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Posts posted by dukes

  1. *Puts negative hat on*

    N'Zogbia really should have been Young's replacement, not Downing's. Timing of deals clearly demonstrates the reluctance of Randy to free up entirety of Young's transfer proceeds for incoming transfer dealings.

    *Takes negative hat back off again*

    Great player though.

    It shows nothing of the sort. All it shows is the deal hasn't been done, it's not an indicator of how much money is available to be spent, or the source of that money.

    Plaeyrs have only returned from holiday in the last 10 days or so.

  2. As he hasn't done anything, he can't have done anything wrong, so an early yes from me. The next month is vital though with his transfer dealings.

    Personally i'd like to see a repeat of this poll after 6 games or so. I guess we'll probably see a repeat after every game though.

    I'll say this again, one more time. WE. DO. THIS. EVERY. MONTH. AT. THE. START. OF. THE. MONTH. not at random times during the season, no guessing when its going to be, we've done this for the previous two managers, it has been done for over two seasons now. No McLeish Picks Player X and we lost lets have a poll, its done at the start of the month, every month (every month we have a manager and Gringo remembers that is ;-) ) OK.

    So, have you taken on board my idea of making this a regular thing then ? :)

  3. No he doesn't it's a silly come back to a silly post. Steaknchips seems destined for the sirgarycahill / smalljob reputation of spouting nonsense. Most don't bite, but when they do it's with silly wish destinations like the chumps league qualification or silly comparisons with sacking ferguson after five years without winning the title

    It's not a silly wish at all, it's not even a wish. The original 5 year plan was to get Champions League football, I'm not suggesting we will get that. I was trying to qualify if steaknchips really would not approve of the manager in those circumstances, as he had stated that he never would.

  4. Yes that's more than enough time when it's a priority.

    And you know this how ?

    Do you know who the targets are ? Where they have been the last two weeks ?

    Do you know for certain who we want, if their club will sell, and if so for a fee we're prepared to pay ?

    How do I know it's a priority? We have no keeper, you don't need to be a football manager to see that.

    You know full well that i was asking how you know that 2 weeks is enough time to sign the keeper we want.

  5. I voted no simply because we needed a keeper before he came and he would have known that and we still don't have one in place and he's had more than enough time to get one.

    It looks like we're no nearer to getting one either.

    Two Weeks when the players are on holiday and you think he had enough time to bring someone in ?

    Tough crowd !

  6. Not sure what else he could have done in the last 14 days, so i answered yes, I expected Young to leave, he has, so AM met my expectations. It's a bit early for such a poll htough isn't it ?

    Might be better to do this at the end of the transfer window.

    We do them every month, on the first of the month... if Gringo remembers ;-)

    I must look out for next months.

  7. Completely different in this situation. We as the supporters should be seen as the employer. Without us the club can't survive...

    He wouldn't seem weak if he pulled the deal, as it would be to satisfy us supporters. We keep the club running and are the ones that will continue to do so for years to come. You can't really compare this to a normal company. Sure, you can between the chairman and the manager, yet you can't class us as 'staff'.

    Actually, Sky keep the club running, matchday income is bugger all compared to TV money.

    Fans are stakeholders, in business stakeholders are considered, but the business comes first, I believe this is a brave decision by Randy, but do you really think you can influence him ?

    Actually, do you really want aboard that is influenced by the fans ? I mean really ????

  8. I think the point is though that the fans have a massive emotional tie to the club and want to be top dogs and win things (and were teased with this for the last 5 years) but the board have a more business like approach and if asked off the record would probably be happy with a top 10 finish every season.

    I see no difference in McLeish than in MON, both did pretty well in Scotland, and both led poor teams to League Cup success.

    Perhaps McLeish has a lot more about him than putting out a team that defends week in week out because the club he manages only wishes to survive in the Premier League (ok he failed on that one). Maybe though with a team with different aspirations he'll prove to be an astute manager, we just don't know.

  9. It's practically done now, so we might as well quit moaning and get behind the team. At the end of the day Randy will live or die (metaphorically) by this decision, he obviously is happy with McLeish, he seems to have taken advice from respected people within the game, so it's not like he just went right out and appointed him on a whim.

    Judging by the posts in the three 'next manager' threads i'd say even if he'd appointed God as manager with Jesus as assistant and Hugh Hefner and his Playboy dollies as coaches there was no chance that all the fans would be behind him.

    In anycase, surely this is not such a bad thing for us, and actually far worse for the Blues, how can noses ever claim to be better or bigger than us when their most successful manager of all time wanted the job at Villa so much that he resigned from the sty. Leaving the great unwashed in that way is something that should surely deserve us to hold him in higher esteem. As I said before, Ron Saunders is a Villa hero, and he left us and went to the blues, as did other legends such as Mortimer and Bremner, I think no less of them for that.

    He's our manager now, so let's just give him a chance.

  10. this is about respect to us fans. if you dont understand this the **** off.

    How about respect For Randy ? Have you forgotten how things were under Ellis ? At the end of the day Aston Villa belongs to Randy Lerner, it's his money, and if McLeish fails then it's ultimately hs fault.

    For both McLeish and Randy this would be a very brave appointment , but why not wait and see what happens ?

    Would you not respect Peter Withe ? He was at blues before he became a hero for us. Do you disrespect Ron Saunders ? He was at blues aft he left Villa.

    If this decision is made we should accept it, get behind the team, and move on.

  11. Unbelievable, i'm truly gutted !

    I'll still be there supporting the team next season, but the board had better have a hell of a plan, as this is going to be a massive PR disaster, which will make it harder to be a success on the pitch.

  12. I dont get why we didn't just give Rafa the 30 odd mill he wanted. We are getting almost 20m off Youngy.

    I thought he demanded £60M ? Suppose we'll never know, but I think it was the stage at which he made his demands that turned the board off.

  13. On the 'Ambition of being a top side':

    Anyone expecting us to miraculously transform into a 'top side' in the next 4 or 5 years needs to take a reality check. We havent been a top side for the best part of 20 years, so expecting it like it's some kind of god-given right is over-shooting the mark somewhat.

    If it upsets anyone that we may not imminently be challenging for the top 4 because we appoint a manager like Hughes or Coyle, then said people are probably following the wrong club. We are an upper-mid table side, with aspirations of finishing higher. The likely hood of us breaking the top 4 is slim, and get's slimmer by the day with the advances of Man City.

    What we need is a manager with a long term vision for the club, who can start building a footballing philosophy back into the way we approach matchdays. A manager who can stick around long enough to feed a footballing ethos right through the club, back to the Youth teams and into the senior squad.

    Ancelotti would have been nice, but let's not kid ourselves, he would have been off to a champions league outfit at the first opportunity. Moyes isnt realistic, we were far short of Everton last year. Hughes or Coyle though would be about right; Good, young managers who should be able to achieve all they want to at a club like Villa.

    Great post !

  14. Whether you believ/agree with him or not I don't thinnk our Toffee friend has said anything to warrant abuse. See bickster above for a perfectly reasonable and civil response.

    If that was aimed at me, i don't believe i gave him any abuse, I just questioned his motive for being here.

    Saying he does not intend to wind people up does not mean he won't ultimately wind people up.

    I don't object to opposing fans coming onto the site and adding to the discussion, but in these time's where emotions run high it's inevitable that fans of a team who have the manager most Villa fans would want in place are not going to come on here and just say 'take him'.

    I know that if the tables were reversed and we had a manager we were happy with that was wanted by another team I would not be happy about it. I would not though join another clubs forum with the aim of telling everybody how wrong they were, and claim to be here due to concern that they were wasting money betting on their man.

    When emotions run high, balanced reasonable debate is nearly impossible between opposing sides.

  15. Post removed - Please leave moderation of the site to those who are responsible for it, we will decide who is welcome on the site not you.

    If you are unable to do this or you are unable to show respect to other posters whoever they support then it will be you that is 'jogging on'

  16. Hughes was supposedly out of the runing because he resigned so surely that makes it unlikely McCleish will be approached after doing the same thing.

    It makes no sense.

    I don't buy the hughes loyalty theory.

    IMO - whoever our manager is will have to work with\for Faulkner. I am not sure Faulkner would be able to easily impose his will on Mark Hughes - thats why we went for Martinez

    Wow, you must know Faulkner really well ?

    Also, as Faulkner worked with Randy and MON since 2008, how is it that he suddenly became difficult to work with (that seems to be what you are implying) when appointed as CEO in 2010 ?

    Surely by that time MON would have known him well enough, or perhaps MON was the one who was difficult to work with ?

    A good manager at the top of his game won't accept any interference and will want to run things his way. Do you recall how Graham Taylor put Doug in his place early in his tenure.

    Faulkner rightly or wrongly has a brief to control contracts and wages - he would find this easier with the likes of Martinez \ Houllier - than with Mark Hughes or MON


    Yes, I see your point, but you are talking about a Dinosaur version of management, I think only Alex Ferguson of the top 4 managers has that style.

    I think the fact that MON proved so poor at running things possibly would have contributed to any involvement on Faulkner, and quite rightly too, MOn pissed Randy's funds up the wall and proved to be an inept manager in all things off the field.

    Do you know for a fact that Mark Hughes controls contracts and other aspects ? I have never seen mention to this anywhere, but if he does perhaps thats a reason why we seemed to distance ourselves from him quite early on. Once bitten and all that !

  17. Hughes was supposedly out of the runing because he resigned so surely that makes it unlikely McCleish will be approached after doing the same thing.

    It makes no sense.

    I don't buy the hughes loyalty theory.

    IMO - whoever our manager is will have to work with\for Faulkner. I am not sure Faulkner would be able to easily impose his will on Mark Hughes - thats why we went for Martinez

    Wow, you must know Faulkner really well ?

    Also, as Faulkner worked with Randy and MON since 2008, how is it that he suddenly became difficult to work with (that seems to be what you are implying) when appointed as CEO in 2010 ?

    Surely by that time MON would have known him well enough, or perhaps MON was the one who was difficult to work with ?

  18. Hughes was supposedly out of the runing because he resigned so surely that makes it unlikely McCleish will be approached after doing the same thing.

    It makes no sense.

    I don't buy the hughes loyalty theory.

    IMO - whoever our manager is will have to work with\for Faulkner. I am not sure Faulkner would be able to easily impose his will on Mark Hughes - thats why we went for Martinez

    Wow, you must know Faulkner really well ?

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