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Posts posted by TOM_VILLA_SCO

  1. I'm sure I remember reading during the referendum that they (Scotland) would need approval from all 20 odd States to join as a new member. Only one has to say no for it to be a no go? 


    I assume for reasons already mentioned, at least one will reject them, so it's a bit of a non starter? 


    Its going to to get very very messy 

    i think the eu will support scotland entering the european union if the entire uk voted to leave losing a possible 4 countries isn't an ideal situation for them and in spain the constitution forbids the break up of the autonomous regions, the uk has no such law. cornwall will be next to receive devolution


    ...we are far more left wing, we are pro europe...

    So why did you all vote for a party whose policies were less anti-austerity than Labour and will blindly lead you out of Europe like the Pied Pier if you get independence?

    Another shining example of how the people believe a message but don't look at the actual substantive policy.

    Scottish independence is a ridiculous notion. Wanting independence and being a part of the EU? How does that square itself, even if they'd let you join, which they won't.

    If the Scottish are more left wing than the English they should have voted Labour

    If the Scottish are pro-European independence is an utter nonsense.

    Sorry but the SNP sold you all a pup


    or we could be led out of europe by the conservatives and ukip nutters via the english vote. it all depends on the terms of the eu referendum, if all countries need to agree to leave then scotland and northern ireland certainly will vote to remain part of the european union, but if we are dragged out because england votes to leave with the greater population size, it'll be mandate for another scottish referendum. why would europe not let in the 14th most prosperous country in the world?, as a whole the uk is 18th by the way



    So the SNP shouting loudly already. I'm English and pro union, I think further devolution is a good thing. Scotland clearly feel neglected by the 'Westminster' system and in particular Labour, who took their support far granted.

    What is interesting is that Cameron painted Sturgeon as the boogy woman pre election, and the SNP a threat to English national interests. Interestingly, now, if he gives the SNP everything they want his critics will accuse him of doing what he scared the country away from with labour. If he doesn't, he'll jeopardise the union and seriously rile Scotland. He'll do well to come away unscathed.

    That along with a tricky referendum on Europe, a small majority and a potentially troublesome back bench, it could be a difficult tern for Cameron and his party.

    i voted SNP, give it 10 years, max, and we will be free. labour is nothing up here, much like the tories. 


    Tom, you are free now mate. The Scots were offered the chance to walk away from the Union no questions asked and the majority said "no thanks, we're just fine as we are".  You are not a nation of prisoners being oppressed by the English against their will. You get that, right?  


     If the Tories are smart (in a political cunning sense) they will now grant Scotland all the fiscal autonomy the SNP want, tax raising powers etc and Holyrood can crack on with running all of Scotland's affairs minus defence and foreign policy. I think that would leave you with a revenue vs spending shortfall of about £7.5 billion per annum at the moment but at least you can raise your own taxes on the Scots to cover it.  I've no doubt people north of the border will love the SNP for engineering that situation and show their appreciation in the next elections to the Scottish Parliament. 


    45% of the population aint going away, and looking at the demographics of no voters, the majority were elderly. and free in the sense where we are governed by a party who got 1 seat out of a possible 59. Scotland and england are too different to carry on in the one union, we are far more left wing, we are pro europe, recognise the free state of palestine and are against trident. the tories to not represent scotland the SNP do

  4. So the SNP shouting loudly already. I'm English and pro union, I think further devolution is a good thing. Scotland clearly feel neglected by the 'Westminster' system and in particular Labour, who took their support far granted.

    What is interesting is that Cameron painted Sturgeon as the boogy woman pre election, and the SNP a threat to English national interests. Interestingly, now, if he gives the SNP everything they want his critics will accuse him of doing what he scared the country away from with labour. If he doesn't, he'll jeopardise the union and seriously rile Scotland. He'll do well to come away unscathed.

    That along with a tricky referendum on Europe, a small majority and a potentially troublesome back bench, it could be a difficult tern for Cameron and his party.

    i voted SNP, give it 10 years, max, and we will be free. labour is nothing up here, much like the tories. 

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    They failed miserably.

    That's it for me, labour made a right mess of things, the main figures couldn't inspire confidence, they went far too offensive with telling me how bad the Tories were but did little to tell me why they were better

    They simply didn't give me a reason to vote for them, I'd be interested to see if there was a way of telling how many of the votes labour got was purely for anti Tory reasons rather than pro labour


    i voted SNP, because i want an independent Scotland, but if you remove this policy from the SNP, i would still vote for them, Labour are too left for england and not left enough for scotland, if they want any chance of going back into government they have to forget about scoland and focus on england and wales. They have become about as relevant and popular as the tories up here

  6. Hello, villa fan from glasgow thanks to a Dion Dublin plastic stats card in a bag on frosties :), but since all those years ago my love for villa has grown and grown. looking to share my opinion on all villa matters! :)

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