly linked to that role IIRC

    I said I recalled him being linked to the sha post at some point and then found an article linking him to the sha post.

    Can you tell me how that is anti board?

    1. You actually said he was strongly linked, and shortlisted, but your source (goal.com) is akin to a blog.

    2. It's anti-board, because you are using it to suggest that we are appointing a manager who is only of enough calibre to attract the blues. a comment you know full well will wind people up on here.

  13. if we get him, we will have hired above ourselves IMO.

    if we get him, we would not have hired above ourselves IMO. Given his C.V. I can't imagine him being a contender for any club above our level. We're about as good as he could do. I have been talking to the French guy in work who follows french football and he's been saying Houillier is rubbish.

    I think he was shortlisted for the sha job actually before Mcleish. He was most definietly strongly linked to that role IIRC
    I knew there was some link Found it

    Not exactly a strong link, looks like a case of 2 + 2 = 476 to me, Steve MacManaman was involved in the takeover, therefore who can we link with replacing McLeish...oh yes how about Houlier.

    Amazing how you interpret a garbage item on some crap website with being Strongly linked. Perhaps this just suits your anti board agenda ?

  14. if we get him, we will have hired above ourselves IMO.

    if we get him, we would not have hired above ourselves IMO. Given his C.V. I can't imagine him being a contender for any club above our level. We're about as good as he could do. I have been talking to the French guy in work who follows french football and he's been saying Houillier is rubbish.

    I think he was shortlisted for the sha job actually before Mcleish. He was most definietly strongly linked to that role IIRC

    i have no recollection of this, and a google search reveals nothing.

    Perhaps you remember incorrectly ?

  15. I never said he would be better than Kevin, I don't think anyone could compare them two people as they've never had the same role at any club.

    It's not about what I see in Phil Thompson, people have nothing to fault the man on so they talk about his big nose.

    It seems like the trend on this site for a good few people, find the faults in whoever has been linked with the club.

    Cracker, that's the point of a forum !

    I have not slagged him off for his nose, i just don't see what he can bring to Villa. From what i've seen he'e absolutely obsessed with Liverpool, i'm not sure he'd be capable of such a role at any other club.

  16. For me, bringing in a new manager when the season has started is bad enough, but bringing in an assistant, and all the coaches that we need is a step too far. Promoting KMAc to assistant manager would at least mean someone on the senior management team (playing side) would know and already have the respect of the current players.

    Phil Thompson has no link to Villa, ha snot worked as an AM since Houllier left Liverpool, so i don't see what he can bring that we don't already have. Of course I realise that Houllier might want someone he can trust, but perhaps KMAc can and should have a chance to be that man.

  17. Phil Thompson is a very good assistant manager, regardless of what he is like as a person.

    How can you know what he is like as an Assistant Manager ? By their very nature Assistant Managers don't really get credited with mush, so how do you KNOW he's such a good one ?

    Because he took Liverpool to 2nd place in the league when Houllier was in hospital?

    Then surely that would make him a Good Temporary Manager ?

  18. Phil Thompson is a very good assistant manager, regardless of what he is like as a person.

    How can you know what he is like as an Assistant Manager ? By their very nature Assistant Managers don't really get credited with much, so how do you KNOW he's such a good one ?

    However, much as I don't like Phil Thompson (from what little I have seen of him on Soccer Saturday), if Houllier is our man, and PT is his, then i'll welcome them both. I do hope he finds room for people with a strong Villa connection too though (maybe Brian Little)

    Would still rather have Moyes, but that looks less and less likely now.

  19. Yes, Randy has invested £100 million over the past 4 years. Being the businessman that he is, he obviously thinks that it would be best to save a couple of million on appointing a manager.

    Come off it.

    I'm so fed up of hearing how the reason why we haven't got Jol or Moyes is because Randy's going for the "cheap option". Complete BS.

    Agree 100% with this

  20. Reading General Krulak's posts on the matter of new manager, its all 'taking our time to get the right man in.' The right man is more important than a quick appointment.

    Now to me, if the new manager isn't in place in time to work the transfer window, I expect the appointment to be someone **** exceptional.

    If its not, then there is no way the procrastinating is justified. New players are vital, for so many reasons. The loss of Milner, no reserve left back, just keeping with the team competitive within the top 6. To name a few.

    If the new manager isn't an exceptional candidate, and its too late to make transfers. Its sure as hell going to look like a deliberate play not to spend money. And to fans and players, that will be a PR nightmare.

    while I understand the press wuld love your conspiracy story to be true, what if the reason the appointment takes time is because the manager is currently at another club, and before we can talk to him compensation has to be agreed ?

    Or what if the whole thing is just taking time ?

    Are you suggesting that because we need a backup left back we should name just any manager rather than wait for the right guy ?

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